September 22, 2013

When you believe for signs, wonders, and miracles, be expecting and be ready! Today during worship at our church I happened to go over to a sister in the Lord and we started dancing and worshiping together with our arms over each other facing forward and all of a sudden we were swept into a whirlwind!  We were going so fast we sounded like we were on highflying carnival ride. I was holding on to her for dear life! 

It happened the same way at another church I was going to. During worship I was experiencing the anointing of the Lord and a lady came over to me and said let me have some of that and when she took my hand, we were swept into a whirlwind but I was holding on to her hand. If I wasn’t, I felt like I would have been taking up into outer space. We were going so fast! 

And then another time in my back room when I was worshiping, I spun out into the same thing, and I had to hold on to the legs of the couch and yelled out “whoa, Nelly!” I don’t feel my body can handle such power. It feels like it would blow you apart! I’ve been resting the rest of the afternoon! I am sure the Lord released some powerful anointing throughout this city today! 

These signs aren’t just to demonstrate them, but to do the work of the Lord! Keep on worshiping Him!  He’s about to do things that you have never experienced before!  As we worship the Lord and love Him with all your heart and His people, mighty things take place for that is when the Lord rejoices over His people.

Rejoice is to spin like a top! Be expecting the whirlwinds of the Lord. They are mighty and powerful! Be prepared! Don’t be like me dragging your feet and afraid that they’ll harm you and quench the flow of the Holy Spirit.  Allow them have their full release through you!

Pray for me that the next time this happens to me I will let it go full force without quenching!!! Maybe that’s when I will go up!!!




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By:  Paul Gentry & Rhesa Sregar

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