July 12, 2017

And having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace Ephesians 6: 15

I just want to share with you an experience I just went through that really brought conviction to my heart and set my feet on a path more to follow the Lord. Yesterday I went out to the mailbox and there were two girls walking their bikes dressed as wholesome young ladies with a cotton skirt and nice casual top on. They were very nice and polite young ladies. My attitude towards them was that I didn’t want what they had to sell. They said they weren’t selling anything but want to serve those in the community if I had any need. I immediately said that I didn’t need anything. And I was so rude and cold but they continued to be sweet. They handed me their card that they were from the Church of the Latter Day Saints. When they told me that, I just shut the door on them like I didn’t want to have anything to do with them because they are in a cult and I didn’t even care about what the Lord thought about them. And I didn’t even care that they needed salvation. I crumbled up their card and threw it in the trashcan. Yes, that was my true response to them!

After I got in the house and did that I was shocked at my behavior. I couldn’t believe that I just acted that way to those the Lord died for that they would be saved. I prayed and asked the Lord to forgive me and it felt like the Lord said that all He wanted me to do was just to introduce Him to them. It felt that He had been standing right with me the whole time just waiting for me to do that! And I didn’t and I felt that I had just ignored Him. I tried so hard to not fall under condemnation. Because I was shocked I repented and asked forgiveness and asked Him to be my Lord and to just start over and I asked Him what He would have me to do to make things right in that situation.

I looked for the card I crumbled up in the trash and found it. I called them and apologized for being so rude and she was so sweet and then I complemented her on what I thought of their nice gesture to go out and serve the community in the way they were. They were willing to do whatever I needed and if I knew of any elderly person who needed help to give them their number. That is what we need to be doing. How do we end up so sidetracked from the highest calling of evangelism? How do we not walk with the sensitivity that the Lord wants to use us to reach the lost every moment? We need to be aware of the divine appointments God has set up for us.

We need to wear our armor. Every piece needs to be right in our life or the enemy surely can get in. We need to have priorities right in our life. It is so easy to be self-centered focused on our own walk and be wrapped up in our own church and so called ministries that actually leave God out of them.

After I apologized to the girl I told her about my son and that it would be nice maybe they could come and take him for a walk or something. I will keep their number as led by the Lord. We need to walk in faith and not fear of those who are even in cults, or witchcraft, or whatever. They are souls that need to be saved! Yes, we need to use wisdom not to open ourselves up to anything outside of His will.

I thank the Lord for the gift of repentance that He kept my heart soft and pliable able to hear what He had to say about the situation. I feel good and I take this as having awareness to the true condition of the heart. Yes, we live our life but it isn’t our life but Christ is to live His life through us and we are to His vessel. We need to be totally yielded to God teaching us these life lessons! Yes, it is good to have your heart cleansed and made right and not ignore those areas that have need of repentance.

Stand with me for their salvation, deliverance, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues in Jesus name.


July 8, 2017

As I was sitting before the Lord during my quiet time with Him I began to see a vision in the Spirit. I saw a bride dressed in a white wedding gown with veil worshiping in dance twirling. Then I saw many women doing the same. Then men dressed in wedding apparel appeared dancing and rejoicing with the women all twirling with arms raised looked towards above. Then the whole group started moving in a circular motion with white smoke encasing all of them.

There’s a certain festival that is about to take place and it is the Festival of Lights, and it will be for a preparation of My bride that she would be ready for My soon return. Her garments are made ready by the blood of the Lamb. She has been made white and pure. She knows Me and loves Me and is rejoicing for My soon return.

Many ask will there be rapture? The rapture begins in the hearts of men who have been made ready in My intimate presence and love. They are looking above for Me to return and are expecting it. They are the ones who will escape as in a twinkling of an eye. They will be gone and then the great tribulation and persecution for those who didn’t choose to hide themselves with Me in the secret place but chose to live divided as in the ways of the world. These will be the ones who will be greatly tested as by fire to see if they truly are Mine. They didn’t show the fruit of one who was in love with Me as My bride.

Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him. Psalm 34:8


July 7, 2017

Be still and know that I am faithful to do a deep work within your heart that is of lasting value that will enable you to know Me like never before.  I am opening up to you a magnitude of faithful commitment that will enable you to walk and talk like it would be Me in your place.  Yes, I have come to live My life through you for these are the days I have said you would do greater works than I would do.  What does that mean except that the strength and empowering of the works would be happening worldwide at the same time. 

Yes, I have done great works through Moses, the splitting of the Red Sea

being the greatest, but these works are to be of a greater value and strength to reach the lost.  Those of old were to destroy the lost but now I have come to seek and save the lost.  Reach out to Me this day with all your heart and die out to the flesh for I want to live through you in a great way.  I want to show you who I am so that you can be like Me through My word.  When you feast on My word, you are partaking of Me for Me and My words are one. 

This is the day of the latter day outpouring and you must be ready.  Draw close to Me and listen closely for I will give you My marching orders and My strategies against the enemy.  I will also give you the burden of My heart that I may travail through you.  And also I will give you My compassion that you may seek out the lost and bring salvation to them, that you may heal the sick, and cast out demons to set captives free.  I will live through you if you get before Me, give Me your heart, and allow Me to live through you, says your God.

“Timeless truth I tell you: ‘whoever believes in Me, those which I have done he will also do, and he will do greater works than these, because I am going to the presence of my Father.’ “  John 14:12 Aramaic Bible in Plain English

Deep waters call out to what is deeper still at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves swirled over me.  Psa 42:7 International Standard Version

Father, draw us deep into your secret place and enable us to hear and respond in obedience to Your still small voice in Jesus name.


July 4, 2017

“If The Son therefore will set you free, you will truly be the children of liberty.” John 8:36 Aramaic Bible in Plain English.

Please pray that intercessors would be freed from the operation of the enemy to hinder. What the enemy meant for harm in my life has turned into a great victory by faith! It has always worked that way in my life!!!

I would like to explain a situation I went through concerning a church I had been in for close to 17 years. I went out to eat with the pastor and his wife and they were talking about a legal process they chose to do that involved the church. At the time I didn’t understand what was happening but they signed the church over under the Johnson Amendment. Immediately a spirit came in and controlled the church and turned it from being a free body of Christ to a religious denomination.

Everything changed! I ended up leaving the church not long after. I saw people who I had been with many years change from being free in the Spirit to those who actually had a dead in the spirit look in their eyes. I was shocked but at the time I knew something was going on. I knew a spirit was taking over but it felt like something was over my mind where I was like in a fog to be able to discern what was happening. It fought me to even pray against it.

The same thing happened in another situation where I knew something was wrong but I couldn’t discern what spirit was in play that was using me for its plan and purpose and brought me under deception. And after my eyes were opened to its deception I was shocked that I had fallen under it.

If by reading this you discern what spirit that has been coming against me hindering me from discerning its action, let me know. Being an intercessor we need to be operating in keen discernment to come against the tactics and strategies of the enemy. I have been hindered greatly in the area of intercession. Prayers appreciated.

Whatever this spirit is I pray that the body of intercessors will be aware of its tactics and be free to discern what it is and be able to pray against it. This spirit has robbed much ground from the body of Christ!

I come against any mind blocking, mind bending, and mind control from the enemy that God’s people would be free from its power and control in Jesus name. This is a tool of those operating in witchcraft to bind the minds of the saints so they cannot discern. It brings deception and gets the church caught up in seducing spirits so that the enemy can operate in his plans and purposes!!!

Yes, this is a “big gun” tool of the enemy used to stop up the church to distract them into vain empty things like chasing after false signs, wonders, and miracles and bring it under a spell using false anointing. I’ve experienced much of this.

This is something we as a body need to pray against and be aware of and be set free from in Jesus name!


July 2, 2017

Months ahead there will be activity that takes place that will take many by surprise.  Many of My people will fall away from Me because they don’t know Me and My ways.  Others will become emboldened with the fire of My love and empowered to go forth. 

Right in the middle of this activity the president of the United States will testify of a work that has taken place in his heart where he says that he has been enlightened with deeper truth of what he needs to do to make this nation right with Me. Yes, many are coming against the leadership that I’ve raised up over the nation of United States of America.  Many have always turned from him from the day he received the call to turn this nation around to purge the injustice and wickedness from it. 

What is the activity that will take place in months ahead?  It is the apostasy I warned you of where those in your own household would turn from you and those of your own churches.  I am separating the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats and I am preparing My bride, the remnant, to come forth to take their place in My authority for they are seated with Me at the right hand of all power. 

During apostasy darkness will get darker and My light will get brighter upon those who are Mine.  There will be no more playing church for those who are known by My name will know and act on the seriousness of the hour.  This will be the mark of a major shift of all things.  Those who are Mine will operate in My spirit and walk in My power and you will known them by My love.  Signs, wonders and miracles will follow them.  Yes, this is the day I am pouring out My power and through those who are made ready

There will be a major split even in My church.  Some will run from Me but many will run closer to Me with hearts wide open ready to receive My love in a way they’ve never experienced before.  Many will receive healing of the deep wounds they’ve received in their life.  They will become completely different because they have been set free.  Many will receive healing of the many afflictions they’ve had and begin to run with My word to reach the lost.  Yes, they have been set free like a bird set free from a snare. 

Open wide your heart and allow Me to fill it with My grace and truth.  Draw close in this final hour of preparation for My spirit is beginning to do a deeper work of transformation in you.  Yes, this is the final hour of what you have known time to be.  There is a major shift that is taking place.  My kingdom, which is in you, is beginning to manifest in a powerful way.  There is no more time to waste on vain empty things.  Stir up the gifts I’ve place within you that have been dormant.  Shake off the apathy and complacency and cry out for a deeper infilling of My spirit. 

For many night has become day as hours of intercession take place.  You reap what you sow.  What is sown in tears will produce a bumper crop of fruit.  A planting of trees of righteousness is taking place this very hour as you seek Me and cry out for the lost. 

All that I’ve said I would do I will do through them. They will tear down and build up by My spirit.  They will proclaim and see action take place immediately.  Blind eyes will open; and yes, the deaf will hear.  Legs will grow out and they will run through the land like in Nineveh.  Many will be cleansed of spiritual leprosy.  Cancers will fall off and infirm spirits will leave.  Everything that has been a hindrance in the spirit will leave.  So hold on to what you have of Me and be ready for an overload of My power and glory, says your Lord. 


June 27, 2017

Everyone wants to know what they are doing and to be secure in it, but there comes a time between the transition between light and darkness that must be taken by faith to get to the appointed destination by God.  You must take it by faith and not by sight and press through by even holding His hand to get there.

It is a place destined by God but you must take to by force because the evil one is fighting you to not be able to press through.  He will bring distractions and discouragement and will lie to you to the point where you feel like giving up.

Higher levels in God bring greater devils.  Yes, the enemy calls in his “big guns” to combat you because you are becoming a greater threat to him.  It is not by anything you can do but by the power of the Holy Spirit that will enable you to break through.  Yes, take it by faith and push your way through the opposition of the enemy. 

Yes, pray until something happens where you begin to see light and freedom once again for you are going through the pressure of change like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon.

The River of God is ever changing and so must we be flowing in the Spirit.  Press through and rejoice in the process for He is doing a good work in us and through us. 

This is the day of greater works and He is getting us ready.  It is neither by might nor by power but by My spirit says your God.  Zech 4:6

Father, you began a good work in us and You are faithful to bring us to where we need to be in You.  You didn’t bring us this far to leave us.  We hold on to Your faithfulness as you transform us into Your image, in Jesus name.


June 18, 2017

Some things we may go through may appear insignificant at the time but the Lord can use anything to change your mind that is set on something negative to something life changing. 

I just want to share an experience that I had recently.  My family went to spend some time at the beach.  We brought these chairs that sit close to the sand and we set them up near the shoreline ready to relax and get a splash from the water to cool off.  We look down and see a multitude of what appeared to be jellyfish; yes, the kind that sting!  So we were keeping our eyes on them that the water didn’t sweep them up upon us.  And we watched people treading upon them as they walked the beach. 

Then we saw many families with small children enjoying the water with the children picking up seashells.  Then I saw little ones picking up these jellyfish!  I said what is going on?  We are not having much fun keeping our eyes on this potential danger with everyone else having a good time.  Even a little boy came up to us and said that they wouldn’t sting us.  It is like the Lord sent a child to free us up to have a good time.  Still we wouldn’t believe the little boy and kept thinking that these things are dangerous!

I said something just isn’t right here.  Then I got up and walked towards one of the families and they said these weren’t regular jellyfish that they are the skeletal remains of them and they won’t sting you.  And I watched the children hold them in their hands.  So I walked up to what looked like a potential danger and going against what I felt and what they appeared to be picked it up and laid it in my hand and felt no sting!!! 

After this happening I had so many thoughts about what we allow to restrict our lives giving into fears of what could be dangerous allowing fear to dictate and restrict our life.  Then I thought about in the church where people give into what they hear and see and judge that things of the Spirit are dangerous because some have gotten deceived or whatever.  Just like many before they receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit give into the fears of religion and not get involved in anything staying in bondage and restricting the flow of God in their life.  Many were afraid of speaking in tongues so they wouldn’t receive prayer for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 

There are many other areas where we stay along the shoreline of the Spirit and not enter into the water.  And there are many levels of how much we want to enter into the things of God.  You can go ankle deep or you can dive into the deep.  It is all about trusting God and using discernment to what is of Him and what are dangerous waters of the enemy. 

Yes, God can teach us lessons by just using everyday circumstances to get our attention to set us free.  God has given us the abundant life but we must trust Him to partake of it.  He came to set the captives free to enjoy life in Him.  Little by little God is setting His people free even to breathe Him in and to receive His love deeply.  Yes, He is faithful for He began a good work and He is faithful to complete it.

I guess we can ask ourselves whether we are going to stay close to the shoreline or are we going to dive into the deep things of God and swim freely trusting Him.

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.  Luke 10:19

We walk by faith and not by sight.   2 Cor 5:7

And when the man that had the line in his hand went forth eastward, he measured a thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the waters were to the ankles.

Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through the waters; the waters were to the knees. Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through; the waters were to the loins.


June 16, 2017

We’ve been able to see a glimmer of the Kingdom of the Lord; little by little He’s been opening it up to us, as we are able to contain it. The power He will release through us can blow us apart. No man can withhold the fullness of His presence. His power is transforming us into His image as He takes us through the fire of His love causing us to die out so that He can live mightily through us.

We’ve been expecting and anticipating the day of greater works and we are at the threshold of it now. He is getting us ready to step over into the realm of His glory where we see the miracles, signs and wonders like no man has ever seen before. He is drawing us deep into His secret place getting us ready bringing to surface all that is not of Him so we will be a clean vessel He will flow through.

We are to be spontaneous able to move when he draws us close. When He is ready to heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead; we need to be there ready and yielded. The enemy is coming in as a flood because he knows he’s a defeated foe and when the Lord rises up His bride, there will be no stopping us. There will be no more of us left at that time but totally Christ living through us.

Little by little we are walking into that day of total crucifixion where His resurrection power will flow through in the fullness. We must work with Him and not resist the mighty work of His spirit. Yes, we must be ready!


June 14, 2017

Why do you think things are going the way they are going in this nation?  It is because they have left Me out of their plans and purposes.  They have gone their own way enabling the enemy to come in as a flood of evil of every kind.  The flesh left to its self is evil causing the mind to be full of every plan and scheme of the evil one.

I tell you this day that if you place Me first above your own plans, I will come and overturn the plans of the enemy.  I will put him to flight.  Seek Me first and My righteousness and all things will be yours.  I will give you liberty to do My will.  I will give you the desire of your heart to see this nation thrive.

Yes, you can make a difference if you truly live for Me with your whole mind, soul and spirit.  If you give Me all your strength to see that My will is done and My kingdom comes, then I will flow through you mightily.  I will pull down the strongholds over the land and bring repentance to the hearts of the people I died for.

It takes one person to build a fire and two to fan a flame and a multitude to make it sweep across the land.  Yes, it doesn’t take much to cause a revival fire to take over.

The kingdom of darkness will fail if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, join together to pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways.  Then I will come and respond to your prayer and heal your land.


June 13, 2017

Stir up your heart of thanksgiving.  Stir up your heart of praise for I have come to do a mighty work in you and through you to pull down the kingdom of darkness.  Stir you hearts with My joy for I have come to take over.  I am sovereign Lord of all and I reign victorious.  This land is My land and you are My people called by My name so rise up and be strong and walk in victory for I call you My victorious ones. 

Yes, this is the day to rejoice and to be glad.  Do not walk in the natural realm for you are seated with me at the right hand of all power and authority.  Yes, I hold all the kingdoms in My hand and I see from the beginning what will take place in each one.  Yes, I see the beginning from the end, which will rise, and fall.  And I see you striving and victorious you who are Mine. 

Kingdoms are separated dark from light and those will fall that do not call Me lord of all.  Those who are of the spiritual Babylon will fall.  Those who lift up their idols will fall.  Those who are whoring after unclean gods will fall.  So separate your selves.  Do not touch the unclean things and I will keep you safe for you are a sanctified people set apart for My purposes says your God.


June 10, 2017

One of our greatest tools against the enemy is unity, but what is unity besides being in the Lord’s perfect will?  He has called us to be of one mind and in one accord, but what does that mean besides first being in unity with the Lord Jesus?

He is our Rock and our Fortress.  All that we are first stems out of who He is.  He is the Vine and we are the branches, but in many cases we have allowed the little foxes to spoil our vine, which is our relation first with Him and then with others.

He is the strength of our heart and life but many tend to follow a man and to allow the enemy to make a division between God and us.  The enemy comes to steal, to kill and destroy our union with God and with others, but if we don’t have a tight bond with Christ, then the enemy can use the flesh to conquer and divide the Body through immaturity and using petty differences to bring offense.

We must have a tight bond with the Lord Jesus so tight that the enemy can’t get in there for all life flows from the Vine.  If we remain so close to Jesus, we will never be lonely or with lack of any good thing.  He alone supplies all our needs and the deep desires of our heart.

If our needs are first met through our union with Jesus, we become a blessing to others, one who can lift up and encourage others.  We won’t be a constant burden with struggles we can’t overcome, but no one can relieve those struggles like Jesus.  We are no longer to be babes tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine but to be firmly grounded in the Rock where our roots go down deep.

Yes, this is the day we must cry out to have our union made right with our Lord Jesus.  We must commune with Him, walk and talk with Him like Adam before the Fall for He is restoring us.  He is making us right through His love where we are able to reach out to others as a mature Bride able to pull down the strongholds of the enemy.

Yes, this is the day of unity, of discerning the tactics of the enemy to conquer and divide the Body.  This is the day to remain steadfast casting off all that would bind us.  This is the day to no longer put up with the little foxes that come to spoil the Vine.  This is the day to be one as Jesus and the Father are.


June 5, 2017

Be still and know that I am your God.  Yes, I am personal to you.  I call forth your every step that you would walk in My perfect will for the steps of the righteous I order.  I want you to co-labor with Me in love, for all the saints to pray for every need, by you drawing close to Me and to each other, to listen and I will show each one the specifics I would have you to pray, to intercede, to stand in the gap, for many feel overwhelmed with the needs even around the world at this very moment.

Listen to Me.  Come close to Me and be still and wait upon Me to show you My heart of desperation to have you join together to pray.  We are a team and each one of you is very important and has a function to fulfill but many feel overwhelmed and have gotten out of union with Me and each other, as I would have it to be. 

Make each step of intercession simple.  Do not become overwhelmed.  Just come close to Me and I will share My heart with you.  I will place on your heart My burden.  Don’t feel you have to pray a long list of needs, hitting and missing at it, but just be still, quiet yourself down and listen.  Yes, that is so important to learn to be quiet and still to know My voice.

This is a time of just drawing close to Me to wait upon Me and to even rest and know that I am your God who is faithful.  Let Me heal your hearts and strengthen you.  Allow yourself to come deep to enable My spirit to flow through you.  It is not about you but Me in you.  I want to live My life through you.

Yes, this is the day of restoring union with My people to the way it ought to be and not where they are on their own with an agenda.  I want you yielded to your Captain able to hear My every command.  I want you to be like a very well trained stallion, one who can be trusted to listen and to be sensitive to My every move and motion of My heart.

Flow with Me, My people.  Draw close to Me for this is the day of restoring your heart, says your God.


June 5, 2017

Many have not claimed their position as a child of God that they are truly part of His family.  Because of many wounds and hurts many became like a vagabond drifting from one church to another trying to find comfort but when things go against the grain they drift on to a more comfortable place.  Yes, they have an orphan mentality and until they receive healing of the heart they are to continue to become easily offended and wounded, hypersensitive, self centered, out of focused people. 

They cannot mature from being babes until they come to the place to realize they need help coping with their condition.  They need those with unconditional love to pierce through the hardness, that wall of suspicion and pride, and the fear of rejection.  These people hurt others because they are hurt.  They are unable to love because they weren’t ever able to receive love.

If one has never been raised up with the nurture and admonition of the Lord, they never mature.  They just stay as a babe spiritually, emotionally and mentally.  They are immature and irresponsible, selfish individuals because they were abandoned at a young age left to themselves to grow up as creatures of the flesh rather than being taught to die out and to allow the Lord to live through them. 

This is the day where many are receiving healing.  They are the prodigals who are coming home to be part of the body of Christ.  Yes, many are beginning to receive God’s love for the very first time and to feel part of God’s family.  Their eyes are opening up to truth and life and love…all that God has given them they are beginning to receive. 

Yes, this is the day of Jubilee, of restoration and of healing.  This is the day to really receive into the fold many of God’s people.  They are getting set free and they are bringing new life to the body of Christ.  Yes, God is bringing with them an infusion of life to give to others.  Be open to receive, to be revived to new hope and expectancy, to revived faith.  Yes, this is the day.


May 31, 2017

I’ve had many spirits come through to me through the blood line spirits like antichrist, jezebel, witchcraft, leviathan, idolatry, fear, hate, jealousy, and the list goes on and on! I’ve had a time getting set free enough to even be able to get before the Lord and to even read and understand His word. I came against many hindering spirits but they were stubborn spirits of rebellion that knew their legal rights.

Even though I had you could say legions coming against me I still fought hard to be set free, to love my Savior, and to worship Him, and to get into His word to trust Him. What a battle!!! I have made progress in Him by His grace and mercy enough to write from His spirit for close to twenty years encouraging many through their hard times around the world through Internet, but still God knows what a struggle I’ve had with the oppression of the enemy with fear, rejection, etc.

I feel I need to share what has happened even today! Yes, I am transparent. I don’t try to wear a mask to be something I am not. I am who I am and I am learning that God loves me the way I am in this transition of who I was to who I am in Him. I ran into a situation and I pray that it will come out as clear as possible. I put a statement on my wall with a colored background about the enemy coming to divide the body through false judgments and that we need to beware. A discussion started to take place under that post about the Leviathan spirit. I was not interested for some reason and now I know why!!! Yes, that spirit completely distracted me and led me in another direction.

Yes, it led me to the wall of the one who started the discussion about being delivered of a Leviathan spirit! I scrolled down her wall and came to a video that I made a comment under that stirred up strife between the lady, and me, which was a complete distraction that I would not see what I needed about that spirit. I felt so bad that I caused such a stink that I cried out to the Lord last night and this morning asking Him what happened, what was in my heart that caused me to do such a thing!

The Lord then led me to cast out the principality of Leviathan! I knew it was a doorkeeper of many spirits I’ve tried to cast out but they kept on coming back in. I commanded it to go to the feet of Jesus for judgment and I closed the door to it. I felt a deep sigh and then close to seven other major spirits started manifesting as they came out. They shook my insides and even hissed as they left! Yes, Leviathan has seven heads, and they are major spirits working under it.

Yes, we might be having battles with our finances, our health, and our walk with the Lord, our mind because the occult has much serious oppression that comes with it. If we do not renounce it, there is an open door to the devil and all his cohorts. What is really bad is many have involved themselves with yoga that is an open door to the kundalini spirit that has been transferred throughout the body of Christ. Also some have given into new age practices, which is another open door. These are doors strong spirits of bondage are channeled through.

We must cry out for truth and to be set free from false teachings, heresy, and every other open door the enemy uses to conquer and divide and oppress and rob us of our authority against him. If we cry out to Him, God will be faithful to set us free from all the power of the enemy!!! How can we ever set the captives free if we are still in chains? How can we rise up to be a mighty army against the enemy if we are still held captives by him?


May 31, 2017

Deliverance is the children’s bread and yet there are many that have never been set free from the demonic powers that have come through to them through the blood line, through curses and iniquities, and also through the things we involved ourselves with while we were in the world whether the occult, drugs, fornication, etc.

The enemy works overtime to stay hidden whether by deceiving us saying that a Christian cannot have a demon or that we have nothing that needs to be cast out, but that is a lie. Everyone needs deliverance but what is sad is that many in the church have involved themselves with a mixture of new age or occult practices through justifying them saying they are sanctified because we are Christians. It is almost like saying that anything we touch is made holy. And that is a lie!

Occult is an open door to Satan, which needs to be confessed, renounced, and Satan needs to be cast out, and the door to him needs to be shut. When I first became a believer we were taught that to mess with the occult was as dangerous as playing with fire. We were taught that to even have anything to do with idolatry like having souvenirs from idolatry countries needed to be cast out. These were open doors to the enemy, but you don’t hear these teachings and warnings any more. It is almost like everything is OK.

The enemy likes to stay hidden. My husband used to say that demons like to play possum. They act like they are cast out but they are still there because they have legal right to be there. He used to pray the fire of the Holy Spirit down on me and spirits would manifest speaking Italian that sounded like the mafia, and I didn’t even know how to speak Italian. Yes, we went through some deliverance sessions!

But still as we mature in the Lord learning how to take away legal rights from the enemy, these spirits and principalities have to come to the surface but still they fight being exposed and to be cast out. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him. He who began a good work is faithful to complete it. He didn’t bring us this far to leave us in an unfinished condition. Yes, deliverance is the children’s bread and it is also a walk of casting off the darkness and to walk in the Light and anything from the enemy is being cast out. Who the Son sets free is free indeed, and Jesus has come to set us free and to destroy the work of the enemy! Be completely set free in Jesus name!!!!!


May 27, 2017

Who have I in heaven besides You?  What do I have to look forward to besides seeing Your face?  Whether I live or die, it is all about You.  You give me reason to live and you give me reason to die for You are with me forever.  You have come into My heart and there you will stay.  To obey you is but to walk with you leading and guiding me into all truth.  You live your life through me.  I am only the vessel in which you dwell.  My purpose is to get out of the way that I may not hinder Your will. 

When I die, you live and your resurrection power flows to touch others.  I am but a seed planted in the ground producing a bumper crop for your glorious kingdom to come forth.  My steps you have ordained.  Divine appointments have already been set up.  I just have to meet up with them.  My whole life has already been laid out.  I just come to walk in my destiny, which includes Your victory, Your faith and righteousness. 

You have added favor to my account.  You have pronounced me not guilty.  You have acquitted me of all crime and I am able to walk free from the slavery of sin.  You have made my garments white as snow, which I never want to defile.  Yes, you made me your bride, a queen who sits with you upon Your throne, the place of all authority and power.  The enemy is under my feet and he is there to stay as I trample over his kingdom rising up Your peace, joy and righteousness. 

Your kingdom reigns victoriously over all the power of the enemy.  You are my king and You are sovereign in control of all that takes place.  You orchestrated the beginning to the end.  It is all set up to take place.  Your kingdom comes, Your will is being done on earth as it is in heaven.  I take hold of the train of your garment; I flow with you at the lead.  I take it all by faith trusting in your faithfulness and I rest.  Thank you; Lord, for this day and this time with you!


May 25, 2017

We aren’t here just to exist, to endure day after day hardship under the cruel taskmaster of the Law and the oppression of the enemy. Jesus came to set us free. He acquitted us and proclaimed us not guilty and we are free to celebrate His resurrection power as He lives His life through us.

Yes, this is the day He has made and we are to rejoice in it and to anticipate good things to happen with Him in it. Yes we are to live with expectancy and spontaneity able to move when He says to accomplishing His perfect will.

Lord, fill us to overflowing with Your grace and glory that we may share Your Good News. Allow it to flow naturally through Prophetic ‘Evangelism able to speak those words that will prick the heart and to allow others to acknowledge that You alone are God.

Allow Your unique signs and wonders to flow forth confirming those words that You speak through us. Yes, allow us to prophesy Your Good News with power! Prepare hearts as we go day by day fulfilling Your divine appointments.

It is not about us, Lord, but about You living Your life through us. Get us in the position where this can happen. Tear down those prison walls and set the captives free to be the people you call them to be. We are to be a mighty army that just by our praises and the sword of Your spirit tear down the enemy’s fortresses.

The enemy is under our feet and we must trample over him, pressing in and conquering the land You with Your own blood purchased for us. You redeemed us and placed Your own crown upon our head and gave us a kingly anointing to ride forth on white horses with You.

Yes, this is the end of all times and we must be made ready. Draw us close, Lord, and give us our marching orders. Set us in rank. Position us to go forth to tear down and conquer and then build up Your kingdom on earth.

Yes, Your kingdom will come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Raise us up as a mighty army, one who would not cower in confrontation from the enemy but would be undaunted, head being set like flint against the evil one.

Yes, this is a day to be of powerful signs, wonders, and miracles from the Lord and at the same time being competed with by the enemy. Yes, Lord, make us discerning the true from the counterfeit. Make us clearly know your voice at every turn that we would not fall into any snare. Help us to keep our armor in check to know if every piece is fitted correctly adjoined with Your truth and righteousness.

Allow us not to be slack and complacent but make us zealous to know You and love You like never before. Yes, enable us to fall in love with you even more than when we first knew You for we are no longer babes but Your bride with a mature love, an intimate love and passion for you.

Yes, set us ablaze with Your intimate love, an insatiable love that cannot be fulfilled but that presses us to continually go deeper with You into Your throne room where we conquer the enemy forces robbing him of every legal right to do anything.

Yes, we are an army made clean by Your blood and by Your love we can overcome and conquer anything. Just make us ready, dear Lord, in Jesus name I pray.


May 20, 2017

When coming before Me, your Father, I want you to acknowledge Me first and I want you to pray in Jesus name for He is the only way for you to be able to enter into My kingdom.  Yes, He is the doorway into life eternal.

I want you to commune with Me and talk with Me as your heart leads you.  Be still before Me.  There is no right way to pray after you’ve entered into My presence through My son.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  Besides Him there is no other.

Be still and know that I AM your God.  I will lead and guide you into all Truth.  Yes, I will teach you what you need to know through My spirit, which brings you the fullness of who I AM.  Yes, He is your comforter, your teacher, your admonisher, who also convicts you of sin to be able to walk in My light and holiness.

Jesus walks in you and through you so commune with Him always.  He is closer than a brother.  He is your confidant who loves to be with you.  Be in fellowship with Him always.  Include Him in everything you do.  He is your closest friend so walk like He is.  Never leave Him out.

When you accept Jesus into your heart, you receive the fullness of the Godhead; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  So walk today eternally and totally blessed for you know Me and love Me and I call you My friend.  In love with you always, your Father God.

After I wrote this I experienced the essence of following the Shepherd as a lamb and He encouraged me as I walk wholeheartedly He is breaking down the walls so that His river will flow freely through me.  He encourages us to know that we are fully armed with who He is and as we continue to press in He is transforming us from a lamb into a lion, from a babe into a warrior so keep on trusting, those who are babes, and know that the good and perfect work He began in you, He is also faithful to complete it.


May 18, 2017

Keep your eyes upon Me alone and I will lead and guide you into all of My truth that will not have any mixture attached to it.  This is the day of the great falling away and you must know My voice so you will not be led astray by a stranger who appears as one who walks in My light but is only an impostor with counterfeit gifts.  He might speak the right things but there will be a twist to what he says and if you don’t know by My spirit the truth you could be swept away by his fallacies, deception, misconceptions of My word and even heresies.  Do not follow after one who uses signs and wonders to promote a following.  I do not work that way.  What I do is fresh and new.  Yes, I do a new thing one that cannot be copied.  I have the genuine; those who try to copy are from the impostor, the enemy of your faith.  So seek Me first above all else.  I will feed you the fresh manna needed to grow strong.  I will hand feed you like calves in the stall but you must come to Me daily.  You must come to Me often and sit with Me by streams of Living Water, for I am the way the truth and the life and besides Me there is no other.


May 14, 2017

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Me.  Psa 34:8

Yes, I am calling you to speak out about Me not only to speak but to prophesy, to speak the oracles of Yah, to warn the people that this is the day you must make sure your house is in order and that you are ready for I will soon come with a shout, the voice of the Archangel Michael, and the trumpet of the Lord will blast all over the world.

Yes, I will come quickly like a thief in the night and you must be ready.  You must have your garments made white with the blood of the Lamb.  You must repent of those things I have warned you about.  You must not walk knowingly that something you are doing is wrong.  You must repent quickly.  Do not justify sin and do not touch the unclean thing.  Make yourself ready by drawing close to Me feasting upon My word hiding it in your heart.

This is the day many are falling away but do not allow it to be you.  Yes, draw close to Me, be by My side, and walk and talk with Me for I am restoring My relationship with your heart.  Know Me, love Me, and serve Me with all your heart, soul, strength and spirit.  Know that it is I who has called you and I am the one who will equip you.

Make your Sword clean that is to be set free from false doctrine, error, deception and heresy for there is much traveling among My people.  Know that I AM alone is the way, truth, and the life and besides Me there is no other.  So pull yourself together casting off all vanity and all that would distract you from My way of holiness.  Be still and know that I have called you to be My disciples.  I have filled you with My spirit, and I will open up the floodgates of glory and engulf you with My power.

Yes, I have chosen you to do a mighty work through you.  Open up your mouth and allow My spirit flow through you.  Yes, this is the day of My power being released upon you, says your God.


May 12, 2017

My children, I have heard your prayers, and I delight in your presence for you honor Me. And there is no one else in the whole world that can honor me the way you do for you are unique, My children. You fill a specific purpose for Me that no one else can fill. And I delight in your faithfulness to come apart from the world and sit before Me as My children.

So, I bless you as you go and do the things I have called you to do. No matter how humdrum they may be to you, do them to My glory and be blessed in doing them. For My anointing is upon you always for you are My called out ones, and I will do great things through you. So be still and know that I am God, and that there is no other god before you. You are My faithful few, and I love you so deeply. So continue to draw unto Me and I will draw unto you. Be still and know that I am God.

Yes, My children, I have brought you to this time and to this hour that you may trust in Me fully and completely. You are My children and I am your God, and there is no one that could ever fill your place. For I love you with a never ending love, a love that can never be broken. So yield to Me, My children. Let Me do that deep and complete work in you that you desperately need and are longing after for.

I cannot do the work unless you open up your hearts to Me completely. And I will come in and sup with you and bless you beyond comparison to the ways of the world. Anything that you have ever experienced will not compare to what I have to pour out upon you. So rest, My children, and know that I am God and that I am a big god, bigger than you could ever imagine perceiving with the natural realm, bigger than words can portray. So rest, My children, for I have begun the good and perfect work in you, and I am faithful to complete it, says your God.

My children come into My throne room of grace for this is where I will meet with you. Be consistent in seeking My face, not sporadically, but as a way of life to come before Me. You are My children, and I AM your Father, and I love you so. Come feast with Me around My throne of glory. I want to pour out so much of My fullness upon you. I want to fill you to overflowing of My glory and grace that I may touch those around you. I want to fill you with My compassion and My mercy. I want to move through you with greater works.

So, My children, don’t be weary or downhearted. I AM more than able to use you to the fullest capacity of My power. Be faithful to seek Me early, and know that I AM God, and there is no other than Me. I AM in control of all that you face daily, and all things work together for your good for you love Me. I see your heart, and you desperately want to please Me with your time. Don’t be weary, just rest in My faithfulness that it is I who began a good work in you and I will complete it. Rest in where you are in Me at this point and know that it will not be long before you will really take off. You will run with what I will give you to share with others.

Come into that secret place, My children, for there is where I will meet with you! Do not let the distractions of the world hinder you from coming before Me…from spending those intimate moments with Me that I have called you to. I want to refresh you with My presence. I want to restore you with My love. I want to fill you to overflowing with My glory. I want to use you mightily in these end times. But you have to be made ready in My presence.

And in My love I will set you free to set the captives free. Yes, I have to set you free first, My children, before you can minister to any other. So come before Me so I may heal you and restore you and set you ablaze with My love. For I love you so much and want to spend time with you so that you may feast on My word and be blessed and encouraged and made on fire to go out and do My bidding in this world.

So come before Me and be made whole. Open up your hearts completely to Me and let me heal you. Let Me bring those walls down so I can completely touch you with My love. Do not hold back any longer. Be set apart for My purposes alone. And do not be sidetracked with busyness and complacency any longer and be refreshed in My love, says your God.


May 8, 2017

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him, who believes the truth of His word.

Some say that I am a finite god.  Who do you say that I am?  I am the Son of Man, the one and only true god who redeemed you by the shedding of My innocent and pure blood.  Yes, some say that I was sinless on the Cross, the pure and spotless Lamb who was slain before the foundation of the earth, but who do you say that I am?

Do you believe I was sinless or that I became sinful?  If I became the latter, then I was not the pure and spotless sacrifice that was needed to bear the sin of the world.  I carried the punishment of your sin as a sin offering and took the penalty because no other man could.  No man has ever become perfect as I am.  One came close who was Enoch and immediately he was taken up into paradise, the holding place of true believers who looked toward My accomplishment upon the Cross of Calvary.

Many have believed in a lie, a heresy, passed down through generations to corrupt the hearts of men and separate them from receiving My saving grace for without the shedding of innocent and pure blood there is no remission for sin. 

Take this time to examine your heart to see if you are truly of Me or if you have followed the multitudes in their lies, deceptions and heresies.  If you corrupt the blood of the Lamb by making it impure saying I became sin (sinful) and had to go to hell and become born again, then you do not have salvation.  You have believed a lie and do not have the genuine article.  How can a sinless Lamb needed to be slain for your sins have to go to hell and be classified as a sinner?  Think about it!  Who was there to redeem Me with pure blood if I needed to be born again? 

Many have believed portions of a lie.  By taking any part of perverting the gospel and doctrine of Christ you have taken part of a heresy and you need to be redeemed with My pure blood and become truly born again. 

Yes, this is the day I am setting the captives free from the lies and deceptions of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy and rob what I was sent here to do and that was to redeem you.  If you aren’t walking in Truth, you do not have on armor needed for salvation.  Your loins need to be girded with truth!  You must be born again.

My sheep know My voice and the voice of a stranger they will not listen to.  This is the end of all times and you must have the genuine article of faith.  You must believe in the doctrine of Christ and the Gospel that I am the pure and spotless Lamb of God.


May 6, 2017

We all have a sphere of Light in that we are required to walk in that has been illuminated by Holy Spirit as God’s perfect will for our life, and we are not to try to illumine another’s walk by the light God gives us.  If one who has become affected by our light because God called them to walk in it that is God’s responsibility and not ours.  We can never become another man’s Holy Spirit.

It is our place to walk in love balanced with grace and truth.  If our “light” does not promote love, then it is not from the Spirit of God, but is a counterfeit, a religious spirit.  Yes, they can tell you by your love.  You are only required to walk in the light God gives you and in His perfect timing to receive it.

Many have destroyed other’s lives by trying to push their light upon others outside of His timing to do it.  And the spirit behind that caused others to feel compelled either out of control or condemnation to walk in it.  They didn’t have the faith or the maturity to receive that light, and many have even fallen away from the Lord because of it.

We must beware of the strategies of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy.  Yes, he comes to rob our joy and peace and bring us under bondage of the law and legalism. What might be light for one might be just their own personal conviction that they are trying to push upon others.  We are only responsible to walk in the light God gives us and if we walk in grace, others will be able to partake of that light and grow.

Yes, grace is what enables us to walk in light.  If we do it in our own strength, it becomes religion, filthy rags, that bring death.  Walk in the light that Jesus brings for it will fulfill your life with His love and all the fruit of love that is peace, joy, gentleness, goodness, self control, patience, kindness, and faithfulness.  Without having faithfulness to walk in His love, we will never be able to please Him.  Yes, we are only to walk in His “love light”.

Walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, as an offering and sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.  Ephesians 5:2

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Walk as children of light for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness and truth.  Ephesians 5:8-9

April 18, 2017

Taste and see for the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him.  Psa 34:8

Blessed assurance Jesus in mine O what a foretaste of glory divine.  Heir of salvation purchase of God born of His spirit washed in His blood!

What we have here is a compilation of what Jesus can be to the fullest measure in our heart and life if we would only draw near to Him and truly trust Him.  What we have is just a foretaste of the glory He will pour out as we enter in as His bride and partake of His promises, presence and love.  He is ready to pour out His power in this hour that will confound the worldly wise.  He will do signs, wonders, and miracles of such intensity that He has never done before besides the greatest which was the creation of all things.  Yes, He split the Red Sea and used that miracle as an escape to safety for His people.  Yes, He can split mountains and even drain a sea and cause stars to fall from the sky to save His people.  There is nothing He would not do!

So draw close and examine your heart to see if there be anything that would hinder you from entering in this great end time revival.  Examine to see if there is anything that would cause you to not be ready for He needs a pure and holy bride to flow through.  Yes, He will use you to call down flames like Elijah and like Samson to hold up a building with strength.  He will have such supernatural power flowing through you that in the natural a human body would not be able to hold. 

He is strengthening you and emboldening you as a mighty army as you unite and with head set like flint you will face the enemy and decree and declare his destiny that God’s kingdom comes and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Yes, this is the day of the great outpouring of My spirit ushering in the great harvest for My kingdom says your God.


April 7, 2017

Yes, it is all about a garden and the choices made being there.  Have you ever really thought about all that has taken place in a garden?  Life and death took place there.  The fall of the human race had its source there when temptation to the lust of the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of man was given into when Eve was tempted by the enemy to partake of what God said not to.  Sin was ignored then justified by believing in a lie.

Yes, and also victory and restoration took place when Jesus wrestled with that same flesh and lies from the enemy but was victorious because His love won over.  The love for the Father’s will and for us won over the desire to save His own life.  He kept His eyes on the joy set before Him.

How much more can be accomplished in our own life as we draw close to Jesus in the secret place, the garden of our own heart, as we overcome the lust of the flesh and the desire to have our own way and overcome to have God’s will take place in our heart.  Yes, life or death can take place by one choice to succeed and to do God’s will in the garden.

How much more can be accomplished if we choose to spend much quality time sitting at His feet, basking in His presence, refreshing your self taking the time to smell the roses, feeling the freshness of a gentle breeze, the warmth of the sunlight, and the sounds of nature.  Yes, take the time to embrace all He gave His life for us to have.  Yes, it is all about the garden and what we choose to do there.

What was so special about this post is that what I thought I was just writing by the inspiration of Holy Spirit I found out that another lady at the very exact time wrote thought by thought the very same message!  Talk about confirmation in knowing that God’s people are truly of one mind and are in one accord!!!

April 2, 2017

I am doing a work within your heart of a deep and lasting value that will conform you into the image of My dear son Jesus.  He is the one you are to pattern your life after and not after one another.  Yes, He alone is whom you are to follow.

I will bring into your life for a season one that would mentor you to bring you to the place where you are able to stand alone to be strong and unwavering in your faith but this is only to be for a season.  One must come to the place where they are able to look to Me alone.

Once you have arrived to the place of dependence and maturity in Me you must wean yourself of having to need that acceptance and encouragement to stand and stand in the place of no longer a child but a mature son.  This might take longer for a believer who has struggled as a babe to arrive.

Seek My face and not My hand.  Do not be wise in your own concepts of what is right or wrong but yield to My spirit within you for I am in a process of writing within your heart a scroll that you are to live by and follow.  Yes, I am writing within your heart as you seek My face and draw close in the secret place.

I alone have that which you need to grow by.  I am the one that will bring confirmation and the witness within your heart to know what is of Me and what is being used as a distraction.  Yes, all that appears to be a good thing you are giving ear to might not always be Me.

This is the time and the hour I am pouring out My power and through a prepared vessel I will flow.  And I am preparing your heart to be a place where My spirit will flow out as a free flowing spring.

Spring up, O well, within my soul.  Wash me and make me clean.  Remove from me anything that blocks or hinders Your flow.  Cleanse my heart and make me whole.  Yes, Lord, write upon my heart Your truth and always enable me to season it with Your great grace and love I pray in Jesus name.


March 17, 2017

Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.  KJV2000

Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who trusts in Him.  Psa 34:8

Trust in My faithfulness to bring you to where you need to be in Me for I began a good work and I am faithful to complete it (Phil 1:6).  Reach out and touch the hem of My garment (Luke 8:44).  Be willing to let go and to latch on to all that I have for you in the way of healing. 

This is the day of My great end time harvest but I need to have a people who are ready to let go of any preconceived ways and means of doing things for yes, I am doing a new thing.  I am bringing My people higher and I am spreading their tents wider than ever before.  Yes, I am doing an increase in who you are in Me.

You have paid the price of dying out and I see your desperation.  You are desperate to see Me work on your behalf.  I say first you must reach out and touch the hem of My garment.  I want to set you and your household free from the spirits of infirmity. 

I want to set you free from all hindrance so that you can run freely in Me.  I am setting you free from anything that has become a hindrance in your mind, body, soul and spirit.  Yes, whom the Son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36).  I am setting the captives free.

I will bless your finances.  I will give you the time where you can bask in My presence and know Me like never before.  I have taken down the partition that separated you from Me.  My blood has torn down the wall of sin and death.  I have washed you clean of all iniquity.  I have broken off the curse that came with it. 

Do not listen to the lies of the enemy saying that you can’t be totally free.  Didn’t I say that I have given you abundant life?  Didn’t I say that I have given you all that you need to live a life of prosperity and godliness (2 Pet 1:3)?  Then why do you settle for less than absolute victory in Me?

Why do you consider yourself a second-class citizen in My kingdom for I call you an over comer (1 John 5:4-5).  I have raised you up as My son and daughter of the Most High God.  You are more than a conqueror (Rom 8:37).  You must believe what I say you are in Me. 

You are My bride and I am beginning to raise you up to the position where I can do greater works through you.  Yes, I will raise the dead and set the captives free.  I will heal the blind eyes and open up the deaf ears so they can hear My still small voice. 

I will reach down and touch the hearts of My people so they can experience My love like never before for I am beginning to do a new thing (Isa 43:19).  Things will not be as before.  I am bringing you into a new dimension where you can see like the eagle from a place high above all power and principality (Eph 1:21). 

Yes, you will soar high above the storm for it will bring you up higher.  You will escalate to a level where you can see like how I see.  You will discern immediately what is of Me and what is not. 

The snares of the enemy where your precious time is wasted and your peace and joy is tampered with no longer will trip you up. 

Yes, you are beginning to run and breathe fresh air and partake of fresh manna and grow strong.  There had been a great hindrance in your life but I am setting you free.  Yes, taste and see that I am a good and faithful God.  I do what I say I would do in the way of justice and mercy, and My grace is abundant and free flowing to you. 

I have taken away the spirit of bondage so that you can truly rest in Me.  Many have been working and striving and getting beat down by the enemy but I say it will not happen any longer.  This is the day of your liberty and the day of My visitation.  Believe and receive, says your God.


March 2, 2017

Jesus, You are that life force that sets us free from the enemy through the power of Your love flowing through Your blood that was shed for us at Calvary. It is all about You and not about what we can do but to just allow you to live through us. Today is the day You have made to reveal Yourself to us in a profound way as we take the time to kneel before you, bask in your intimate presence, and acknowledge you as Lord, King of the universe, Sovereign ruler over all that takes place in and through it.

When we just take the time to be with Him, He makes His presence real. Yes, it is all about having a relationship with Him that will last throughout all eternity. Taste and see for the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him. Take this time this hour to quiet your self before Him. Allow Him to just refresh you and to cause this hour to become a new beginning where you will place the Lord #1 on your list of priorities for you cannot do anything successfully outside of Him.

Knowing about Him is not the same as knowing Him experientially having an ongoing relationship with Him. You might have to set up a date time with Him and allow it to grow into a walk communing with Him. If you admit it, it is easy to leave Him out of our life going day to day not even responding to His call to draw near, but I believe He is calling His bride back. Accept the call, His intimate embrace, and draw close to His side, hear His heart beating for you. Listen closely to what He has to say to you. Yes, it is the time to return!!

For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not.  Isa 30:15

Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.  Isa 51:11

February 22, 2017

If you find yourself going through a battle where you feel you are losing control, know that it is just the enemy pulling out his big guns against you.  He knows he is losing you and he is doing all he can to stop what is happening in your life.  He knows that when your God accomplishes His  mission in you and through you that He will receive great glory and that his kingdom is coming down.

But just know that going through the transition of going to higher levels in Me is not an easy task to accomplish.  It takes much warfare and trust in your heart to continue to press through to get to the other side.  Keep pressing in no matter what you feel or see knowing that no harm can come to you.  I will preserve you but at the same time I am exposing what is not of Me and purging by the fire of My love.

I have raised you up to be mighty warriors and that no weapon of war that comes against you can prosper.  Put on your armor.  Yes, put Me on completely so that you are completely covered and push against by faith the oppression of the enemy.  That wall must crumble and fall and you will be able to go through with a mighty victory.

Because I am for you nothing can prevent you from accomplishing what I called you to do.  Stay behind My shield of faith.  Yes, it is not your faith that will get you through but My faith that you tap into.  Take My hand and I will lead you in this great fight for your life.

Yes, know that because I am for you, you cannot be defeated.  All things work together for your good.  Yes, all things so rest in My faithfulness and know that I love you and if I didn’t know that you could make it through this battle, I wouldn’t have called you to it.  Because I called you to it, I will take you through it.  Just rest knowing for surely you have the victory in Me, says your Lord.

February 16, 2017

While reading Lance Wallnau’s book “God’s Chaos Candidate” the Lord reminded me twice of the verse about in the time of Daniel when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the burning fiery furnace (crucible) Jesus was there with them protecting them and when they were delivered from it, they didn’t even have the scent of smoke upon their clothes! The Lord wants to encourage us that even though America will go through the greatest fiery test ever if we are faithful to pray, He will be with us and deliver us and purge our nation of all dross where we will come forth as pure gold that has been refined through the greatest of flames. We must unite in the faith standing on the truth of God’s word and be set free of every tool of the enemy to conquer, divide and rob our authority over the enemy in Jesus name. We are an army and we must stand bold with heads set like flint against the plans and purposes of the evil one to bring this nation down.

We must declare and decree that Jesus, our Captain, is with us and He will lead us in this last fight against the evil one and that we win!!! God’s will be done, His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Our nation united with Israel will rise up as a holy Lighthouse of strength defeating forces of darkness. We will not be defeated. We will prosper as a nation and be in good health as we soar as a mighty army of God in Jesus name. Lord Jesus, you have done mighty miracles of mercy on the behalf of United States of America. You have brought us this far and you are faithful to carry us all the way through to a mighty victory. Rise up, mighty army of God, for if God be for us who can be against us! Be encouraged says your God!!! This is a confirmation received from a sister in the Lord who received this around the same time I received the above!

Oh my goodness! This morning when I was lamenting the attacks Trump and his team/family have been thru He led me to the fiery furnace trial. I was just getting ready to post when I saw this! Instead, I’m attaching this to your post. The Lord told me that the heat has been turned up 7 times hotter to cause the dross to be removed thru the refining process. For those who sit on the fence to see the adversity this man is experiencing, but also to incite those in a capacity to blow the whistle to no longer be able to hold their tongues. He showed me He would loose Trump’s people from their bonds, out of their furnace of affliction, totally unharmed! We praise you God that Trump and his team/family have been given angelic protection over their mind/soul that will protect them from the fiery darts of the enemy. They will come out of the fiery furnace without the smell of smoke but with a fragrance from heaven!

February 14, 2017

Yes, the hour of desperation is upon you.  What may have worked in the past seems like it is no longer working.  You want more of Me like never before.  Your heart is full and at times overwhelmed with what is happening all around you.  There is terror all around and destruction and chaos and many do not have peace, but I am calling you to dwell within My secret chamber. 

I am calling you to draw close to Me and know that I am your god and there is no other who can preserve your life and can set you on high free from the cares of the world.  If you would draw close and rest in Me, I will refresh you.  I will put back that bounce in your step and give you reason to rejoice and to even live.  Many have become beat down with discouragement.  They tried to make things work in their own strength and realize that it just isn’t working. 

This is the day to rejoice and be glad and know that I have come to deliver you from all discouragement.  Keep your eyes upon Me and I will lead you on paths of righteousness for My name’s sake.  Even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, know that I am with you.  My rod and My staff will comfort you.  I will prepare you a table in the midst of your enemies.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and you will dwell with Me forever in My kingdom.

This is the day I have called you to rise up and be strong and take My kingdom by force.  Do not settle for less than what I have called you to obtain.  I have given you all things that pertain to life and godliness.  So I call you to rest in My secret place.  Allow Me to build you back up and help you to stand in the day of adversity. 

Allow Me to live through you.  Be My ambassadors by just yielding to My still small voice.  Be desperate for Me and I will fill you to overflowing says your God.

January 27, 2017

If you will be faithful to Me by trusting Me, I will lead you through the storms of your life.  You need to be still and quiet your soul and know that I am your God and that I know the only way that will get your through the storm safely.  I know the end from the beginning and the way you need to go to get you to your destiny.  When you take things in your own hands and try to make out your own plans to get you through, you can get into trouble because so many times storms make it hard to see clearly and to hear My small and still voice.

I am strengthening you through the storm as you allow yourself to totally rely on Me and take My hand to guide you.  Yes, allow Me to be your eyes because I see the way clearly.  Its like I have X-ray vision in the dark a path lights up clearly for Me.  Every step of the way My glory lights up a path through the darkness.  And when you quiet yourself down, you can even hear Me singing over you songs of love and My desire for you to be with Me always.

Yes, this is the day for breakthrough for you, even going higher in Me and deeper into My love.  Be still and know that I am your God always to the end of time, as you know it to be for the end of time opens up a new beginning into My glory.  Yes, eternal life begins as you cast off your cares, believe in Me, depend upon Me, and allow Me to be everything to you.

Yes, this is the day of redemption for you and your family as you take hold of My promises.  You and your household shall be saved.  Do not worry whether they will make it in.  Place them in My hands by faith believing that I will save them and you shall know and see it come to pass. 

Thank Me for prosperity as you plant a seed to grow in other lives to prosper so will you and abundantly.  Thank Me for divine favor and health for by My stripes you are already healed.  Don’t walk by how you feel but by what I say.  Trust Me by partaking of all My promises in My word.  Seek them out and apply them to your heart for they are like fine gold, the highest quality.  I am all that you will ever need.

So draw close to Me in the secret place and begin to really know Me and My love for you.  I have so much for you to have in Me.  And when you know of My love and faithfulness, you will never have to fear again for My perfect love casts out all fear.

Open up your heart and allow Me to touch you and heal all your pain and all grief and give you My joy unspeakable and fill you with My glory.  It all begins as you take My hand through the storm and trust Me.

January 11, 2017

This is the day and the hour that I am drawing you closer to Me than ever before.  I am filling you up to overflowing just by you coming to Me and basking in My intimate presence and love.  It is most important that you partake of My presence in a way where I am able to fill you up so fully that My springs of Living Water gush up and spread out and touch everyone you make contact with.  Yes, this is not the time to go off by yourself and harden your heart with complacency.  Taste and see that your Lord is good.  Yes, blessed is the man whose god is the Lord. 

Remember that I told you there would come a time where there would be a famine in the land of My truth in purity?  Yes, there would be a mixture of every vain thing for many would go out even to use My name and word to rob the flock of their finances.  They would manipulate and even curse My people if they would not obey them. 

They are harsh taskmasters and they are out to conquer and divide My people.  Yes, they will conquer them with vain idle words that amount to nothing when they hear them.  They will give them words that are pleasant to hear but only seduce them to sin. Yes, beware of these harsh taskmasters who breed of laws and regulations to control rather than to give the Life that would set them free.

So I call you to My side to learn true justice and judgment, mercy and truth in perfect balance.  Be the people who I called you to be to be responsible with your time who feed upon My presence to know Me and upon My words to know My voice.  Be discerning to know the true from the counterfeit.  Come to Me to know Me and to have the life that will last to all eternity.  Be those who will be harmless as doves but wise as serpents. 

Be the people who have My joy bubbling up, My peace that surpasses all understanding, and My love that overcomes all obstacles.  Yes, allow Me to flow out through you to touch the multitudes.  Come unto Me those who are dry and drink of Me and be filled up to have abundance of Life.  Yes, drink and be set free for this is the day!

December 29, 2016

A message for the New Year

Remain silent upon your bed and receive the word of the Lord.  Be still and know that I am your God and that I have everything under My control.  Know that even though you might not be overcoming like you should that it is OK to come to Me just as you are and be accepted.  Yes, you are accepted in the Beloved.  Know that I will take you from where you are now to where you need to be.

This is the end of all times and the enemy is coming upon many like a flood trying to wipe them out of their funds, their health, their families, and relationships.  Yes, mainly he is trying to rob you of your peace, which is the greatest commodity that you have.  If he can take your peace of mind, he can rob you of your strength, which is My joy in you.

No matter what you go through just remember to praise Me for I am greatly to be praised.  I am worthy to receive all of your praises because I am working behind the scenes.  If you are My child, I am working all things for your greatest good.  Yes, all things work together for good. Remember to be real with Me because I am your father who loves you.  I am not like those who accept you only when you do everything right.  I love you unconditionally.

This is the end of all times and I use all things that you go through to conform you into My image.  In the Garden I didn’t like what I was to go through.  My peace was greatly tested and I chose to go forward in what I knew I must do for the joy that was set before Me.  You were that joy that I saw and because of My love for you I paid the price for your sins.  Yes, your sins placed Me upon that Cross so that you could have life abundantly.

If I did all that for you when you not yet even knew Me, how much more will I do for you now that you are My friends?  So I call you to rest in Me.  I have everything under My control and even though things might not feel well at this moment if you just give them to Me, I will work it all out for your greatest good.  I will take that sorrow and cause you to rejoice in Me.  I will take that fear and turn it into great faith.  I will take your pain and turn it into happiness as it relieves.

I promised you health by My stripes you were already healed.  I will give you abundance in all things to bless others.  I will enable you to experience life in me in a new way for this is a new beginning for you.  Let the past melt away and allow all things to become new.

This New Year coming is to be a year for breakthrough for you.  You know that already but I assure you that it is true.  You will be set free from any type of bondage or oppression from the enemy.  You will feel like you are flying free on wings of eagles at the setting free of some things you have struggled with for many years. 

Yes, many will lose weight supernaturally and be given an appetite for healthy things.  You will receive energy and the desire to be more active.  Yes, all depression will lift off of you as you begin to trust Me more with your life.

Ask and you will receive the nations as your inheritance.  Those who are intercessors you will receive My burden for them.  You will be restored to your calling to intercede.  The enemy tried to shut you down and make you inactive in this area but I am restoring you.  I am stirring up gifts of My spirit that have lain dormant for many years.

Yes, this is the day for restoration.  Your health and finances, relationships, a hunger for My word and presence, and just a love for life will all be restored.  So just know that this is a new day for you to receive from Me in a fresh and profound way says your God.

December 18, 2016

Psalm 91 is one of my favorites from God’s word. Over the past 41 years I have spent much time in these passages where I was able to memorize it but it doesn’t do us any good if we just have it in our mind. It has to be in our heart where it will rise up and take over in every situation we face of danger or hardships. Here are some thoughts I had as I read the passages once again. I pray that something will touch your heart and increase faith.

When you dwell communing with Jesus at the right hand of the Father, the place of all authority and power over the enemy, you remain hidden (in the secret place) within the strength of God the Father. You don’t have to fear any of the power of the enemy. Don’t be troubled by it for God will keep you safe. His truth shall be your shield and buckler. The words that He says He will keep. He is Faithful and True. Because God is for us we can anticipate good and not dread evil because our God is a good God and loving Father.

We snuggle close to Him at all times underneath His wing hidden from the enemy. We only go through what He allows. We can remain assured of His protection if we walk in the Light He has given us. The enemy wants to bring harm to us that is why he entices us with deception, to justify sin, and to make you doubt that what you heard was from God when He said to not touch the unclean thing like with Eve in the garden. He knows that if he can get you to not walk in the Light, then he has the legal right to harm you and catch you in a snare.

Some might think they have the freedom to do all things but what they have truly come under is bondage to the enemy. Truth and grace alone can bring the true freedom that we desire. When the Lord blesses you with revelation of truth, it is like receiving a precious pearl. The word says not to cast your pearls before the swine or they will turn and trample you. The enemy will try to rob you of your peace and joy. We don’t need to share the Light He gives us with everyone because He doesn’t call everyone in on receiving the preciousness of the revelation He has given you. It is intimate and can only be shared with the One who gave it, and that is the Lord Jesus. He shares these gifts, these pearls, with His bride. So enjoy them with your groom.

The secret is in communing with the Father like Adam when he walked and talked with Him in the cool of the day. This communion brings the peace and assurance of walking in His perfect will. The Lord orders the steps of the righteous. Walking in His will brings safety knowing He is with us and that he has everything under His control.

Only good shall follow us all the days of our life because we serve a good God. Just love Him. Wrap the arms of your heart around Him. Be one with Him because He longs for us to draw close.

December 11, 2016

This is probably a word I would not run to share on many of the popular sites or groups here on Facebook. I don’t open myself up for opposition unless I know for sure God is saying to do it, but on my wall I have the freedom with the expense of people un-friending me.

This is a strong word but out of obedience I speak it. I have been a Spirit filled born again believer in Christ Jesus for 42 years and I am grieved at the state of the church, the deception that has gained access to it! I’ve been through all kinds of movements in the Church and yes, many types of deceptions in these movements! I came out of a very legalistic church and have prayed the Lord would bring balance in my life of His grace and truth.

When I first got saved, believers in Christ were repenting for teaching their children a lie and that was relating to Santa Claus. Now I see it brought forth over the pulpit. Yes, this is shocking and we have a choice to join in with the deception by overlooking it or separating from it because you don’t know how deep that deception is. A little leaven can leaven the whole loaf. It is the little foxes that spoil the vine!

At times I felt my walk was too hard to bear to be separate from the multitudes who have the freedom to do things I know God said not to. I have been with many who felt the Lord told them to not to those things that are of the traditions of men and then years later returned to those things they said God told them not to do. Yes, I know we miss it thinking God says not to do certain things, but those things that stem out of the occult, from lies and deceptions, from pagan worship, God said to not touch the unclean thing and come out from them.

The price is high to pay and your reputation but what is better to have that place in Him where He can trust you with His glory because you don’t care what people think or to have those things that only satisfy for a season but opens you up to that which separates you from His holiness. We all have to test the waters and know where to step by His leading but these are serious times with deceptions lurking high with the enemy going about like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour. These are the times of the Great Apostasy and it all starts with satisfying the flesh rather than crucifying it. The Lord said He would turn us over to the spirit of delusion if we have itching ears looking for those things our flesh delights in hearing!

My husband said for me to speak out but I said I rather not. They don’t want to hear but I feel I needed to obey my husband since he is the priest of the house. If we don’t speak out and one dies in their sin, their blood will be upon our hands, so I speak out not a popular message. I’ve been accused of being like an old testament prophet with my messages which will not be allowed in the prophetic schools raising up the young in the Lord.

Woe to those who deprive God’s people of the truth when it comes strong. Some have said I was a prophet but that is one thing I have never called myself but I do think about it because of my walk and what others have said to me where I was not accepted. This goes to whoever has the ears to hear whoever the Spirit speaks it to in Jesus name.

December 1, 2016

Wait upon the Lord and be of good courage.  I say to you wait upon the Lord.  This is the hour when many are crying out to Me to know My will as to what they should do but I say to you to be still and know that I am in control of every hour that passes by.  Every moment that you are awake I want you to remain quiet within your spirit.  Remain quiet upon your bed and wait upon Me.  Remaining still is very important this hour and to refrain from being busy for that produces complacency. 

Waiting upon Me to move on your behalf and being ready and geared up, armored up and prayed up that is what you can do for when I say move out and take the land, that will be My command to the troops, but it will take unity being of one mind and being in one accord.  The troops need to know Me and not the counterfeit for there will be false signs and wonders, false words from false prophets.  Many are becoming confused because of all the voices.  I am not the author of confusion.  What I will say will not conflict with what I say.  There is a counterfeit voice and you must discern it. 

Worship Me in the beauty of holiness and you must die out to have holiness.  You must not react in your flesh but die out and allow Me to live through you.  Yes, this is the hour to count the cost.  Are you more concerned with reputation rather than pleasing Me?  For one to please Me you will not be popular.  To have more light you have to die out to popularity.  With the multitudes flowing in one direction you will be standing off to yourself.  You will not be called to join in with the party spirit. 

You have been called to be still and wait upon Me for the hour will come soon where My bride will be called out into the wilderness and their lamps will be full of oil and their garments will be white free from all forms of soil.  Yes, they have made themselves ready and are waiting for My soon return.

Cry out a sigh of desperation and pray much in your person prayer language to stay built up.  Yes, the call of the hour is to be ready and be looking and waiting, says your God.

Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!  Psalm 27:14 NKJV

Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her.  Hosea 2:14 KJV

November 14, 2016

I am the great I AM and I call you to my side and I say to you this very day to be still and know that I am God.  Know that I have called you to do a good work of sanctifying yourself unto Me.  Set aside your worldly plans, yes, those things that are secular of nature and draw close to Me for I am the author and finisher of all of your faith.  You cannot do this on your own.  You need Me every step of the way.  

I began a good work in you and I am faithful to complete it.  Everything that you go through I am in total control of and I orchestrated it so that you would be conformed into My image.  I will take you through the same type of trials that I had to go through but not as severe.  I stood in the gap that you would have victory over all the power of the enemy.  

I died that you would have life and that abundantly but the enemy has come to sift you and to shake you and to rob you of your joy.  Yes, I have come that you would have life but it can only come as you abide in Me. When you go off on your own trying to deal with your emotions concerning all that you go through your efforts are in vain for you will fail in your own strength.  

Yes, die out and surrender it all to Me and trust Me.  Abide in Me and draw close to Me.  Lay your head upon my breast and rest for you have gone through mighty upheavals of emotion and need to be strengthened and built back up.  

Yes, you see the nation and how they react to things they don’t like and you aren’t like them that have no shepherd.  Rest, I say to you.  Give it all to Me and rest.  I will build you back up and bring victory and put back the bounce in your step and a smile on your face.  This is nothing that you have faced compare to what others are facing.  

Yes, die out to your own trials, give them to Me and pray for those I want to place on your heart this very hour.  It isn’t worth allowing the enemy to rob one minute of joy and any of the blessings I have poured out upon you and will pour out in the near future.  This is the hour I will pour out My power and through a bride made ready.  So let out a victory cry and a sigh of relief that for surely you do have the victory says your God.

October 26, 2016

To the troops of USA;

Yes, it is time to draw deeper into prayer! Stay behind your shield of faith so that the fiery darts of the enemy cannot penetrate your heart. Speak only the word of truth using your Sword of the Spirit. Make sure your mind is covered with the power of the blood of Jesus for the battle is in the mind. You have authority over all the power of the enemy. Make sure you are under authority of the Lord Jesus Christ assuring that every area of your life is clean and that you are walking in the Light He has given you. Make sure your armor is fastened securely. If there is any chink in your armor, surely the enemy will get in. Be aware of the little foxes that spoil the vine!!! Yes, we are entering into the greatest battle for this nation. We must unite in faith pressing in against the enemy forces. Let out a victory cry for we are taking back the land!!! In Jesus name.

We must trust our leaders, the prophets God has placed over us, for their discernment and wisdom. Not all are trained up to enter into the front lines of battle. Intercessors will pray what the prophets are led for us to do. I can’t stress the importance of standing in rank where you need to be. Do not come out of order in this battle. Follow the leading of the Lord through the prophets!!! Not all can stand up under the fiery attack of the enemy upon the minds and hearts of God’s people. We all have authority over all the power of the enemy but we must follow suit in this battle!!! Intercessors must pray and stay in the secret place.

Draw deep into the secret place of the Lord where the enemy forces cannot reach you. Do not open yourself up to the vicious attack of the enemy through the media!!! Do not repeat what is being said through the media forces. Once a word enters in it is like poison venom from the enemy. It takes much effort to regain your ground after you give ear to the enemy. Do not pay attention to anything contrary to what you are believing for. Keep your focus on Jesus who is the Captain of the host of heaven and He will lead us in this battle. We must be still and know He is God. We must be still to listen to His strategies against the enemy. Be at perfect peace. Lean not on your understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our path.

October 25, 2016

Be still and know that I AM God and that I am in control of everything that has to do with this nation.  You say what is My will and that is to come in agreement with all that I stand for and that is life.  More importantly I stand for life so vote for the life of the unborn child for they are the next generation that I will greatly use.  Like they tried to destroy My son they will try to destroy My son through the unborn child.

Next, I say stand with Israel for she is the apple of My eye.  She will rule and reign with Me through all eternity and I will bless those who bless her.  Next, stand for the sanctity of marriage.  If you stand for the majors, all the rest, the minors will take their place.  Yes, if you put My will first above all else, all these other things will be provided for you and that is prosperity, freedom, and protection.  

You need to stand with those who speak and stand for life.  If you gather in My name and speak life, bondage and strongholds over this nation will come down.  Chains will be broke off captive spirits.  If you walk in Light and not compromise, all darkness will rise up off of this nation.  Yes, the cloud of dark deception and oppression will rise up off of you and portals will open to My legions of warring angels.  If you speak life, they will do what you say.  

My warring messengers are just waiting for humility and honesty and truth to come forth and obedience to My will.  Yes, this is the day for breakthrough, but I am waiting upon you.  Speak life and truth and obey and see what I will do through you, USA, and My remnant bride, says your God.


October 11, 2016

Deep calls unto deep to the Lover of my soul.  I cry out to You to come near to be with us, Mighty Redeemer!  You are the only one that can set the captive free to be the creation you called them to be.  The enemy can try to hinder the process but even that works together for good.  

We need to come to that desperation where only He can satisfy to cast off all the cares of the world, all the distraction, and come face to face with the One who truly loves us, who gave His life for us that we would be one with Him.  Cast off the distractions and sit at His feet and wait, embrace Him with Your whole heart, soul, mind and spirit.  

Bask in His intimate presence and love and allow Him to wash you, embrace you, and strengthen you.  He knows all that you have ever gone through and sees you faithful to be able to carry His glory as a vessel of honor.  

Bow down before Him and kiss His feet, wash them with your tears.  Give him a sacrifice of praise when you are at your lowest.  Dance with him in your heart if you don’t feel the strength to do any more.  

He will lift you up.  He will take you by your hand and run with you.  He will give you the strength to let out a shout of victory.  He is your Victor, your Captain and He loves you.  

He would never call you to a place you cannot handle.  He is with you through the dark night.  He shines His light for you to follow.  

You are a warrior one who worships Him with all that you have for your whole life is based on that.  He didn’t bring you this far to leave you.  You are right at the edge of a mighty breakthrough that will affect not only you but also multitudes.  

So hold on tight.  Give it all you have and push your way through and see what comes forth.  He is faithful for no time has been wasted since the time you made Him your all in all.  

Rejoice and twirl even like a top for He is so worthy to be praised.  When you are going in higher levels in Him many come to snatch you away from pressing in.  Bust loose glory to glory.  You are a mighty warrior pulling down strongholds over the land just by humbling yourself and repenting of your ways that are not pleasing to Him.  Come under His authority and He makes a great exchange of your life for His life.  He is living His life through you, tearing down the walls and healing the heart.  

Yes, soon and very soon you will see your king.  Many feel discouraged like giving up but all that would do is allow the enemy to win.  You are paying a great price to have the crown, to have that pearl, to win that race.  It is all for His glory that He called you.  

Just remember many are called but only few are chosen to be by His side in a way where you have developed into His bride.  To get in His kingdom you have to go through much tribulation.  He is proving you to be worthy to carry His power, to do those signs, wonders and miracles.  You need to be trusted with the glory of God. 

It is all in renouncing the evil one and announcing Jesus the King of Glory.  Climb up upon that big white horse for He wants to ride with you and show you what He is about to do.  Dive deep into His heart.   He wants to show you His strategies against the evil one.  He wants to give you His marching orders.  Yes, this is the time and the hour to arise!!!

October 7, 2016

Spring up o well, down in my soul. Spring up o well, and let it flow!!! I just feel something stirring within my spirit. Yes, it actually feels like it is bubbling up with excitement that I just want to jump up and rejoice. I feel a major breakthrough is coming. Many have been pregnant in their spirit for a long time. It was spoken over me by the Spirit that I was in the third trimester in birthing forth the will of God.

Many things happen in the natural confirming what is happening in the spirit. I went through a period of time where I actually looked like I was close to nine months pregnant. The doctor actually measured my stomach and told his nursing assistant to come see it. He said to her that I said I wasn’t pregnant. He wanted me to have ultrasound on my stomach and I didn’t feel led to. People were asking me if I was but at my age they questioned it. Then I came to a trial where I believe whatever it was burst and it was like my water broke at midnight for three nights. I never got it checked out but I told my doctor after and she asked me if my water broke but I said I wasn’t pregnant.

Now with this artesian water well broken open by accident and the water freely flowing it actually feels that it is symbolic of God’s living water being freed up to flow out through His people. God knows that we might not realize it but we have been dammed up either by religion, legalism, taskmasters, but surely it hadn’t been by persecution. Now that persecution is starting to really come against the mouth of His people we need to have that breakthrough enabling us to speak forth God’s will.

Could it be Trump standing in as that person that God could use to bring that breakthrough. Whatever God will use we will have that breakthrough. We will not have fear or intimidation or religion or jezebel or any other thing that will stop up the flow of God’s spirit through His people! As I look at that water bubbling up out of our yard freely flowing out to the street I think and get excited for the thing God is doing now.

He is restoring holiness which is His standard against the enemy. He is restoring love because His people are breaking away from religion. He is restoring prayer but not to the extent yet as He wants to happen. We need to get in tuned with Him where He is able to travail like a mighty Lion! He wants us to worship where we excel in His gifts seeing the signs, wonders, and miracles.

He is in the process of opening the blind eyes and enabling them to see truth and those areas in their lives where they bought in to the lies of the enemy. He wants to deliver those of heresies, false doctrines, false visions, false gifts, just deliver us from the snares of the enemy that all they have been doing is blinding us, distracting us from really pressing in to the true glory and power that He wants to release through us.

Yes, this is the time and the hour He is pouring out His power and He is making us ready to receive to release into the multitudes all that He has to offer. Yes, I know our well is something that needs fixing and fast but it sounds like this could be prophetic. The dam is breaking within the hearts of God’s people and the river of Living water is about to flow freely out from deep within!!! Yes, Lord, let it be. Do a quick work for this is the time!!! Spring up O Well!

September 24, 2016

Obama isn’t governing by the laws of God or by what you would call morality but by what he thinks is going by the Constitution in having equal rights.  Some who are “Christians” tend to put their faith in Me above the law of the land in that what they believe should rule over all, but the truth is you do not have the rights of citizenry here.  You are just pilgrims passing through.  You are citizens of another Kingdom and because I didn’t exercise or pressure forth My authority here on this earth when they took Me before the courts, why do you think you can?

Those who are called by My name need to humble themselves.  They need to cast off the pride and arrogance and take their place as I did where I did not defend Myself neither did I call on a legion of angels to deliver Me.  I knew My call and that was the cup I was to take.  Even though having to take this place of submission to My Father’s will and to take My lot to die a terrible death I had to go to the Garden to put My flesh into submission to My Father’s will.  The hardest thing I could ever do was that part but I not only was dealing with My own flesh nature but for those of whom I died for that they would be able to pick up their cross and follow Me.  

You feel you have to do something to exercise the rights of My kingdom on earth but it isn’t time yet.  Your place is only to pray, be silent in most things not rising up in arrogance defending holiness or Me but being wise as serpents and harmless as doves.  That is not rising up over any ethnic group or faith that do not know Me.

Do not handle these matters debating your views.  Didn’t I say to not cast your pearls before swine?  Wait until you have the open door to speak but even then use wisdom not to be ensnared.  Yes, the enemy will set snares and will bait you to speak of things that will only bring you great harm.  

I give you a word of caution this day to be still and know that I am God and that this battle is Mine.  If you do things My way by honoring those who are in authority and humbling yourself lifting others over you, I will intervene in a mighty way and bring deliverance.  Yes, I will turn the tides and make a way when it appears to be no way.  

Keep praying that My will be done and My kingdom come.  Keep confessing only what I say and not the plans of the enemy that I will show you.  Be the people I called you to be, a Bride with boots on.  Yes, I will make a way where you will prophesy before great leaders.  Yes, I will give you the time to speak.  Yes, there is a perfect time for everything but you must do it My way or you can pervert everything.  

If you do things My way out of humility and servitude, I will bring forth great grace that will enable you to rise up over the multitudes in power and strength of My right hand.  I will give you My favor and also favor before men.  I will set a table before you in the midst of your enemies.  I will raise you up like Daniel and Joseph because they were men of low esteem.  They did not rebel against My will even in their heart and I blessed them greatly.  

When Moses took matters into his own hands, I drove him into the wilderness to prepare him.  I need a people I can trust to obey Me.  I need a people I can trust with My authority, but most of all I need a people I can trust to release My power through.  All are called but only a few I will be able to flow through the way I plan to says your God.


Added to the word a confirmation received from a sister in the Lord:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places.” Many of you want to defend Me on earth, but I have told you this is not a physical battle. It is a spiritual battle that you must fight in the heavenly realm. Do not be hasty as Peter was when he cut off the servant’s ear. I AM the One who knows the day and time and the outcome of future events. 

Have I not always fulfilled my promises and delivered My people? Trust Me. I have promised you a hope and a future. You cannot hasten My coming by taking matters into your own hands. Trust Me. I will be coming back. Obey Me. Pray against the forces of darkness in the heavenly realm and see that I will do great and mighty things.

September 20, 2016

Some may feel that they don’t have the same freedom as another in the body of Christ and they wonder why, but I am beginning to see that the Lord will show us things in our walk giving us more light at the time He knows He can trust us with it.  This light sanctifies our walk; yes, it sets us apart unto holiness if we are willing to accept that walk.  He wants our worship pure before Him, untainted by any mixture from deception.  

These are the times when many are following the multitudes, those who are popular in the body of Christ, but the fact is that many have bought into a lie from the enemy saying that anything goes if we are believers that the Holy Spirit sanctifies it.  This includes many practices that are of the occult.  

Yes, worship has become a fan fare full of all kinds of extremes, but all that is doing is opening many up to the schemes and plans of the enemy.  These lies are an open door to the great apostasy that is everywhere at this time.  The church has become powerless against the enemy unable to exercise any authority because the enemy knows when he has great access to your life through legal rights.  

We must seek the Lord to see if we have bought into any of these lies and if so, be careful who you share what the Lord shows you.  Not everyone will receive it and will come back at you with accusations from the enemy that you are blaspheming the Holy Spirit, that you are coming against the anointed, and many other accusations.  Be assured that many are called but few are chosen to go deeper into the things of the Lord.  

The Lord trusts His own with His glory those who have sacrificed all and have paid the price to carry the anointing in a powerful way.  Be careful what you expose yourself to for you do not want your worship to be tainted.  He is planning to move mightily through His remnant bride, those who have forsaken all to follow the Lord into the battleground, into the frontlines.  Yes, we must be clean or we are going to be taken out of the way and fast if we aren’t careful, but truly we are a people called unto holiness and the power of God!!!

September 14, 2016

Following the Lamb has never been a popular message because it will get you in some uncomfortable situations if you are one who would rather stay hidden and comfortable.  Be still and know that I am God and that I will only lead you to places where I want you to do a work that will last.  I would have you to do a work that will make a lasting impression on the hearts that I want you to reach for My kingdom. 

This is the time and the hour I will pour out My power and I want to use those who will deny themselves, pick up their cross, and follow Me into places where most men dare not go.  Yes, I want you to go into the trenches, the dark places that are hidden.  I want you to go to the highways and the bi-ways where people are cold and without food.  I want to take you to where those who are on drugs and are peddling their bodies because they feel they don’t have a choice.  I want to take you to those who are being chained up by the enemy with addictions and all kinds of slavery.

These people have no one else to reach out to them because not many want to pay the sacrifice of the comforts and the danger to reach them.  Yes, this is the time and the hour I want to pour out My power and through a willing vessel that would sacrifice all to spread My kingdom message.  Yes, these are the true missionaries who need your prayers for protection and they also need food and raiment for their journey.  They need your support for they have left all to follow the Lamb. 

Are you willing to forsake all to follow the Lamb wherever He may lead you or to be one who would cover those who would with your prayers and your funds?  There are the schools, the orphanages, and also those chosen individuals who are deep down in the battle ready to snatch those out of harm’s way who are heading straight for hell.  Yes, they are on the front lines in the heat of battle with the enemy.  They are those who have overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, as they loved not their life unto death.

Many are called but few are chosen for this mission of following the Lamb but those who have been will wear a crown of lasting value in the Kingdom of My dear Son.  Not all have been called to this type of mission but at the same time and even more importantly are those who are willing to back these up with their prayers and with sacrifice by making sure they have their needs covered for without those they will not be able to go.

Everyone has a purpose and a function to fulfill in My kingdom.  Listen and I will show you My plan and purpose for your life. I have called you for such a time as this and all have an important purpose to fulfill just you need to be willing to fulfill it.

September 1, 2016

Remain silent upon your bed.  Yes, be still and know that I am God and that I am in control of all things.  I am the Sovereign King of glory and nothing can happen without My allowing it but if you do not pray My will to be done and My kingdom come you show that you do not care if the enemy takes over with his plans and purposes.  

I want you to continue to test the spirits behind everything that goes on in the camp and if you are not doing this, you need to because there are wolves in sheep’s clothing.  Many are just too trusting and follow after the multitudes rather than just follow Me.  

I want you to know that there is a separating taking place this very hour.  I am separating the wheat from the tares, the sheep from the goats.  You can tell them by their fruit but be so careful you are being led by My spirit and not by the spirit of the age.  Many have come under attack and are working through many situations in their lives.  Many are going through the fire and much dross is being brought to the surface.  So if you see fruit that might not be sweet be careful that you are judging by My spirit and not by what you see.

I am refreshing My bride because she has made herself available to Me by seeking Me first.  She delights herself in My intimate presence and love.  She longs to be with Me and because she has placed me first in her life I will bless her with the desires of her heart.  Keep your focus upon Me.  Do not look to the left or to the right.  Practice My presence and in knowing Me and My voice.  

Take the time to smell the roses and to bask in the presence of My love in creation.  Don’t allow the enemy to rob you of your many blessings by getting you to look at the negative around you, by looking at his works.  Stay behind your shield of faith.  Confess My word and not what you see.  Stand on My promises; waver not in unbelief or in doubt.  

This is the end of all ages and the enemy is coming in like a flood but I promise to rise up a standard against him and that standard in you is My holiness.  Without it you cannot see Me or know what I am doing.  To follow Me you must live a life that is sanctified by My grace and truth.

Reach out and touch the hem of My garment for I am ready to set many free from affliction and infirmities that have weighed you down.  I am going to heal your heart from all the abuse from the taskmasters, the accuser of the brethren.  Yes, I promise to pour out My rain and refresh you and give you new wind in your spirit to finish the race that is ahead.  Be encouraged because you have My strength to carry you on.  This is the day of breakthrough.  Be ready and anticipating receiving a powerful anointing to reach the multitudes says your God.


(The choice is yours, a sober word to warn)

August 23, 2016

Word brought forth through Yolanda Ballard

This is a strong word and it may not apply to all who may read it but I believe the purpose of posting it is that we would stand in the gap for those who call themselves the church and not yet know the Lord.  The Lord sent me to a high leader, a vicar general, and asked him if Jesus Christ was his lord and savior.  He would not answer me and I know there are many in this position and they need salvation or judgment will fall upon them.  Thank you for standing with me.


Never before have I met up with a people that have transgressed against Me with such boldness and at the same time have had the confidence to say that they have done My will.  I want you to know that I will not allow going on such atrocities.  They are abhorring to Me.  I am weary of your backsliding and your boldness to do wrong without having any fear of its consequences.  

Whatever happened to your fear of who I am?  I am the holy One of Israel.  I have redeemed you with My very own blood and you are trampling over it and making it of no effect.  You are making it null and void if you choose to continue in willful sin.  No longer are you to justify your actions and to stamp out any form of conviction upon your heart.  

This is the day that I am bringing conviction upon the heart of My people.  If they are willing I will restore them to holiness in their life.  If not, I will pour out judgment upon this nation.  I will stamp out any form of life whatsoever.  Yes, I will stamp out your candle and turn you completely over to the evil one.  

Rise up, My holy ones, and pray and decree holiness.  Stand in the gap when there is still time.  Travail and fast unto Me, and cry out with all your heart, and I will turn the tides.  I will bring forth a window of opportunity where you can be the people I called you to be.

 I will do the signs and wonders.  I will use the foolish ones to confound the wise.  I will send you before kings and priests and give you holy boldness to proclaim that I am King, Lord of the universe.  I will show the world the true fruit of those who they have served that they are only wolves in sheep’s clothing.  

Yes, this is the day of judgment, the day of reckoning, but for those called by My name a day of rejoicing for I am drawing you very near and giving you a tender heart, one that is sensitive to My still and small voice.  I love you and very soon I will draw you away with Me.  Yes, soon and very soon you are going to see your King in glory.  Love not your life unto death and I will give you My crown of life.  Remain faithful and I will use you in powerful ways says your God.

August 16, 2016

This is the day of the great falling away but it also is the day of impending danger for My people who are called by My name.  You must know that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and that all things work together for good to those who are called according to My plan and purpose.

Seek My face and draw near to Me.  Stay close to My side and I will protect you and give you the words to say when you are in need of them.  Yes, hide My words in your heart for I keep My promises to you.

Remain silent upon your bed and rest in my faithfulness.  I watch over you.  I send My angels to war on your behalf when under attack.  Remain in My perfect peace by keeping your mind upon Me.

Even though there is danger all around I am with you.  Do not be afraid for I am with you.  Do not be dismayed for I am your God.  I will strengthen you.  Yes, I will help you.  I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.  Trust in Me with all of your heart.  Lean not unto your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your paths.

Lie down and your sleep will be sweet.  Do not be afraid of sudden fear.  Do not allow the tormentor to come upon you with terror.  Yes, do not be afraid of the terror by night.  Rest in Me for I am in control of all things concerning you.  The enemy must go through Me to get to you.  And if I allow him to go to you, you must know that if I am for you no man can harm you.

I am a good God and all things that you may face are for your good and the good of My kingdom.  Yes, there will be martyrs and they will receive a great reward in heaven, but also many will escape it.  You will not face anything that you are not ready for.

The purging of My fire is for those whom I love.  I purge all who I will use in a mighty way.  The testing purifies you that your faith will be like pure gold so you can face many things without wavering in fear and unbelief.  Trust Me with the work I will do in you.  

Rest faithfully in My love.  I am setting you free this very hour because you do trust in Me and that you do cry out to Me.  I see your heart that it is pure and that you want to walk in My holiness.

Yes, this may be the day of the great falling away but it is also the day of My bride drawing closer to Me.  The deep within you is crying out to the deep in Me.  I will rescue you in the catching away of My people.  It is ever so close.  Soon and very soon you will see your King in glory.

Keep pressing in and believing, expecting and receiving.  Break forth into joy for you have My victory.  Great grace and peace to you this day.


August 14, 2016

I usually don’t have a dream of this nature. It was in muted color so I don’t know what that means. I’ve heard that bright color means the dream is of the Lord. When I woke up I wasn’t frightened but I’ve had a feeling of impending danger. I know we must be alert and covered with our armor at all times. I know the Lord is protecting us especially that many are coming up to higher levels in the Lord, which is causing the enemy to panic, and he is sending greater attacks upon God’s people. When you have had a breakthrough, be on guard because most likely there will be an attack of the enemy to regain the ground. Many churches go through splits after they have a great breakthrough!

I woke up in the middle of the following dream. I’m glad because it was getting pretty heavy! I was in a large public place and I noticed many young people were laying flat down on the floor in rows and I was supposed to turn off the music that was playing in the building during these times of prayer to honor them and I didn’t because I was ignorant of what was happening.

One man looked up at me with a fearful look and said I was supposed to turn the music off! Then some man that looked Moslem came up to me and I had the feeling that he was going to ask me about my faith. For some reason I got away into the street and it was danger everywhere. There were large sharp instruments of war like war hatchets and army axes attached to the street posts where you could easily run into them and cut your head off.

I ended up in a garage type building where one of my oldest friends was, Leslie who is battling cancer. This man searched after me I could see him trying to get in the windows and he broke open the door. He ended up with Leslie in the other room but I couldn’t hear any screaming. I tried to hide my purse because I knew that he would take everything that I owned, my money, and my home. I wanted to get my cell phone and call for help but if I wasn’t fast enough I knew he would get my purse and identification. I knew he was soon to come for me. Then I woke up.

God has given us all that we need to successfully fight the battle but most important we must keep our eyes on Jesus, the Captain of the host of heaven. The battle is the Lord’s. He has given us His armor, His sword and shield. We have the assurance of His word in Psalm 91 for protection. We have the power of the blood of Jesus.

Phil 4:6-7 – Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 – For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

Isa 54:17 – No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, says the LORD.

2 Tim 1:7 – For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

August 13, 2016

A word of encouragement

As I received this word for my dear sister in the Lord who is battling cancer, I felt in my spirit this word isn’t just for her but to many who are also walking through fiery trials.  

Tell this to My daughter to whom I love and have called in these latter days to do a mighty work in My spirit.  Tell her that I love her and to not fear for I am with her.  Do not be dismayed for I am your God.  I will strengthen you.   Yes, I will help you.  I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

Yes, this might be the day of the great falling away and many may become discouraged and afraid because of the happenings all about but those who I have called by My name will rise up and be strong and do great exploits.  In My name I will pull down strongholds through My faithful ones.  I will do signs, wonders, and miracles.  I will rise up the poor in spirit and give them life once again.  I will strengthen their hope in Me, which had been brought low.  I will heal their bodies and set them free from captivity.  I will bring their loved ones together and set them free and place My spirit within them with My saving grace.

Yes, this is a time when many will be crying out to Me in their afflictions but I will hear their prayers and give them the grace to stand bold against the evil one.  I will restore to them purpose in their life and their destiny will be established as My will is being done.

My Kingdom come, My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Don’t allow the enemy to say to you that you have no hope or future here and now.  Aren’t I God of the universe, sovereign King, Lord of all?  By saying that is saying that the enemy has upper hand and that is a lie.  

You are coming into the most glorious time ever in the coming days.  There might be bloodshed but I said when the enemy comes in like a flood I would raise up a standard against him.  Be ready and be expecting a mighty move of My spirit says your God.

August 1, 2016

Where have My people gone?  Why don’t they cry out to Me with all their heart in this very hour with fasting and in prayer and travail for this is the hour of great tragedy among My people everywhere?  There is much torment, much chaos and tragedy unceasing.  

This is the very hour I will pour out My power if My people who are called by My name would humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways.  Only then will I hear their prayers and forgive their sins and heal their land.  

Many people say that I have turned My back on the United States of America that I will allow her to be destroyed.  Do you really believe I would do that when I have invested so much of My love in her and many of My faithful intercessors have cried out for her unceasingly?  

There is much complacency and backsliding and idolatry in this nation but I can turn the hearts of My people back to Me in one single hour.  If I allow tragedy to hit the shores of this nation many would go to their knees in repentance.  Do I have to go to this extreme measure to get her back?  What do you think?

Yes, because she has hardened her heart against Me and became proud and arrogant and have boasted about their power, their success and accomplishments.  I have allowed a leader to enter in to rob them of their pomp, power and glory.  He has taken them down where no other nation looks up to her.  They don’t trust or respect her no longer.  They have said that they are no longer their allies, and the enemy who hates her is playing up to her like they are their friends through deception.

Yes, their leader has joined hands with the enemy and opened her borders to open attack.  The streets are open prey and there is mass destruction brewing everywhere with mobs harassing one another and looting and raping.  It is almost like piracy has taken place on its shores and coastlines.  Yes, this is a travesty, a never-ending turn about of events sent from the enemy to destroy the nation.

I have made the promise that if you would repent and stand in the gap and cry out to Me, I would heal her land.  There will come a time when the open gates to salvation will close and then I will allow the enemy to take over and destroy.  

Yes, I am building an arc and I will draw My people unto Me for safety.  I will use them in a mighty way because I will cover them and allow them to go out to draw in the lost.  They will be ready at that time.  Multitudes will come in.  Remain faithful unto death and I will give you My crown of life says your God.

Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.  After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.  Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.  Hosea 6:1-3


A God Encounter!

July 26, 2016

I want to encourage you to never give up even though the heavens might feel like brass and that you feel that you are not breaking through. We do not walk by sight or feelings but by faith in the promises of God. He said He would reward those who diligently seek Him. 

I have a dear friend in the Lord. When we first met it was at her water baptism and the Lord used me to wash her feet. Yes, that was the beginning of our relationship over twenty years ago. The enemy has fought us hard trying to break us up because he knows that we are a threat to His kingdom the calling we have on our lives together. 

I believe the Lord has called me to minister to the “hard cases”. And if anyone has ever been a “hard case” it is I!!! And my dear friend also has had a real hard time overcoming rejection. The Lord brought us together where we made a commitment to seek Him for intimacy and breakthrough, and all hell broke lose. The church split and she moved away but we have kept in contact weekly for many years working through many situations and praying. 

The enemy has hit us hard this month but we never give up on God’s faithfulness and God blesses us. Each time the enemy attacks we draw closer together and with Him!!! Today was an awesome breakthrough we had together with the Lord. I remember saying that we need to be still and know that He is God that we need to rest and not strive, to slow down and quit working so hard because that is religious works. Even though your heart is right if you are doing anything for the Kingdom of God in the flesh it is religion!!! 

Before I knew it I could feel the presence of the Lord upon me and I heard His voice speak through me to my friend saying to just receive His love, to slow down and quit running, to just settle down. It was God speaking to her spirit man bypassing her thoughts and emotions. He spoke right to her heart and she was able to receive His love and I know He did a deep work in her, and also it increased my faith to be a part of this God encounter!!! We both experienced the fire of His love where we felt heat across our chest, back and stomach!!! And it lingered for a good while. 

I believe the Lord is saying these things to His people. He is saying to quit striving, to rest, and to receive His love, to quit working so hard, and to be still and know that He is God. He wants to bring down the dam that is blocking His love flowing through us. He is setting His bride free to be able to minister deep to those who need to be set free. And also He says to love in those situations where it looks like you are having wrong done against you. 

Love believes the best in others even though it looks the opposite. Be on guard to the snares the enemy sets up to bring offense to divide the brethren, but most of all the enemy uses offense to loose demons against others. It is almost like loosing a curse upon those we love causing them to come under torment. God is doing a mighty work teaching us things we think we should already know. 

It is by dying to the flesh that we receive life and to be able to release resurrection life to others. Be blessed this day!!!

July 20, 2016

Those who read this might think this is not a word for them.  I believe it is a call for the intercessors to come in agreement and cry out that the United States of America would once again be a Godly nation.

If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.  2 Chron 7:14

“Return to Me, says the Lord!”

Oh, My people, I so long to pour out My loving-kindness and My grace upon you but you have chosen to look the other way to justify sin, and to do those things that your flesh desires.  I will put an end to all backsliding if you will return to Me with all your heart and with fasting and travail.  I will restore and heal your land if you will return to Me in the spirit of true repentance.  

Be the people that I called you to be not what the enemy has made you out to be.  He doesn’t know you like I do.  You are My people, the sheep of My pasture.  I birthed you and nurtured you under My wing and I love you even now the way you are.  

Choose Me this day while there is still time.  Run up to Me and wrap your arms around Me. Seek My face now when I can be found.  Don’t wait another moment or I will walk away.  Sway not by doubt or unbelief for it is I who is calling you this day.  This is the day I am calling out that you will return to Me.  

When you return, it is just like the father who called off to his son a long distance away.  He can see him returning by faith and he has made preparations for his return by making a large feast.  Yes, there will be rejoicing in heaven when you return to Me with all your heart, soul and strength.  

Yes, this is the day of the great falling away but it is also the day of the great return of My people into My fold.  I will cause you to rise up and be strong and to stand up against the enemy.  I will show you that you have great power against the enemy.  I have given you My authority over all the power of the enemy.  I will restore all that the enemy has stolen from you.  I will make up the lost time.  I will restore your walk with Me speedily to where you will be even stronger than before.  

This is the hour that I am pouring out My power.  I am calling you to be a part of My great end time outpour of My spirit.  I am gathering in the multitudes unto Me, the great end time harvest is at hand.

July 14, 2016

Rise up and prepare for the Lord thy God is with you. Awake from your slumber and count the cost. This is the day I will be examining the hearts of My people to see if they are ready to go to war and fight for what is theirs.  I will also see if they will lay dormant and allow the enemy to have their inheritance, which he is after.

This is the day to count the cost. When you lose all for My kingdom, you gain all that My kingdom offers. I give you My joy, which gives you great strength. I give you My love that conquers all things, and I give you peace that passes all understanding. This is the day to count the cost………..your life for My life. I want to live My life through you this day.  Step aside and see what I will do through you. I have called you to join together to do greater works. I can reach the multitudes through you. Yes, I can reach the lost and the broken hearted. I can heal the sick and set the captives free.

I love you, My people, and I raise you up as great warriors of My love. My love is the strongest weapon that you have. All I want you to do is to love Me and respect My calling upon your life. Bow down and worship Me in the secret place. Bask in My presence, and I will strengthen you. I will give you My wisdom as you go out and be My ambassadors.  This is the time and the hour that I AM calling you.

Rekindle the flame you once had for Me. Stir your hearts in My word. Love My will and My words I give to you.  Hide them in your heart. Prepare now while you have the time while it is still day. Do not waste it over complacency and busyness. Be cautious that the enemy doesn’t rob you of what is precious. Set your priorities right. Know what is of most importance and cast off the vain. Be careful that others don’t offend you.  I call you to love one another and to allow My light to shine through.
Know this day that I AM for you and not against you. No matter what struggles you face I give you My victory to overcome. No matter what you have done in the past I will not let it count against you if you truly repent and make yourself clean by the power of My blood. If you asked for My forgiveness, I remember no more any sin that you have committed.

Guard what is rightfully yours. I promised you divine health and that you would prosper in every area of your life. Why settle for less than the best when I gave My life for you? When you received Me as your Lord and Savior, you also received all that the Father gave Me. I died that you would have My authority over all the power of the enemy, that you would fear no evil, and that you would be able to live the abundant life.

I AM your Captain. I love you and I give you My armor and weapons of war. Use wisely the power that I have given you. Great authority comes only through submission and humility to My perfect will.  I call you to march out not looking back at what you are leaving behind.  All is worthless compared to what I have in store for you.  You will never regret taking Me as your all in all.  There is no life outside of Me.  Yes, this is the time to rise up and count the cost.

July 11, 2016

As the deer pants after the water brook so my soul pants after thee, O Lord. Psa 42:1

My heart and my flesh may fail, but you are the strength of my salvation. Psa 73:26

Many are about to face the greatest trial of their faith.  They don’t know if they have what it takes to go through it, and the enemy has been biting at the bullet.  Yes, he’s been calling in the “big guns” to try to hinder what is ahead.  He knows that if they face up and do what God has called them to do, he has lost them forever.  Yes, because if they face this trial and allow the fire of God’s love to purge and purify their heart, they will come out a completely different person.  They will go from being wimps to warriors.  A work will be done in their heart of lasting value.

Yes, this is the day that I am cleaning up My bride.  I am turning up the fire of My love and I am purifying and purging the dross and bringing forth a vessel that will be of the purest gold.  They would have gone through the fire like silver purified seven times.

Yes, I need a vessel that I can use that will give Me the glory.  I need one who will allow Me to rule and reign in their life.  I am about to shake the nations with a power that I have never poured out before of such strength and intensity.  I am about to shun the enemy with such power with signs, wonders and miracles.  I will shake the land.  The earth will quake under My great power.

Stay hidden under the shadow of My wing.  A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.  I will pour out My wrath upon the wicked ones.  Yes, My cup is full of My fury.  I have endured long.  Yes, I have put up with the intensity and vulgarity of sin long enough and now I will come as the Captain of the host of heaven and I will cause evil ones to come against each other like I have done before.  
Yes, I am about to confuse the enemy’s plans.  Yes, time has gone long enough where he has brought harm to My people.  I say “that is enough!”  Your time is up!”  I will turn the tables.  It is Me against the evil one!  I am fighting back and I have won the battle.  My people know the end of the story.  I am the mighty warrior and I have won the battle at the Cross of Calvary.

So I call you to My side and I say to be strong, do not waver; go forth through the fire for surely you can trust Me to do a mighty transforming work.  There’s not much time left to be a part of My great end time army.  For yes, I will pour out the fire and I will pour out the rain.  I will have a Bride that will go with Me throughout eternity.  I will accomplish My plan and purpose using you.

Be ready, My people!  Be ready!!!

June 5, 2016

Rejoice this day for I have given you the land.  The enemy has come in like a flood but I have raised up a standard against him like I promised that I would.  I would have you draw close to Me this day and every day for in the secret place I have for you wisdom and knowledge.  I give you understanding by you just asking for it.

Remain silent upon your bed.  Be still and know that I am your God and that I have everything under control.  Even though things look like they are getting worse in your circumstances know that this is only happening because the enemy knows his days are coming to an end and that he has to let go of everything that concerns you.  Your loved ones will be set free.  Your healing will come forth speedily.  Your finances will multiply because he has to pay them back seven fold.

Yes, rest in My faithfulness.  Look to Me, the author and finisher of your faith.  Take My hand and I will lead you on paths of safety and righteousness.  The wisdom that you need will be given to you as you walk with Me.  Walk straightforward not looking back.  Today is a new day.  Let the past be washed away.  You have a new beginning to pick yourself up and have a fresh new start.  Yes, rejoice for this is the day I have made for you to walk in victory, in success in everything you put your hand to do.

Remain still and rest and know that I am your sovereign God, your Lord and King and I care for you.  You are My lambs, snuggle close and I will lead you by still waters and give you the rest that you need.  Draw close to Me and I will strengthen you.  Yes, I will put wind in your sails that you will finish this last stretch of the race.  Yes, I will bring you to the finish line.

Yes, you will succeed in this mission.  You will not fail.  Do not listen to the lies of the enemy for he is trying to deter you from entering into all that I have for you.  Keep pressing in.  Keep breaking through.  All that I called you to accomplish is right at hand.  Don’t let go.  Just a little further and those mountains will crumble and you will have a straight and open path to go through on.

Yes, this is the day I am so pleased with you that you did not give up even though the times were rough.  You kept the trust in your heart and you will be greatly rewarded and I will receive great glory for you remaining faithful, deeply committed to My will and My ways.  Keep faithful even unto death and I will surely give you the crown of life.  Your Lord and King.

May 12, 2016

Fearless warriors you shall be.  Yes, I will call you fearless because you loved not your life unto death.  You died out to your own will and ways and chose Mine that are much higher than your own.  You chose to die out allowing My resurrection power to flow through you enabling you to do great exploits.

Yes, this is the day of the great falling away but it is also the day where My bride is making herself ready with Me in her secret place that I made for her alone.  Yes, each and every one of My beloved lambs have a special place I have created in My heart for them to dwell and within your very heart I have that place set up.  As you draw within and meet with Me I will show you great and wonderful things of how I will protect you through the storms, how I will carry you through the wind and the waves, how I will provide for you all your needs.  

Yes, this is the day I am providing for My bride all that she needs so that she will become a strong a fearless warrior.  Yes, I am rising up wimps to become My mighty warring worshipers of great valor.  You are changing history by becoming the people I called you to be who will not back down when faced with evil.  You will keep My words strong in your heart and pursue them to take place in the land.  Yes, you pledge to see that My kingdom will come and that My will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  

Yes, this might be the day of the great falling away but it is the day I am raising up those who were weak in faith.  Even though they appeared to be fearful all their lives they had a flame within them that never burned out when the others who appeared strong are now floundering.  Yes, they were once weak but I have now made them strong because they had a love and desperation for Me that would not die.  

Even though they were weak I had placed a desire within their heart to be strong and they pursued it and allowed that faith within to grow strong.  Yes, you could say I took them from wimps to great warriors in a matter of days or hours and suddenly they matured in Me to be the great people I called them to be.  

So never doubt My faithfulness and look at your situation as being hopeless for I don’t look at your outward actions or even your words for I can turn them all around.  Don’t pay attention to those who may mock you saying that you are weak in faith and that God can never use you for I can take that weakest link and make it the strongest vessel of My power for My glory.  Never doubt My faithfulness to take an impossible situation and turn it around.  I will take those mountains out of your life and create a safe and smooth path for you to walk on for your steps are ordered by Me.  

As you pursue peace with all men and follow after My righteousness I will be your God and you will be My people, and a mighty conquering people you shall be!!!

May 6, 2016

Testimony of God’s Faithfulness
Shared by Yolanda Ballard

Here is an example of what the Lord is doing to make His bride ready for His return.  

If anyone knows of one who has a special needs child, they know of the stress that they go through which wears you down and cause you to become vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks, and if that person also has areas of their life that need healing, they can become a prime target for the enemy.

This revelation took place after I told the Lord that I wanted all that I could receive of having His presence during my time with Him before my day began.  He immediately started to reveal to me this situation that the enemy set me up for so that I would have a wedge between Him and me where I would have a seed of distrust towards Him, which would greatly hinder me.

This was an assignment of the enemy to keep me from trusting God and I didn’t see it for so many years.  I couldn’t wholeheartedly trust the Lord because of this one incident!!!

I was under the attack of the enemy when he pushed my son off a high stool while sitting at the dining room table on to the tile floor on his head during a grand mall seizure.  I was so upset that it happened that I couldn’t understand why God didn’t watch over and protect my son and prevent him from falling.  I watch my son close but sometimes I can’t for a few minutes.  I had quickly taken my dog out to go to the bathroom and when I came back in my son was passed out on the floor.  I was so shocked that the trauma of it had prevented me to see what really happened that God had protected him!  The enemy had me so focused on what could have happened during the fall that I completely lost focus on all the multitudes of times God had protected my son and was faithful!!!

He was not harmed and was just asleep like after having other seizures when he would just go to sleep for a while.  There was no blood, no broken teeth or nose, or was his head harmed which could very well been!  Years later I was reading a devotional talking about how we can trust God and because I had allowed that seed of lies and distrust into my heart, I always felt I couldn’t trust Him, and the Lord started to reveal to me the truth.

I started to see what the scheme of the enemy was all about.  He caused Levi to fall and because he knew I battled fear, he planted a seed in my heart where I truly couldn’t trust God.  After realizing that God had been very faithful that day I renounced believing the lies of the enemy and I repented from thinking that I couldn’t trust God because He had not been faithful.  I prayed total restoration of My trust in Him that truly all things work together for our good.  

God is faithful that He will not allow any ungodly seed to be allowed to be in our heart.  He will shine the Light on all darkness and remove everything that stands in the way of us being one with Him.  He will remove anything that separates us from that place of intimacy and trust with our Heavenly Bridegroom.  He is definitely getting His bride ready for Him…. a pure and holy Bride He is making us to be.

I encourage you this day to get into the secret place with the Lord and cry out to Him to show you if there is any ungodly seeds of separation and distrust in your own heart and be ready for Him to show you if there are any.  I pray an abundance of peace and prosperity in truly knowing the faithfulness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

May 4, 2016

I came across this word I wrote a year ago right after I prayed Lord, provide for me scriptures to overcome weariness.

Rest your weary head upon My brow and come away with Me, My Bride, for I love you, and you are so beautiful to Me. Oh My beloved, I yearn for times of intimacy with you where I may strengthen you with My enabling power which is My grace. Come away with Me, My Bride, and let Me fill you to overflowing with every virtue that I have to offer for I want to live My life through you. You are so beautiful to Me when you wrap your arms around Me in your heart. When you embrace Me with your love, My heart is overjoyed.

You are My lovely Bride, and I love to dance with you. I take you into My arms of love, and I sweep you off your feet into ecstasy. Come with Me for I have so much to share with you of My beauty and My grace. Call Me, the Lover of your soul. Call Me, your Bridegroom. Call Me to come closer to you for I will strengthen you and refresh you and raise you up with wings as the eagle for you are beginning to run.

Yes, you are beginning to leap and twirl and sprint for I have given you a word to share with the nations. I have given you the authority to keep the enemy under foot. I have given you the authority to bind the power of the evil one and to loose the captive spirits. I have given My life that all would be free, and I have given you the truth of My word which has mighty power, yes, dynamic power.

So take this time that I give you in the secret place. I call you close to strengthen you and prepare you for the next level of warfare for you have broken through, and the enemy has tried to retaliate against you, but you overcome by the power of My blood, the word of your testimony as you love not your life unto death.

My Bride, you are a mighty warrior, and I have made you one in Me, and walls are coming down as you unite in love and spirit. So embrace Me, My love, and draw near in the secret place for this is a time of intimacy and refreshing for you, says your Lord.

April 30, 2016

Be still and know that I AM God.  Rest with Me beside the peaceful waters for I want to restore your soul.  Rest for I want to refresh you from the constant battles and turmoil of your life.  I want to turn it all around as you draw close to Me.  I will give you the favor that you need to be able to escape al the turmoil and all the chaos of your life for I am getting ready to do a mighty work in your life for you are the head and not the tail.  

I have a mighty work for you to do as you pull down strongholds over your own life and become free I will use you to free others, and many will come into My kingdom promises just by knowing of My faithfulness to you.  You will have a mighty testimony as they hear of my setting your son free.  Levi will be a mighty man in My army.  He will pull down strongholds over the land you live.  He is an overcomer for he had to overcome much in his life in preparation for what I’ve called him to be.  

He is a captain, a general in intercession, and a prophet.  I have called him in his sleep and he has received my call.  Yes, he is a mighty man of God.  Yes God has called him at birth, and the enemy tried to kill him several times even through your pregnancy.  So know that my hand is upon him this day and I will raise him up.  You will be astounded at the things you will see him do through My mighty power.  Yes, signs, wonders and miracles!  

And you three will have a mighty ministry with Levi at the lead of it all.  You all will be quite blessed especially you and Lee because you remained faithful and loyal to Me in caring for Levi.  You sacrificed your lives that he would be set free.  You kept him safe through the attacks of the enemy because of your faith in constantly holding him up before Me.  Yes, this is the day of salvation.  This is the day I will turn your captivity into freedom.  This is the day to rejoice says your King, the King of Glory is My name.

Word received through Yolanda Ballard

April 29, 2016

The Lord wants to be able to use a people that are not afraid to appear foolish and are so desperate that they will do what it takes to get to the place they need to be in Him. I want to share several experiences I’ve had receiving God’s love. The Lord showed me that many of His people are wounded and were not raised up under the nurture and admonition of the Lord with love even before birth and throughout their life that they are not able to receive or give His love. This has caused much contention within marriages, relationships in the body of Christ, workplace, etc. Many are very immature and still like a very young child in their spirit man.

The Lord allowed me to go through much needed outpourings of His love enabling me to mature in Him. During church service where others were having fellowship with one another I was sitting right next to a mother with her infant child and a few were praying over her. The anointing of God’s love was so strong that it actually bounced off of them and came upon me and I was able to receive His love like a sponge. I just wept. And this was the level I had needed and should have received as an infant.

The same thing happened where a mother and child were cuddling during a church service and the much-needed love at that level came upon me. Another time I was watching church on television and the pastor started singing “Jesus loves me this I know” or another child level bible song, and all of a sudden I cried out of my spirit, “Papa, lift me up, I am afraid!” And sure enough He did.

Later I was worshiping the Lord on my bed and Holy Spirit was bringing forth praises through me to my Bridegroom and all of a sudden I felt something just come up out of my spirit making a popping sound. I got startled and I said, “Was that a kiss?” And I am sure it was! As you can see there was a maturing in my spirit man while I was growing up in His love.

Many are trying to give and receive a level of love that is matured to the level of marriage and they are not there so it is like an adult with a child. It just doesn’t work that way, and the same with trying to get along with other people when one is immature not able to share or receive God’s love you end up with a lot of offense, backbiting, gossip, and every other negative communication just because they haven’t matured and are still like undisciplined and unloved children. We need to be able to get before the Lord and allow Him to mature us with His love.

Another type of manifestation that I’ve received is releasing the roar of the Lion of Judah. It first happened during high praise in worship. When we allow high praise to take over it is no longer us worshiping it is Holy Spirit moving through us with praises and worship. All of a sudden I felt my hands raise up and I began to release such a deep travail that I thought the power on it was going to blow me apart. I could feel His power streaming through my arms and I said what is this, and He said this is my heart cry for the lost in this area. He was repelling power of darkness by His love so that they would be able to receive His saving grace. I said Lord, if you are going to do this through me; you need to give me a body that can handle this for I went to my knees afterward like a wet noodle.

He told me then that the thrust of my ministry as worship intercessor is to stand in the gap for His body to come to the place of worshiping Him where He would be able to release this roar around the world in unison and this would usher in the end time harvest of souls for His kingdom. When this happened this first time I found out that no one could hear this roar for it was only loud in the spirit realm. Many times afterward the roar came out loud and I could feel the essence of a lion roaring with his paws stretched outward and he was puffing and panting between roars. Truly the travail of the Lord for His people is deep and powerful!

The next type of manifestation of the Spirit the Lord is using is to connect the body of Christ and also through them he is pulling down strongholds and releasing an anointing that is ushering in His kingdom and this is through whirlwinds! These are so very powerful! This is an area I have to mature in my faith to truly let go and allow God to take over. When this first happened to me I was in an anointed worship service and someone just blew the shofar. I saw a sparkle begin to take place upon the shofar as he blew it and before I knew it I was under the power of the Holy Spirit.

I began to laugh and I started to lean against the wall and a sister ran over to me and said, “Let me have some of that!” As soon as she grabbed hold of my hand I could feel us start to move in a counter clockwise motion and we started being taken in a mighty whirlwind. It was so powerful I felt like if I wasn’t holding on to her hand I would be taken out into outer space! Her name was Yolande and my name is Yolanda. I believe it was like when Elijah released to Elisha his mantel. It definitely was transference of anointing!

Another time this happened it was during worship at church and I went to hug a lady and immediately we were taken in a whirlwind so fast that her feet were completely off of the floor and we were screaming so startled by what was taken place. My husband said that we were going in a whirlwind and it was very fast. I was actually dragging my feet not allowing it to go as fast as the Lord intended! I repented and asked the Lord for more grace to let go and allow His spirit to move through me.

Another time I was in my back room and I just got through reading a prophecy that was given to me and I began to go into the same motion. I was looking down and I could see that my feet were starting to go in a counter clockwise motion. I went so fast that I actually grabbed hold of the legs of the couch and yelled out “whoa Nelly!” Definitely God has to do a work in me that I will flow with this and just trust Him completely!

And one more time I was in church worshiping down near my chair in the aisle and I started to go in another whirlwind and as it started to happen I prayed Lord allow me to yield to You so you can accomplish through Me your plan and purpose but I sat down! Then all of a sudden I started twirling really fast sitting on the floor and then He flipped me over on to my side and I started rolling all over the front of the church! I definitely was a “holy roller” that morning, and then two of the elders just went over to me and took each of my hands and gently lifted me right up. One of them said he know something was going to take place because he had just seen an angel pouring out of a pitcher oil all over the area I was rolling in!!!

Prophetic dance is the area I have been moving in for many years. Before this began I was very shy unable to be free during worship but I was in a church where a few women would dance. I knew I felt a freedom of the anointing upon them and wanted to do the same. One day they came over to me and anointed my feet to dance and I said to myself, “yes, right, I am too shy to do that!” But one year later during fasting and worshiping at a church all of a sudden I felt my body wanting to move in a motion I’ve never done during worship, and I yielded and have been dancing before the Lord ever since. I know it isn’t just me dancing but I stand in the gap for the Bride to have freedom in their spirit to worship the Bridegroom. I’ve had others say to me on the praise team that they feel a freedom to be able to worship more when I dance. I said to them that is confirmation to my calling!

I know it is all God and all the glory goes to Him!! Yes, Holy Spirit is moving in signs, wonders, and miracles. These are just a few that I have experienced when I told him I didn’t mind looking foolish to others that I wanted him to bring me to the place I needed to be in Him to allow Him to use me in whatever way He needed to. Worshiping Him is the key to breakthrough as we seek His face and die out to our will and allow His will to be done. This is the day and the hour He is pouring out His power. Stand under His waterspout for it is escalating to a mighty outpour of His glory!!!

April 27, 2016

This is the end of all times and I want to prepare you for what is ahead, but you must listen closely for there are wolves in sheep’s clothing in every congregation of the saints meeting together.  This is the day when great deception is lurking at every corner of your mind, but you must discern what is of Me and what is not.  

Cast down the vain imaginings that do not line up with the truth of My word.  Cast aside every thought that does not say that I am God and that I have come in the flesh, and that I am Son of the Living God, for all who do not approve of Me and love Me who comes in the name of the Father is the spirit of antichrist, and is a liar and a deceiver, and a major con artist trying to lead astray all that I gave My life for.

Yes, this is the day of the great falling away, and it all begins with a seed that developed into a thought from the enemy, that was listened to and acted upon, and became a way of life.  So be sure that if you don’t draw near to Me as a way of life that spirit will enter into your life and lead you astray. Do not justify what I say is wrong in My word.  

Follow after My still small voice for I alone will lead you on paths of righteousness for My name’s sake.  Keep close to My side and draw into the secret place I have for you to dwell.  Be still and hear My voice for you must know it well to be able to discern which voice to follow.  I say this is the way, walk ye in it!  Turn aside from any other voice for My sheep know My voice and the voice of a stranger they will not listen to!

Be sure that right now I am setting up a plan for you to follow that is a strategy to take against the plans of the evil one, so you must draw near to listen and be able to act upon it, for it is a plan to tear down enemy’s devices and schemes to set up and to tear down even more of My kingdom.  Because the church has been dormant, not rising up in faith, not obeying My word, being deceived, the enemy has come in and robbed much ground from My kingdom being set up, but never fear even that I am in control, for I have a remnant that has been ever so faithful to seek My face and to allow Me to prepare them for this very day.  For I will raise them up and plant My word in their heart and they will go out and recover all that was stolen.  

Yes, they will rise up as a mighty army united with one mind and in one accord.  They will not retreat in the face of the giants but stand strong with head set like flint against them.  They will not scatter in fear but will proclaim My plan and strategy and carry it out to the maximum potential that they have of My spirit.

Yes, this might be the day of the great falling away but most of all it is the greatest day that My bride will march out as a mighty warring conqueror, and surely they will pursue them and overtake them and recover all that was taken away, and I will restore to you all that the enemy has stolen from you.  Be still and know that I AM your God!

1 Sam 30:8 – And David enquired at the Lord, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.

Joel 2:25 – And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

April 23, 2016

I submit this personal word only because I covet your prayers and discernment of this. I know many have followed my writings over the years and the greatest thing the enemy would love to do is to get us in deception. So I’ve learned that if we remain transparent and walk in the light, then no darkness can enter in. Lord bless you and I appreciate you.

There is a nest within your spirit and in that nest is an egg, a birthing is beginning to take place, and in that egg hatches a chick, and this chick grows up to be a swan which is the symbol of grace and dignity, and that is what I have made you to be before My throne, and I have called you to dance for Me for while you dance you are confronting many demons which are enemies of My throne. They are constantly out to try to pull down the strongholds that surround My throne which are the basic foundations of your faith.

They are pillars of grace and truth and justice that surrounds My throne, but there is never a day when the enemy of your soul is able to pull down the strongholds of My throne for they are solid ground through the power of My blood and of My love for you and the brethren.

I want you to know that I am in total control of every step that you take. I surround you like the mountains that surround Mount Zion but I also want you to know that many are against you and want to pull you down because you are a threat to their kingdom of darkness. So I call you to continue to dance and to romance in love with Me you will always be. You will dance for Me throughout eternity.

For yes, this is the day I call you even closer than before. Keep drawing near and I will put your enemies to flight. I will set your son free and speedily his deliverance will manifest. Keep pressing in believing and receiving My grace and I will take you through with victory says your God.


Even though this was a personal word I felt led to share it with others and found out that in the same week that I received this word many others had thoughts concerning swans quickened to their spirit and then would receive a confirmation immediately afterward.  I know God is in a process preparing His bride for what is ahead and He will be giving more in depth revelation concerning it.  And even with the thoughts of swans it will not go unnoticed.  We will receive the meaning of what this is all about.

April 20, 2016

Today is the day that I AM drawing you forth out of the miry clay.  You have been hidden under a rock and suppressed by the enemies of your soul cast aside as waste but I am drawing you out and setting you upon the Rock that is higher than high.  You have been redeemed with the power of My blood and I want you to glean from all the benefits of it.

Deep calls unto deep at the sound of My waterspouts.  I cover over you with the cleansing waters of My grace.  Step up to the plate for I want to escalate you to a higher level this day.  Yes, I want to set you upon a high rock and say, “You are My child.  I have redeemed you.”  Come forth and be the bride I called you to be.  No more shall you be called desolate or barren but I call you forth as most fertile, a fruitful land.  I have called you Beulah, a heavenly place.  

Keep close to My side and I will lead you out that you may enter into those places of refuge, those places that are a fortress to do battle from where you will go from victory to victory as I, the Captain of the hosts of heaven, will lead you in capturing your enemy for they are under your feet.

Let out a victory cry for I have given you the land that the enemy has possessed and I will restore to you all that the enemy has stolen.  Yes, this is the day of a great salvation for you, the day of deliverance, where you will receive your portion from Me, a heavenly abundant amount.  Yes, divine favor is pouring out this day.  Take it to the max and be blessed for surely this is the day that I have made and surely you will rejoice in it.

April 14, 2016

Be desperate for Me this day, My children.  Cry out to Me while you are on your bed and when you are awake.  Have Me on your heart every moment of your day for I AM a God of unfailing love and devotion for you for I gave you the life of My very own Son that you would have life and it abundantly.

This very hour I am calling you to My side to bask in My intimate presence and love.  I want you to speak to Me about the desires of your heart, your concerns and your cares for I care for you.  I am the only One who can lead and guide you into all Truth.  I want to stir within you all the Gifts that I placed within you for there are many.  

I want to set before you a table even in the midst of your enemies; for there are many that seek to hinder you and to devour you like wolves.  But rest assured that I have them bound that they cannot bring you harm.  They can only go so far and even that I allow to test you, to try you like pure gold that is tried in the fire.  Your faith is being purified this very hour.

So lean your head on My breast every hour that you can.  Remain still and know that I am your God.  Know that I have your life under My control.  I am sovereign and I have all things under My control.  Yes, I have the whole world in My hands.  Have the faith of a small child and trust Me that I keep My word.  Every promise that I have made I will fulfill.  This very hour I will show you a strategy to take against the enemy, but you must draw close to know what it is.  Be still and listen to Me for I have much to say.

This is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power but you must make yourself ready.  You must know that I am God and there is no other.  Cast off all that seek to distract you.  Use your time wisely now that there is peace in your land.  You have freedom to worship, to bow down, to seek My word openly with others.  Don’t let this time pass away without seeking first My kingdom and righteousness and My face.  

Yes, this is the time and the hour I will pour out My power but you must be ready!  Seek My face and not My hand.  Draw close intimately.  Love Me, spend time with Me for I love your presence.  You need to develop your relationship with Me.  You need to know My voice above all others.  This you have to be able to do for without that I cannot lead you in My truth.  I can’t lead you in the wilderness.  I can’t give you My protection if you are outside of My will.  There are dangerous times coming in the near future, and you need to walk closely with Me.  Yes, you must walk circumspectly.  Every step there will be dangers and snares set to trap you.  I will say to you, “ Walk ye, this way, and follow Me!”  

Yes, you have the victory but it is in the center of My perfect will.  Outside of Me there is no salvation!
April 5, 2016

A Word of Restoration and Grace

My people, I want you to know that I am doing a deep work within your heart cleansing and purging all that is not of Me for without having a pure vessel My work is being hindered.  There has been spiritual pride and wrong motives and priorities haven’t been right according to My will.  Be sensitive to My small and still voice and I will show you areas in your heart that I am willing to change.

You must know that no man is without sin for I am the only one who was able to walk a pure and holy life and was sinless.  Whenever a man reached that place they are immediately lifted up out of the earth and raised into My realms of glory above that which could be tainted by the enemy.  A pure and holy vessel will dwell with Me until the appointed time where they will return glorified with Me.

So know that if you are open and teachable, I will show you those areas of your heart that I am about to change.  To go from glory to glory you must receive correction.  To conform into My image to become more like Me you need to be prepared to receive more light and more revelation.

This is the day that many are entering into the great apostasy only because they thought they had no fault that they didn’t need to seek My face for change.  They were building their own kingdom seeking after fame, creating a name that would be lifted up using My kingdom and My gifts to do it.  Where there is pride comes a fall.  Where there is pride comes confusion and error of all sorts and deception.

My church is full of mixture.  She is not clean for she has dabbled in the enemy’s camp and has taken with her many idols.  It is time to repent, to be made right with Me, to be cleansed, for many have prostituted themselves to many idols, false gods.

Purge yourself of the unclean thing, burn it away from your heart, separate yourselves from that which is defiling you.  Seek My face and not what I have to offer.  Seek Me and not My gifts for when you find Me, you have it all.  I am the King of glory and I long to live My life through you to make you the people I called you to be.

Yes, this is a new day, a new beginning for you.  Let the past melt away.  Let the mountains in your life melt like wax as you come into My intimate presence and love.  Yes, I want to restore all the enemy has stole while you were seduced, while you were asleep, while you went astray.  I am calling My prodigals home, those who have strayed away spiritually when wolves came in among My sheep.

Yes, this is the day I am restoring and strengthening and calling into order My bride to the authority she once had to even a greater level than before.  March on up and allow your Captain to touch you and set you free to make you ready not only to run swiftly but to regain that velocity and speed at an increased rate to make up for the lost time.  My favor be upon you this day!!!

March 18, 2016

Let me remind you of what I said before that the time would come where many would not endure sound doctrine but would look about with itchy ears for that which would suffice the lust of their flesh.  They would look for a word that would justify what they are doing.  At present many would be short tempered, impatient, selfish, compromising, belligerent.  They would not love one another but would be quick to judge, quick to run down their brother.  And I said that I would not endure the actions and behavior of these people that I would turn them over to a seducing spirit, one that would bring them under gross deception.  They would no longer be able to discern the true from the counterfeit, and wolves in sheep’s clothing would lead them astray only because they came out from My protection.

I warn you this day not to believe all that you hear from those who say they are My prophets for they have opened themselves up to a delusion, and they are spreading lies about those who are My true prophets.  Do not come under them for they are false shepherds.  You can tell them by their fruit.  Everyone who says, “Lord, Lord, didn’t I cast out demons in Your name, didn’t I heal the sick, etc”.   I do not know you depart from Me.  They only talked the talk but did not walk after me.

Remain faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life.  I will give you the hidden manna.  I will give you revelations, My secrets, and do signs, wonders and miracles through you.  For yes, you will be My Joseph’s, My Rebekah’s, My Deborah’s, My Esther’s, and My Joshua’s.  For yes, you are My end time army and I will tear down and build up through you.  I will build My kingdom on earth that no man can destroy for I am sovereign, ruler of the universe, and the government is upon My shoulders.  I am the Captain of the hosts of heaven and I lead you in this battle.

Nothing will remain from the evil one when I conquer over his kingdom on earth.  I brought him down.  He is under your feet and I will build new heavens and new earth.  The weapons of your warfare are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.  As I have said before remain faithful unto death and I will give you My crown, My scepter, My authority, My kingdom dominion, power and glory, for yes, you are My bride and I give you My all.

Once again I want you to examine what you have to see if it is truly of Me.  Is it the pearl of great price?  Are you willing to sell all to have it in your life or are you settling for less than the best I have to offer?  Don’t dabble in those things that will cost you your life in Me.  Don’t open yourself up to compromise.  I don’t want you to miss out of being a part of all I am going to do.  You came this far.  Don’t throw it all away on that which don’t last, the counterfeit, that which promises you fame and fortune, the lust of the flesh and eyes.  All those things are empty.

Turn back to Me and I will give you life that is abundant.  Come walk with Me in the cool of the day.  Stay by My side; walk closely with Me for I want to share My burdens with you.  There are those out there who need you.  No one else can do what I called you to do the way that only you can do it.  Be My bride.  Yes, clean up your garments and get ready.  There is not that much time left to make yourself ready.

Run with Me and rejoice for you have the victory if you choose Me above all else for yes, this is the final hour to enter in.  When the time is up the door will shut and no one else can enter.  Yes, this is the final hour and I will pour out My power.  Make yourself ready!

March 14, 2016

Accordingly, I want you to be able to look past the bridge of your own nose and see what it is all about concerning the needs of others for this is the day when many have become selfish, self centered, and deprived of a heart that cares what others are going through.  They think more about their own needs and wants rather than the needs of others for this must not be.  In My kingdom in order to prosper you must put Me first and My kingdom and all these things shall be added unto you.  This might not be the law of the land but that is how it is with Me, My ways in My kingdom.

Many who are struggling financially should do a check on their heart and attitude towards others.  It is the same way with those who struggle with their health.  I say if you pray for others, you will be healed.  Love your neighbor as you love yourself.  Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.  As you think of others and try to meet their needs, I will take care of you.

Yes, another way of looking at it is if you seek first My kingdom and righteousness all that the world seeks after will be yours.  My ways are not the ways of man.  Men thinks just of himself and if something is left over, they will give to others, but to be able to really prosper, give all unto Me, your tithes and offerings, freely give and you will receive.  Yes, and if you lend to others without interest, I will repay you, and the joy you will receive will suffice you.  Give to the poor and I will repay you.  Everything in My kingdom is if you give, you will receive.  It is the law of My land.  

Give it a try and see how your life changes whether your joy will be full, your peace passing all understanding, if your pockets will overflow with wealth or not, but most importantly do not do these things with only the motive of receiving which many teach as the motivation to receive for their own ministry which all stems from manipulation which is witchcraft, but if you give from a sincere heart, you will prosper in all areas of your life.

Yes, this is a different type of message but a much needed checklist of heart and attitudes which will point out whether any of these areas need to be fine tuned according to My perfect will so that the flood gates of heaven be poured out upon you.

For surely this is the time and the hour I am pouring out My power and upon those who have made themselves willing and ready.  If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked way, then I will hear them from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land. – 2 Chron 7:14

February 25, 2016

Envelope yourself with My love; cover over the cares of the world with a blanket of My faithfulness.  Bask in My intimate presence for I so long to spend time with you so you can know Me and My ways for My ways of doing things are so much higher than yours, and you need to understand them so that you can walk with Me and talk with Me in the cool of the day.

Yes, you need to get to know Me better by spending quiet moments with Me.  Bask in My peace and in My love; lay your head upon My breast and listen to My heart beating for you.  Yes, I long to be with you.  I wait until you come and respond to My drawing you near.

This is the end of all ages, and I have prepared this time for a remnant army, My bride, to come forth, and through her I will perform signs and wonders and miracles of such great intensity that they would make Moses blush and become astounded.  Yes, these will be the days of greater works because I have gone forth to My father and sent My spirit forth.

Keep drawing near for I will prepare you to be a part of all that will take place.  I am purging you with the fire of My love so that you will become a vessel that the Father can use, one that would not rob him of the glory.  Yes, you must become dead to the flesh and totally yielded so I can move through you.

Yes, this is the day of the great apostasy.  Many of the church have become so full of error and deception that I no longer see Myself in them.  They have justified sin so they could have the pleasure of the flesh for the fleeting moment.  There has been gross sin in the church where the world no longer can recognize Me in them.  Don’t become deceived and fall like they have.  The pleasure of sin is not real for it is bondage turning over to the captivity of the enemy.  You have learned that it is not worth to dabble in sin.

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.  Do not touch the unclean thing and that is the occult.  Stay away from the mixture of it for if you give it an inch, it will take a mile, and that open door will bring death and captivity of every sort. Yes, stay clean, and be a separate people, and I will be your God, and forever you will reign with Me.


January 30, 2016

Don’t become discouraged because of the severity of your trial for I have made you to be a handmaiden unto righteousness for Me.  I have called you, and I have strengthened you, and I have called you by My name to raise up and to tear down by the power of My spoken word that I have and will continue to do through you.  

So do not become dismayed.  Do not become downcast, but let out a victory cry that you have taken the land.  You have done everything that I called you to do, and you are a vessel of honor to Me.  Yes, you sit at My right hand with My son, the position of great honor and power.  Yes, you are not only a handmaiden of righteousness unto Me, but you have become My bride.  You have come into the place of intimacy with Me because of your yieldingness to worship Me unceasingly.  You have stood in the gap for many others to enter into this great place of intimacy.  

Yes, as you enter in through worship I not only see you, but I see multitudes coming into this place with you.  And as you let out victory shouts of praise in unison with others around the world, I will let out a victory cry, a shout, and a roar will flow out that will break the strongholds over the land which you reside.  So keep looking to Me, dwelling closely to Me, trusting Me, and I will accomplish through you all that I have ordained, says Yahweh your Almighty God.
January 9, 2016

Be still and know that I AM GOD.  Bow down before Me; love and adore Me.  Worship Me in the beauty of holiness.  A clean and holy life is pleasing to Me.  Be separate from the ways of the world.  Sanctify yourself; be set apart, and I will show you the way you are to go.  I will show you ways that will bring great fulfillment.

You will prosper in all ways and live in safety if you put Me first and My righteousness.  I will stir up and bring forth all the talents and gifts I placed within you if you would only trust Me.  This is the day of the great outpouring of My spirit, and I want to use you greatly.  Lay your head upon My breast and draw close so you can hear My heartbeat.  I want to share with you the burden of My heart but you must draw close to hear.  I will give you strategies so you can pray effectively and see it done.  My will be brought forth and My kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven.

Yes, this is the day of the great outpouring of My spirit where My glory will fall.  My fire will fall and burn up all the dross out of the hearts of My people who are called by My name.  I will clean up and separate them unto Me.  I will take away all the mixture and deception.  I will stir up My gifts within them.  I will pursue their hearts and overtake the work of the enemy and recover all.  

I will set the captives free who had been held in bondage since they have been born even in the Spirit. The enemy had seen them a threat and worked overtime to hinder so they would not grow up in Me to be that threat to the kingdom of darkness.  I am raising them up a mighty army and restoring all that was stolen from them and they will be even stronger than before all the setbacks.

Rejoice for I have given you the land.  I have set you on paths of righteousness for My name’s sake.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and you will dwell in My house, the house of Yah, forever, says your God.


January 7, 2016

I dreamt that I was at a church before the service started everyone was gathered in the sanctuary.  I had such a heart to worship that all of a sudden I started singing “I want to worship the Lord in praise!”  Let the sounds of praise roll forth!”  I got slain in the spirit and heard a heavenly choir singing a song with a heavenly orchestra backing it up.  There was a man to my side who said that he had it all recorded even though it was heard in the spirit realm.  And I said I wonder where that all took place.  And then I said New Jerusalem and the man who was able to record what happened in the spirit said, “yes!  And I said I need a copy of that!  I woke up wanted to know the words of the song that I heard in my dream.  In the dream I was trying to sing along with the heavenly choir.

As I was writing out this dream, I received the following word:

This is the day to rejoice and to break forth in praise.  The angels of praise are ready to back us up with heavenly sounds in the Spirit if we would only allow the praise to roll forth out of our hearts.  For it is time to rejoice!  It is the time to enter in like never before in one accord a melody from heaven.  Let the song of the Lord come forth.  Let the heavenly sounds come forth.  Let the angels sing!  It is beginning to rain!  The glory is beginning to fall.  Dry season is over.  It is time to bloom forth, to blossom.  Let the Gifts flow.  Let the River flow out of our hearts.  All that has been dammed up be let free!  Let hearts be healed. Let the body of Christ be of one accord.

Unite, mighty army of God.  Rejoice, for surely you have the victory.  March forth.  Let out a victory cry for surely you have the land.  I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy.  His weapons are under your feet.  Trample down every one of them with the voice of triumph, with the voice of praise.  This is the day of Jubilee, of rejoicing, for the enemy has to return sevenfold everything he has tried to take illegally.  Do not keep silent upon your beds no longer.  Let the rejoicing flow for you have much to praise about in the coming days.  

Restoration is taking place this very hour.  Things you have faithfully believed for a long time is beginning to manifest and to bloom forth.  This is the time of rejoicing for the body of Christ.  Family relationships and salvations are taking place.  Limbs are growing out.  Yes, you are beginning to run with the word of the Lord.  You are beginning to run, to dance, to twirl, to jump for joy, to sing for surely victory has entered into your households this very hour.  I paid the price.  I have redeemed you, and I have given you My crown, My scepter, My armor, My word.  Now run fearlessly covered with My light, truth and take the land.  Yes, this is the hour of My power, says the Lord

December 8, 2015

My stand on Christmas

In various times and seasons many of My people have fallen wayside to the traditions of man and fables brought about by those who are into schemes and tactics to make one rich, but this must not be. 

My people must stay discerning to know My ways and not the ways of that are of the world.  

My people will know My voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow.  Be ye separate and be the people I called you to be.  For yes, you are My remnant, My bride, and you alone will walk close by My side.  You know not to partake of those things that are not of My spirit.  You are a unique and peculiar people and many do not understand nor want to partake of your ways.

Many feel that they have to do the things of the world so they find ways to justify it to make it look like it is of Me,  but My people who are called by My name will know the true from the counterfeit.  They will be content to partake of the simplicity of knowing My word and to know that I am God and that My grace is sufficient.  They will draw close to Me when many others are partaking of the party.  They don’t need the tinsel and the lights; all they truly delight in is the fire of My love and My presence.

Yes, this is the season I will pour out My love and the light of My glory.  My joy will be your strength when others are trying to stir up a joy that is not real.  For yes, you have the true glory within and nothing else will suffice.

Yes, this is the day of My glory and My love poured out for you.  Do not settle for less; press in for the best.  Follow after the star that leads you to My Son.  Do not get tripped up with the lights that blind you from seeing Me and knowing who I AM.  

For yes, I AM a God of glory and light and truth and power and might.  I am a God who builds up and not tears down a Kingdom that will last forever.  I am not a God of a mixture of true and false ways.  Yes, I am a God of love poured out for you.

Yes, I have a Son who was poured out so that you would have life and that abundantly.   Let His life burst forth through you this season.  Let others see who He is through you.  Be the window others will see and be drawn forth to His love.  Yes, allow My light and love pour forth through you.  Allow My life to flow forth this season.  Be the light and glory of My love flow forth this season.  May this be the greatest display of My love ever.

Think about it.  What is an evergreen but a symbol of a life that endured through the hardest of times with roots that go very deep, an everlasting life; and what happens when you cut it down, deck it up and put tinsel and lights upon it?  It dies!
November 5, 2015

Be still and know that I am your God and that I am faithful to bring you from where you are now to where you need to be in Me.  These are the days when many will fall prey to seducing sprits and doctrines of demons so you must stay close to M.  You must seek My face daily and ask Me what you are facing each step of the way.

The enemy has many faces and he appears as an angel of light.  He can conform himself into that which appears to be light but inwardly there will be poison pouring forth.  He is the counterfeit of everything that I stand for.  Yes, he is a con artist by trade.

When you run into a situation that you are not comfortable with, ask Me to show you what it is that you are facing, and I will show you whether it is something you are reacting to or whether it is a check in your spirit man.  No matter what I have called you to be gentle as a lamb but wise as a serpent aware of the tactics of the enemy to pull you astray.

If something appears to be evil, don’t try to justify it for even the appearance of evil can make many stumble that are weak in their faith.  Yes, you may have the faith to do certain things, but it isn’t all about you but about how it may affect others in their walk.  

This is the day of the great falling away and it begins with the little foxes that you allow into your life, those mindsets that are off, those attitudes that are wrong, and those false judgments.  I am out to build character to bring forth the genuine article and not the counterfeit.  I am bringing forth maturity and humility by what I allow you to face for each situation has its own pattern of circumstances orchestrated to conform you into My image if you respond to it in love.

Yes, love is the measure to which I judge your motives, thoughts and actions.  And love brings forth peace and every other good fruit.  When there is confusion, it only shows that you have crossed over into an area that is not of Me.  

Repent this day and start anew.  Wash yourself clean for this is a new day.  Old things are now covered over by My blood and My love.  Cry out to Me for the great grace that will carry you through.

Yes, stay close to My side and I will lead you through the storms.  I will keep you safe for I am your God.  I will comfort you and strengthen you and uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.
October 9, 2015

Today is the day when many are falling away becoming complacent, distracted and carried away by every lust, and wind of doctrine.  At the same time there is a people who were willing to pay the price to become the Bride I called them to be.  Yes they were willing to deny their flesh to be able to rest upon Me to be their all in all.

I am calling you to pay the price now so that you will be ready at any moment to be willing to escape the Great Tribulation.  This is the time and the hour where many will be tested for their faith to see what they had was real or if they were just playing the part on the outside but inwardly they were like wolves in sheep’s clothing.  These are those you have to be aware of for every body of believers will have them present.
Be willing to count the cost to see that what you have is the genuine article.  You don’t want to find out when it is too late.  The door to My kingdom will stay open for only a length of time to the Gentile church and then no one else will be able to enter in.

This is the day when I will pour out My wrath upon those who were called by My name but were not willing to pay the cost.  They set a bad example for others who were young sheep.  They gave My people and Me a bad name.  They led many astray and they sold much in My temple when I only called them to pray.  They didn’t have the time for Me, and now they are not ready to escape what is coming, for surely judgment begins in the house of God.

So when you take the time to think about what you are doing about your place and calling in My kingdom, remember this day when I called you.  Remember that being outside of the Vine, you will perish.  You cannot make it on your own living a life of selfish independence.  Yes, for I want to be able to bless you beyond what you could ever be able to ask or think.  I want to bless you beyond what you could ever imagine.

I am a loving Father but I am also one who judges sin.  I cannot condone habitual sin in the camp.  I cannot condone rebellion.  It must be dealt with.  You either draw close and stay by My side and walk with Me, or you will face the day when I will say, “I never knew you!”

Pay the price now when you still have the time to decide.  I do not want to have to leave you behind!  There is a great Gideon Army arising, a remnant Bride marching forth.  I want all to be a part and to ride with Me upon those white horses waiting for the hour assigned for them, for yes, this is the final hour.
September 1, 2015

Examine your heart, My people, to see if there be any wicked way in the way you think or act towards anyone and especially the way you think towards my will and my ways.  For this is the end of all times and the enemy is going about like a lion ready to rob anything in his way.  He comes to steal, kill and destroy and he will not stop at anything if he has an open door, a legal right to enter.  Be sure that he will not stop at your finances, your health, your family, your church, your city and even your whole nation if you allow it.  And you have allowed it that is why your nation is in the state that it is in.  

Through slumber and complacency and buying the lies of the evil one you have given the enemy an open entry to steal, kill, and destroy, but yes, I have come to bring life and it abundantly!  If you repent of your wicked ways and seek My face like never before, I will restore My will to your life.  I will restore all that the evil one has stole from your family, your health, and finances.  I will restore household salvation, your loved ones will return to me.  I will restore your health.  Your mind will once again think the way I would have you to think for you do have a sound mind, not full of fear, doubt, worry and unbelief.  

If you cry out to Me, I will give you my presence and my power will flow through you to tear down the strongholds of the enemy.  For who is in charge over all things?  Who is the sovereign ruler of all things?  Yes, I AM!  I am the captain of the hosts of heaven.  I am the one who rules and reigns over all things and yes, My kingdom will come.  My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  And I will rule through a faithful remnant those who have given their life to serve Me. those who will not back down for anything.
They will press through and decree My will and command the enemy to depart.  They will pull down the strongholds over this nation.  Yes, America you will stand for I built your foundation upon solid ground.  You served me at the start and you will serve me once again.  The remnant will rise up a strong and mighty army.  There is no way that the enemy can completely take over anything without My allowing it.  He is only a tool in My hand to bring about his own destruction. His kingdom is coming down!  He will do it himself.  For I will pour out confusion upon his camp and multitudes will come under their own sword of destruction.  

Yes, they will turn on each other with the hatred in their hearts and I will deliver out of them a remnant that will love Me and serve Me with all their heart.  They will overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony and they will not love their life even unto death.  So I want you to rise up this day and examine your heart to see if you are worthy to be called forth as one of my end time army, my remnant, and my bride!  For it is all up to you to make the choice.  Many are called but only a few are chosen to go forth and share in with My victory, says your Lord.
August 11, 2015

Assume that you were on a deserted island with nothing of your own belongings there with you, what would be the first thing that you would miss?  Yes, you would miss having pure, clean water!  And it is becoming that same way in the spirit realm.  There is coming a famine in the land.  Many lack the pure, clean water, the water of Life, flowing freely from the tap of God Himself.

Many have chosen to have polluted waters that are murky from so much mixture that the purity from God’s word is not there.  You have the evil from the occult, from New Age practices, from deceptions and heresy.  Because many have chosen to justify their unclean actions, many have opened themselves up to seducing spirits.  If you give into having the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, all kinds of evil enters in.

You must cast down the vain imaginations and the desires for the world and its ways, and draw close to Me in the secret place.  Only then can I restore you to Truth and set you free from the snares of the enemy.  Many are the days when the enemy enters in to tempt to distort truth and to cause you to go astray, but you must stay strong.  Evil lurks at the entryway of your mind, and you need to stay covered with the power of My blood, My love, and My truth.

Resume the responsibility of a good soldier by staying built up by watching and praying and being sensitive to My still, small voice for I want to lead you and guide you into all Truth.  Yes, this is the day of the great apostasy and it all begins by you justifying any ungodly actions, by appeasing your flesh rather than crucifying it.

If you continue to seek Me with all your heart, you will find Me, and I will strengthen you.  I will make your desires pure so you will not fall into temptation.  I will satisfy all your needs beyond what you could ever hope or desire to have.  You don’t even know what you truly long for.  If you have never truly experienced My love in the way I want you to experience it, then you don’t know what you are missing.  So cry out for My abundance and I will fill you to overflowing.

I want to pour into you all that I have of My love, My truth, and My power and from that point on you will never be the same.  Do not settle for less, but press into My best!
July 2, 2015

It is not over until I say it is over, and it will never be over where the remnant does not have the upper hand, because I am the Sovereign Lord and Judge of the universe, and I defend you as my very own Son.  You represent me in the kingdoms of this world.  You stand faithful no matter what you face.  You do not back down, and I reward those who diligently seek Me in spite of the apparent loss of victory, but this is only a temporary thing.  It is not the permanent resolution of the matter for what did I say concerning My will?  I said that My will be done and My kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven!!!

So do not buckle down under what looks like an apparent loss of freedom.  It is only a temporary thing where I will allow them to go only so far before I will come in like gangbusters and wipe out the kingdom that they have temporarily set up.  You know it is not permanent!  You know the end of the story because My Son gained the victory over all the power of the enemy at the Cross, and even though many have given into a heresy where the enemy has tried to rob the power of the Cross, of His death, burial and resurrection.  That was all a plan of the enemy so that he could gain access to the authority that was given to the Ekklesia, but the remnant knows the truth and the Truth is faithful to set her free.

Many at this very moment are in a separating work that I am doing.  Many are seeing the truth of the matter that is behind the work of the enemy.  Yes, he has come to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come to bring life and that abundantly.  So I tell you this hour to continue to press in to know Me and to know the strategies that I have against the enemy. You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

I gave the life of My Son that you will be free that you will live with Me throughout all eternity!!!  This is the final hour and it will be glorious to those who I have called forth.  I will perform signs, and wonders, and miracles never before that had so much effect and strength against the world and unbelievers.  You will see My hand work against the enemy in such power that you thought the splitting of the Red Sea was mighty.  That will be nothing in comparison to what I will do to the multitudes that have resisted Me as their Lord and Savior.

Stand still and watch the salvation of your God.  Be still and know that I am God, and because I Am for you, no one will gain victory over you.  I am in your heart, and I Am in control of all that you face, and all things are working together for your good in this final hour.
June 3, 2015
Be still and know that I AM God, and that I am in control of all that you are now going through, and I am enabling you to see My hand working in every situation that you face.  You must know that I AM a good God, and that I cause all things to work together for your good.  There hasn’t been any situation that you have walked through that My hand was not in it and orchestrating it to cause it to conform you into My image.

 Come unto Me all who are heavily burdened and I will give you rest.  I will show you how to unload your burden upon Me if you would just be still and wait upon Me.  Stand, look and listen; what do you see, and what do you hear?  What have you allowed the enemy to steal from you in the way of your day?  Have you been able to take time out to just admire My handiwork?  Have you been able to take the time to refresh yourself with My presence, or have you been striving after the wind?

 Cry out to Me; let Me see your face.  Don’t hide behind any shame for I have made you clean.  I admire you for who you are not what you appear to be to others for I love you with an everlasting love right this moment just the way you are.  You don’t have to do anything to earn My love.  All I want is for you to be just who you are.

 Just rest and give Me your undivided attention, and just be with Me.  I don’t want anything from you in the way of great intercession.  I just want you to take this time to relax in My faithfulness.  Yes, breathe in; breathe deep for I want to refresh you.  I want to touch your heart with My love and heal your wounds.  I want to restore your strength.  I want to breathe My life into you.  I want to minister to you My peace.

 Yes, this is what it is all about.  This is why I created you so that you could draw close to Me, to know that you could commune with Me any time you want.  I wait for you to come near but you feel that you don’t have anything to give to Me at times.  You draw on your own strength rather than to lean on Mine.  Let Me take you by the hand and lead you on paths of My righteousness.  You don’t need to strive to be right.

 I am teaching My bride how to remain in My intimate place I have for her.  Can I say, “Let Me romance you”?  Can I have this dance?  Why make this be so hard?  There is a time to war, but if you are not built up with Me, you cannot last!  You need these times of quiet to be built up for the next stretch.  You need wind in your sails.

 Remember this day and draw close.  Be sensitive to My drawing you close.  You need My presence, My touch, and My love.  You cannot make it on your own for we are one.
June 2, 2015

Those who overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony and loved not their life unto death are those who I will use in a mighty way in the near future.  Yes, everything is changing.  Nothing will remain the same when I begin to pour out My anointing upon My people and over the land.  Yes, multitudes will come to Me out of their desperation, and at the same time they will see Me move in ways that have never before taken place.  

This is the day of the great end time army to be raised up. Even out of the ground they will come.  They will be raised up out of the dust for those who gave their lives for their faith in Me will come and shouting the victory.  They stood firm glorifying My name and paid the ultimate price in the major test of their faith.  They took the risk to speak up when the giants came towards them.  They didn’t run in denial but stood firm with head set like flint against the attacks of their faith.

Yes, they were frightened and they saw the most horrendous things happening to those around them, but they were not shaken in their faith.  They had made their faith sure ahead of time that when they would be tested they would not waver in unbelief but would trust Me.  Without measure their love past the test through the fires of adversity.  

Today is the day when many are getting strong drawing close to Me allowing Me to purge their lives and hearts of anything that is not of Me.  At the same time many are allowing the spirit of transgression to take over.  They have given over to false justification of their actions because they chose to serve their flesh rather than choose to crucify it.  They sold their life for a moment of pleasure rather than to walk in holiness.  Therefore, they have given up their birthrights with Me.  Everything that I died for them to have was forfeited immediately.  They were like Esau who gave up everything for a pot of stew.

Remain faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life and I will raise you up to be a part of My great end time army of overcomers.  Do not fear for whatever I allow you to go through you will have great grace to endure and soon after you will be with Me in glory.  For yes, you will remain strong and you will go forth with a mighty army of protective angels that will surround you.  Don’t you believe that no matter what you face that I will be with you?  Do you believe that I am a good God and that everything that I allow will be for your good and the good of My kingdom?

Do not forfeit everything I gave My life for you to have?  Do not listen to the multitudes who preach false grace in justifying sin.  Follow holiness and you will never become disappointed.  There is a glory that is coming forth as you press in unwavering.  Press in to know Truth in its deepest form and you will receive revelation of My perfect will.  You will know of My ways because they have become a part of who you are.  

Yes, this is just the beginning of what you will experience as you cry out to Me to know My will, to know Me in intimacy, and to walk in the ways I will lead you as you die out to yourself.  Yes, I will live through you in My fullest form.  No matter what you face I will have My way in you and through you says your God.
May 25, 2015

Because many have been caught up in seeing false signs and wonders as a result of opening themselves up to the occult, that when I pour out My true glory, many will miss it.  Remain steadfast in your faith believing that what I have promised that I am faithful to perform.  Keep seeking after Truth and I will lead you and guide you through all the turmoil and the chaos that has come into the church.  If you seek Me with all of your heart and remain satisfied with the simplicity of knowing My word, I will bless you with true revelations, and you will experience My presence that will change everything about your life to that of mediocrity to that of excellence in discernment, in revelation, in prophesy, in moving in My gifts.  

And you will see fruit in your life that you have never experienced before.  Things will go from night to day in a matter of minutes as you step out obeying what I will show you.  For surely I am cleaning up My bride for she needs to be ready.  When I pour out My glory I need a clean vessel to move through.  I don’t need one that has a mixture of pure and the unholy, truth and error, and strange fire.  I need one who has allowed the purging of My fire to take place.  I need one who is willing to pay the cost of being rejected, blasphemed against, falsely accused as being evil, and shunned.  

I am opening you up to be able to partake of My sufferings because I trust you to be one of My closest friends.  Just like John who chose to draw so near that he could hear My heart beat.  He knew of My love and he stepped out in obedience.  He loved not his life even if it would be unto death.  Those who are My closest friends will be treated like the prophets of old when many said they were crazy.  You need to stay unique in your convictions and do not follow the crowds.  For many are called but only few are chosen to partake of all that I will do in the end of all times.  

For surely this is the end of all times, and I am about to do a work that will shake history.  Do you want to be a history maker?  For I will do signs, wonders, and miracles that have never before taken place in such intensity and quantity.  Yes, I will open up prison doors.  I will clear hospital wards with my healing power.  I will set free not one from demons but a whole ward of mental patients.  You have believed for greater works well they are about to take place.  And because you were willing to pay the cost to forsake all to follow me, you will play a big role in what I will do.  

Yes, forsake all that is the popularity, the reputation, to be shunned and falsely accused.  For who are you out to please, the multitudes or Me?  For yes, you will not be popular.  You will not have a big following.  People will not want anything to do with you but you will have My glory flowing in you and through you.  You will be going from glory to glory each day as you are being conformed into My image.  You will be a complete and holy vessel that I can live My life through and perform all that I have planned to do in these last days, as you have known them to be.  

Things are about to change in a major way!  For yes, I am shaking up My church and I am getting My bride ready to do a mighty work through her.  
May 20, 2015

Once you come into My secret place I will enlighten you to Truth that you have never experienced before in such intensity that it will completely change the direction of Your life from what you believed to be My will to the complete manifestation of My perfect will.  Many are on a path that is leading to danger because it is a mixture of truth and error, and this error alone gives the enemy access to your thoughts and actions.  Seek My will first above all else and I will re-direct your path to one of purity, of love, and of My faith.

This is the beginning of a dimension I am taking you on that is deep calling unto deep with nothing standing in its way.  You have cried out to Me and I have heard your prayer that you want purity in its deepest form to be able to worship Me in spirit and in truth.  Yes, this is the day I am setting the captives free to be able to commune with Me without any walls or any misconceptions from the enemy.  As you keep delving deeper in who I AM, I will reveal mysteries to you that will open up My kingdom purposes to you.  

Yes, keep seeking My face, My kingdom, and My will and I will add all things unto you.  I will supply all your needs and give you the abundance that you will be able to help others, and most of all you will have the abundance that you will be able to give unto Me and My kingdom.  As you keep sowing you will reap and multiplication will surely take place.

 Yes, I am a faithful God.  I have seen your heart and heard your prayer and I will bring breakthrough in every area of your life.

May 19, 2015

Be still and know that I AM your God and that I will care for you through any type of calamity that you may face for I desire you to know Me and know of My faithfulness through the fire that you may face.  Through the storms I will shield you from the winds and the waves that the enemy may build up against you. Seek My face and you will find refuge from the storms and the adversity.  Know this day that I will never leave you.  

You will know of My presence in a most intimate way in the secret place that I have arranged for you alone to enter.  Yes, when you dwell with Me in the secret place, that place of intimacy where you can be real with Me, I will build you up with My love.  I will transform you into My image.  

Yes, you will become more like Me because you have not escaped the fires of adversity but stood the test and passed with flying colors.  You never give into compromise and you never waver in unbelief but you press in to meet the target of My perfect will.  

Yes, this is the day of great adversity, and I am preparing My bride to enter in, to press past that which is coming against her.  You have held your focus upon My written word, and it has become a reality to you.  I will pour out signs, wonders, and miracles that have never been seen of such intensity, and these will become your weapons of warfare against the enemy, and at the same time these will draw in the multitudes to come into My fold.  

Yes, many will come to know Me because you have stood firm no matter what you see in that natural you know of My faithfulness to perform My word.  As you speak it forth you will see Me move as in the days of Moses when he waved forth his staff and the seas opened up to provide refuge for the multitudes.  

Yes, this is the day of preparation as you lose yourself in My intimate presence, you will receive life, My strength, My wisdom and power, the strategies that I have for you to combat the enemy.  For yes, you will not waver.  You will press in and accomplish My will as you decree that it will come forth.  Decree a thing and it will happen, says your Lord and King.

Job 22:28 You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you.
April 28, 2015

Draw close and know that I AM your God and that I have everything under control.  There isn’t anything that you face that I have not orchestrated for the good of you, your family, and My kingdom.  Everything works together for your good if you have placed Me first in your life, if you have loved Me with all your mind, soul and spirit, and that you strive to love your neighbor as yourself.

Do good to those who strive to harm you for this will pour out coals of fiery conviction upon their hearts.  Overcome evil with good for there is no other way they will respond for they lack love.  They lack the strength to draw close to Me on their own.  They have only known lack and depravity from birth.  They have never known of My love so you need to be that bit of life that they have never experienced.

Die out to the flesh and allow My spirit to flow through to touch the lost, to raise the spiritual dead, to open blind eyes so that they can see the way, the truth and the life.  For yes, this is the day of a great outpouring of My spirit.  Many will come unto Me and run away from the evil in their lives. 

Remember where you were before you turned your life to Me?  Yes, you were at the bottom of the barrel.  You knew nothing but what you needed to endure the night, the darkness of your life, whether it was food, or drink, drugs, or sex.  They were all gods to you, but there came a day when the Light came on, and you saw the true state of your life, and you saw that there was an escape. Yes, be that escape for others so they can be set free. 

Yes, this is the hour of desperation for many in the world and also the church.  Many are crying out but don’t know how to be set free.  Be the light for them at the end of the tunnel.  Be to them the fresh air that they need, that breath of life, the fresh water to quench their thirst.  Yes, be to them all that I gave My life for them to have. 

Let Me use your hands to heal, your feet to go to those places where they are, your eyes so that they can see Me.  Yes, be to them all that I gave My life for them to have. And above all this is the day of a great outpouring of signs, wonders, and miracles; those like the day when I split the Red Sea for I will deliver multitudes into My fold. 

I have planted a bumper crop of seed of those who gave their lives for Me, and in return multitudes will come to Me out of the ground they will come.  They are the trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord.  So remain still and know that I Am God and that I have a work to do and through you, says your God.
March 13, 2015

All I want you to do is to be still, and know that I AM God, and that I am in control of all things, and that you will have what it takes to get through to the end.  I want you to know that I have been preparing you through all the trials you have gone through, especially those where you thought you wouldn’t make it, and there were many.  I want  you to know that you will not face any temptation that you aren’t able to bear.  I will provide that way of escape so that you will be able to bear it.

Fear not for I am with you.  My rod and My staff will protect you.  I will even prepare you a table even in the midst of your enemies.  My goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life, and you will dwell with Me forever.

Keep seeking My face and I will show you the path to go through the wilderness.  Yes, you will have streams in the desert.  I will refresh you and give you the strength that you will need.  As you keep your eyes on Me, you will not be swayed by what will be happening all around you. You are My remnant bride and I have hid in your heart the truth of My word.

I have prepared you to be a vessel of My glory and My love.  Yes, you will carry My glory and those around you will be drawn to My love.  I have prepared you that even your shadow will radiate My healing power and many will be set free to receive My saving grace.

Yes, these are the end of all times, but I have made you ready and you have all that you need to stand strong.  All you need to do is quiet yourself down and know that I am God, that I am Sovereign, and I have everything under control.
January 20, 2015

This is the end of all times, and I am calling together a remnant that will serve Me with all of their heart, soul and mind, and will love their neighbor as themselves.  Yes, I am calling those who are willing to pay the cost to forsake all and follow Me into the depths that I would call them to.  Yes, deep calls unto deep at the sound of My waterspouts.  

I am calling those who are willing to follow Me into the trenches where many are being forsaken and left for dead, yes, those who are considered as hopeless by the religious sect.  They look at them as a lost cause, but I call them the ones that have the most value.  They are the diamonds in the rough for I see they are like the pearl of great value that one would be willing to sell all to obtain.  

I am calling you to bear down and birth forth a company of people who I have called together before the foundation of the earth to do a mighty work in the end times.  They are My end time watchman prophets.  They were the cast asides, the ones many ignored and rejected because they felt they just didn’t fit in anywhere.  They were considered as a peculiar people, but I have given them eyes to see past the natural; yes, they are My seers.  

They have ears to hear only My voice.  They will not listen to a stranger.  They have an end time message to proclaim with such intensity that it will change history.  They are willing to love not their life unto death and march toward the enemy with such ferocity and truth that will pull down the strongholds over the land.  

Yes, I am calling My watchman prophets, and I have given them a voice and a trumpet to sound the alarm.  When they say, “march!” a company of fierce ones will file out in My spirit to take the land.  For haven’t I said that my kingdom will come and My will be done on earth as it is in heaven?  

And I need My people to be strong enough to back down for nothing and to continue to press in to take back what the enemy has stole, to wake up My bride, and say “come forth and be the people I called you to be.”  No more Luke warmness!  No more pride!  No more apathy!  

Arise and shine for the Light has come and My glory has risen up upon you.  Yes, arise and shine and let My glory fall in the dark places.  Be the light that many need to come out from the enemy’s stronghold.  Be the truth that many need to come out of the dark.  

Seek Me like never before.  Be My lion company for I am coming soon and I will roar through you, says your Lord, and multitudes will come forth into My fold for yes, this is the end of all times!
January 3, 2015

This is the day where the saints are rising up into new heights in Me and taking over the land exercising authority over all the power of the enemy.  At the same time deep darkness is covering over the whole earth.  Don’t allow this darkness to overwhelm you.  Keep your eyes on Me and I will lead you and even enable you to arise and shine to be the light I called you to be.

My glory will cover over the whole earth.  Yes, great glory will fall as the enemy will try to snatch many into great apostasy.  Do not allow the little foxes to spoil the vine.  This is where the enemy will try to get in at any weak point in your life.  Strengthen yourself in your walk.  Overcome the onslaught of the enemy that is trying to hold you back from going forward.  He sees the threat you can be so he is doing everything to keep your light from growing brighter,

Yes, arise and shine and do not allow the enemy to rob your joy.  There is no condemnation for those who love Me.  I see the hearts of My people and they are pure.  I see the desire that you have to overcome.  Keep trusting in Me in that I didn’t bring you this far to leave you.  I will complete the perfecting work that I have begun in you.

Arise and shine for the Light has come and My glory has risen up on you.  For yes, this is the day of the great end time army of the saints, but also the day of great darkness covering over the whole earth.  It is your choice what you will allow to motivate your thoughts and actions.  Allow My light to guide you and enable you to arise for this is your time to shine.

Allow Me to be your peace,  Allow Me to be your joy.  Allow My love to cause you to overcome in any onslaught of the enemy, and allow My light to dispel any darkness.  Remain secure in My promises.  Do not waver in unbelief.  Remain faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life.  

I have come to pierce the darkness.  Just continue to follow Me and I will lead you on, says  your Lord, the King of glory, the Prince of peace, the great I AM.


December 29, 2014

How can you escape what is coming, that is persecution, for it is promised to all who will live a godly life following after the One who has called you.  For yes, this is the end of all times and the godly will suffer persecution and go through much tribulation; but what is the purpose of all this many will say.  Why do we have to face such hardship, torment, abuse and turmoil?  

If you are called to be My disciples, then you must walk in the same path that I walked.  If they hated Me, then they will hate Me in you.  They are like ravenous wolves seeking those who they can devour.  They have the same fruit as their father.  They come to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come to bring you abundant life.  Keep your eyes on Me no matter what you face.  I am with you always to the end of time.  Blessed are those who die for me.  

I see your heart that you want to please Me and to walk in the path that I walked, but many are afraid that they  may have to face something they feel they cannot endure.  You need to trust Me in all things.  Do you believe that I would lead you to something you could not endure?  Do you believe that I love you and that I only allow that which is good?  I said that I would provide the way of escape.

You are like a piece of coal that is going through the fire that once it burns brightly it provides sufficient heat to fulfill its purpose.  Yes, many have gone through much fire of affliction and they have patiently endured the testing.  They are being brought to perfection because of their faithfulness to trust Me.  

Whatsoever things you desire ask of Me and I will give it to you.  Because I know your heart you will ask according to My will and not from selfish desires.  Ask of Me and I will give you My kingdom.  I will give you all that the world seeks after if you put Me first and My kingdom.  I will set you a table in the midst of your enemies.  You shall fear no evil because I am with you.  I will lead you along still waters and give you peace.  You shall receive rest in the abundance of My grace.

Keep your eyes on Me and I will lead you in the way you shall go.  You shall walk in My truth and discernment.  You will receive wisdom and knowledge at all times.  You shall know My voice and follow Me.  Yes, this is the end of all times and I know who My people are.  They will stay close to Me.  They are My sheep and I am their Shepherd and I will lead them to green pastures.  No matter what they will go through My grace will be sufficient.

Grab hold of Me and I will lead you in the battle.  Stay covered with My armor and walk in My love forgiving those who come against you.  Be a light as darkness covers the whole earth and My glory will overcome it all.  Allow My truth to flow through you no matter what the cost.  I will shield you with My glory and blind the enemy.  I will cause confusion to destroy their plans.

Be still and watch My salvation overtake you.  No matter what know that I AM God and that I am in control.  I am Sovereign and I reign victorious.  My kingdom come; My will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 
December 3, 2014

Even though this is the end of the age many believe that they have much time left in order to prepare for what is to come, but I tell you that the time left should be used to draw close to Me in the secret place fasting, and praying, and seeking My face.  In order to be ready you must develop a hunger and a thirst for righteousness like never before for lawlessness is sweeping across the country like wild fire.  

Didn’t I say that many would be calling white black and black white?  They would be justifying sin like never before even in the church.  Many would be doing what is right in their own eyes, but at the same time there will be a remnant that has cleansed their garments making sure that their heart is right before Me.  

Watch and pray that you will be ready at all times to stand against this lawlessness.  Pray that you would have the wisdom to know how to handle situations when they arise, for not handling situations correctly can cause much harm.  Do not do anything out of a religious mindset for surely that would cause offense and division, and you would be just as much in the wrong as those who have given way to lawlessness.

Do things out of My love for that is the only way one would be apt to repent from their wrong doing.  Grace gives the freedom to repent when religion just stirs up strife.  Yes, this is the day of the great falling away, and it can all begin when one could be used as a tool of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy one who was wounded and was weak in faith.  Be one who always ministers out of My grace and truth.  

Yes, just remember that if you draw close to My side and follow after Me closely,  you will always be ready with a kind word and with the wisdom to face every situation.  For the world will know who are truly My disciples.  They will be able to tell them by My love.  Even though one who is Mine might act peculiar to them, they will be drawn to Me by the love and the grace that flows forth.  

Be that yielded vessel that I can use at all times.  Yes, be ready at all times to be led to those who may be lost.  For yes, this is the hour of My power to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to cast out demons for as freely you receive freely you shall give.

“By this shall all men know ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” (John 13:35)

November 19, 2014

Be still and know that I am your God that there is no other god before you.  I see your heart that it is pure, and I have promised you that the pure of heart will see Me.  This is the day that I am searching hearts to see if there may be a people who will serve Me wholeheartedly, to see if they will pay the price to deny all so that they will have My power flowing through them in full force with nothing holding it back.

For to have all you must deny all, pick up your cross and follow Me in the places of My spirit that I will lead you.  For yes, I will lead you in the wilderness, through the storms and fire, through the turmoil and the chaos, but you will have My grace upon you as I transform you into My image.  Yes, truly you are My people, and I am your God, and I am preparing you to do a mighty work through you, and as you go through this process, you will take it with grace because you know that you can trust Me.  You will say in your heart, “thou He slay me, yet I will trust Him”.   

Yes, this is the day of the great falling away because many do not want to pay the price to deny all to have all that I have to offer.  To have My life flowing through you, you must die.  To have My life you must give your life.  Resurrection power can only flow where there was once death.  That alabaster box must be broken open to have the fragrance of My life flowing forth.  

So get before Me, My sweet children.  Bow down before Me for I want to bless you with My kingly favor upon you.  For yes, you are My kings and priests, and I am preparing you to take the land.  Don’t try to prepare in the natural, just deny yourself and completely yield, for surely you will not be disappointed.  You will know that all you had to go through was not in vain.  You will know that even though the price was high that there was no other way.   Yes, My children, that no matter what you face in the natural, you will be able to look back and say, “Yes, it was worth it all!”

November 5, 2014

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Beloved, My children shall dwell in safety.  No plague shall come near their dwelling for they have made dwelling with Me their first priority in their life.  Once you make Me your all-in-all, no weapon formed against you shall prosper.  When you put Me first in your life, all things that the world seeks after will automatically become yours.  I will set a table before you even in the midst of your enemies.  I will even take money out of their pockets and give in to you.  

You will remain in safety because you have made me your safe guard.  In the midst of the coming days there will be tragedies unspoken of.  There will be disasters of every sort.  Weapons of warfare will be aimed at My people, but they will remain bold, immovable, with head set like flint against the enemy.  They will say, “thou He slay me, yet I will trust Him.”

They will continue pressing in on the enemy, and he will begin to shake at the determination of My people to press in on him no matter what the cost.  And yes, they will begin to tremble, and in confusion begin to turn on one another.  The same spirit that motivated them that they served is beginning to turn on them.  Because he is not a faithful god, no one can ever trust him.  

They were just pawns used for destruction.  He had no love for them.  And while they are at one another, My people will come in and take over the land, and free the captives, and many will come into My kingdom.  For I know who I gave My life for, and not one of them will be lost.  I paid the price of My shed blood at Calvary that covered over everything that separated them from My Father.  

So lift up your heads all you gates.  Let out a mighty cry of victory for the King of Glory is coming through.  It will not be long now!  Be ready, keep looking high, keep believing and expecting, and great things you will see for truly I keep My every word to you.
October 30, 2014

You might not have considered that those who overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, and those who loved not their lives unto death are no different than you.  They lived their lives without restraint.  They went to and fro without fear of danger.  Then one day they were placed in a situation where they had to make a choice.  It was either to save their life or to lose it.  They did not have the time where they could hesitate in making this decision. They knew that if they did not make the right decision, they could lose everything that was dear to their heart.  They could lose their loved ones, their home and money, and their life, but they knew that the one thing that was higher than anything they considered of having any value was their life hidden in Me.  

They knew that one day they would come to the point where they would have to make this decision so they prepared their heart so that they would stand strong, that they would have their head set like a flint with no turning back.  They knew that in order to build their house they would have to make preparations to have what it took to finish it. And I am calling you also to be as these, who would overcome it all, to make it to the end victoriously, and receive their crown, and one day cast their crowns before Me because they loved Me above their own life.  

Do you have what it takes to make it to the end?  Do you love Me above all else?  Will you say, “here I am, use me”, or will you be one of those who I will have to say that I never knew them?  Many have given into compromise so they could justify their sin.  They chose the pleasure that lasted a moment instead of walking in holiness.  They never truly picked up their cross and followed Me so when the time came to make the decision, they could not stand faithful to Me.  

This is the day of the great falling away.  Yes, the Great Apostasy is at hand, and many will not be able to escape My wrath. I gave My life so that they would be free but they never chose Me.  Many are in the Valley of Decision where they need to make up their mind what they will do.  You cannot walk with Me with one foot in the world.  You must sell all for the pearl of great price. Choose this day who you will serve.  Be of those who say for me and My house we will serve the Lord.  Yes, many would say they would never deny Me, but who was the one who denied Me three times.  He never thought he would do it because the heart can be very deceitful and only I can know your heart.

This is the day to examine your heart where there is still time to know that you have what it takes to make it to the end.  Be of those who are as innocent as these, those who paid the price to make it to the end, to be of those who hid My word deep in their heart.  For that is the only thing that will help you survive the coming days.  My word hidden in your heart and My love will surely take you from the start all the way to the finish line. Yes, be of those who overcome by My blood, My love, the word of your testimony, loving not your life even unto death.  

Surely you will overcome and be victorious.  Because I am for you, no man can ever overcome you.  Because I am for you, no situation will ever overwhelm you.  Because I am for you, no darkness will ever put out your light.  Yes, you will thrive and you will survive.  You will stay in a safe place deep in your Father’s heart underneath the shadow of His wing.

October 10, 2014

There was once a movement that drew a lot of attention.  Some may have called it persecution, but it wasn’t for righteousness,  but it was a false misinterpretation of My word.  Many would draw attention to themselves for their stubbornness to what they believed to be obedience to My will and My ways, but actually it was bondage to the Law and the taskmaster of sin.  This movement was actually promoting the agenda of the evil one, and in it much was handed over to him through the notion that they were walking in obedience, but actually it was following after the lies of the evil one.

Many that got their eyes open and received deliverance from this movement, which was legalism, crossed over into what many would call license to sin.  These people went to the extreme of not adhering to the basic principles of holy daily living into what many would say extreme worldliness.  These people began watching all kinds of movies when before they played the part of not even having television in their home.  These people began opening themselves up to all kinds of bondage and sin falling into sexual sins, adultery, pornography, drunkenness , and many other unedifying lifestyles.  These people drew much negative attention to themselves and even more to the pulling down of My name and setting a bad example of what My people should be.

Both of these camps of people were actually under the bondage of sin and the delusion that they were actually following Me.  They justify sin for that was what their heart’s desire was all along but they covered it over.  The others were actually serving the taskmaster of legalism working out a list of do’s and don’ts while they were giving over much to the enemy.  They brought much destruction to themselves and to My kingdom.  They were being servants to the evil one and not even knowing it.  You could tell them by their lack of love to one another who called themselves believers.

For now I want to bring you over to a group of people who love Me above life itself.  Yes, they overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they love not their life unto death.  These are the ones that draw attention for they are being persecuted for their liberty in Me.  They are free to love Me with all their heart, soul, and mind.  They love their neighbor as themselves.  They love when the cost is high.  They love and forgive when they are being reviled and persecuted, and treated unfairly.  Yes, they even rejoice in all this because they know they have a great reward they would one day receive.

Count the cost to spend your time searching out your heart as you search out the truth of My word.  For surely you will find the pearl of great price when  you sell all out for it.  Do not come under the spirit of condemnation for there is no liberty in that.  For I have set you free to be the vessel I called you to be.  Yes, a vessel I created to carry My glory, and My power, and strength as you die out to the flesh and walk in My spirit.  This is the day when many are falling away because they never truly knew My love.  They were actually serving the evil one by either following after evil taskmasters or the bondage of the lust of the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of life.  

I have raised up a people.  Yes, they are a mighty army and they are going through the land proclaiming My liberty.  They are setting captives free and bringing them into a liberty that they have never had.   They are proclaiming freedom to the captives and watching them rejoice.  Yes, this is the day of freedom to be all that I have called you to be.  Yes, this is the day of war but at the same time a great time of rejoicing.  Liberty is Mine, says the Lord.  Walk in it freely for I paid the price for you to have it.  Walk in it to the fullest measure and never bow the knee to the evil taskmaster or the bondage of sin and religion.  Yes, this is the day to be free in liberty, says your Lord.  Be free and set others free and run with it!

Be free to experience every level of My love for My heart overflows for you to have the depth, the height, and the breadth of it to the fullest measure.  Open up and experience it and be free.  Do not allow any type of captivity.  For this will be the only way you will truly be able to overcome and survive in these coming days is by the full measure of My love.  Breathe it, live it, and transfer it fully for it is your greatest weapon of warfare, of survival, and of victory.  Yes, it is your liberty, says your Lord.  It is your greatest joy which is your strength.  It is what will take you from one mountain to another as you leap upon them as of having hind’s feet.  Yes, it is what will set you free; My love which is your liberty. 


October 2, 2014

Come unto Me all who are burdened and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest for My yoke is easy and My burden is light, and I will give you refuge for the oppressed.  I will give you peace for those who are tormented.  Yes, I will even give you provision for those who are without.  I will be to others through you all that they will need.

In the coming days I will use you mightily in reaching out to others who have no one who will care about their needs.  I will be through you everything that these people desire to have in the way of comfort and peace and love.  Yes, I will be for the world through you the peace in the midst of the storm.

For surely I have made you strong to be like a lighthouse that will lead them to that place of safety within My loving arms.  For yes, I will be through you that place of refuge from the oppressor, the evil one who is running rampant out of panic and ferocity to finish off every last one.  Because he cannot get to Me, he will hate Me in you.  Out of jealousy he will run to and fro throughout the land trying to devour all that he can.

For this is the final hour upon the earth.  Great darkness will cover over the land like that in the days of Pharaoh who hardened his heart against Me.  And he was an evil taskmaster against My people Israel.  And he ransacked the land of every soul young and old mercilessly.  And when they cried out to Me to intervene, I was right there with provision and with peace and safety.  For yes, I will move with great miracles, signs, and wonders like never before took place.  I will move mightily against the evil one, and he will be thrown into the lake of fire along with every last one of those who rebelled against Me.  

Be still and know that I am God and that I will not leave you or forsake you.  I will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to bear but will in the midst of the fire provide you with a way of escape.  I will either have you pass through the realm of darkness into My light, or I will take you  physically out of the place of danger into a place of safety.  Yes, be still and know that I am faithful and I will be to you everything that you need.  Yes, be still and watch the salvation of Your God. 


September 10, 2014

(A Message of Love and Commitment)  

This is the day when many are coming before Me to get still and know that I AM God and that I am in total control of all that is happening around them.  But at the same time they want Me to move and have their own agenda of what I should do and in their own time frame.  But this is not so.  You can’t have your way and also have Me move on your behalf.

You must submit to Me wholeheartedly to have My authority.  To have My authority you must submit to My authority over every aspect of your life.  You cannot hold back in one area if you want Me to cover your whole life.  Decide this day who you will serve.  If you choose Me, then give Me everything concerning your life.  You can’t have both your agenda plus Mine, says your Lord.

This is the day of much falling away from My plan and purpose.  Many are half-heartedly serving Me, and this is why the enemy has had access to your life.  For if you have just one area that is not submitted to Me, the enemy will take great advantage of that opening in your life.
This is the day where you cannot play around.  It is too dangerous for that.  You must draw away from the enticements of the world and seek My face, get quiet before Me to learn My ways, and to know My voice.

What will you do on your own when all methods of communication are taken away and you want to meet with the saints to gather together to worship Me?  The only way you will know where to go to meet is by hearing Me show you the way.  It is so important to practice My presence and to know My voice.

I promise you that My people will know Me and follow Me, but to do this you must come apart and meet with Me in the cool of the day in a quiet and still place.  Yes, beside still waters I will meet with you and talk with you.  Yes, practice My presence.  Come apart from your regular routine and even meet with Me with others quiet and still, and I will show you many things concerning My will, and My ways, and My strategies against the enemy.

Do not put this off any longer.  It is of utmost importance for your safety, for your welfare, and for your provision.  Everything counts on this.  You are My sheep and I am your shepherd, but you must draw near to Me.  To receive My marching orders you need to have prepared in My secret place to be able to mature to be a man and not a babe.  You have to go from the milk to the meat, from fear to faith.  In order to grow to full maturity you must know My love in the fullest measure.  To know My love you need to spend time with Me.

Yes, this is the end of all times.  You don’t know how close you are to having everything you know of change completely.  Your faith needs to be purged through the fire so it will be like pure gold.  You need to die out completely so I can live through you.  Yes, I am your captain, and I need troops unhindered by the ways of the world.  We have a job to do, a mission to accomplish, and through you I will pull down the strongholds hindering My kingdom purposes.

Greater works you will do.  Signs, wonders, and miracles that have never been accomplished in such great intensity will take place.  Multitudes will come into the Kingdom.  Yes, great end time harvest will take place, but I must have you be a completely yielded vessel.  And it all begins with your commitment to come away with Me to be still, and know that I am your God, and that there is no other.


August 28, 2014

(An end time call to readiness)

Wait, I say unto you this hour to wait upon the Lord for He is faithful to bring ammunition of defense in the spirit realm if you would only humble yourself before Him.  Bow down and be still and know that He is God, and that there is no one else who can intervene on your behalf.

For the enemy has gained strength because too many have laid back and allowed him to take over, and because of that too many have lost faith in My faithfulness.  They have laid down their sword and shield and have gotten hit by the fiery darts of the evil one enabling the evil one to plant fear in their hearts.  Their armor has not been intact because of instead of remaining in truth, they have embraced a lie that says that My grace enables them to do what the world does.  

It is time to embrace My gift of repentance, to turn from your wicked ways, and to turn to Me, the author and finisher of your faith.  Turn from your wicked ways of dividing yourself from one another.  A body who does not stand together will fall!  Yes, many have fallen from truth and holiness because they were not careful to protect what they had, and because they will not turn back, they have only separated themselves from My love and My call upon their lives.  

This is the day of the great falling away, the apostasy, and it is also the day that I am separating unto Myself My remnant bride.  Do not buy the lies of the enemy.  Purge your hearts of sin, repent, turn back before it is too late.  For many will not only turn from their call on their life, but they also can lose it all.  That is by embracing the lie of the enemy they can easily lose their salvation.  For it is too late in time to live dangerously, to toy with sin, to play with fire, to embrace that of the occult and new age, and even of Islam falsehood.  

Return unto Me the place of safety, the place where I will build you back up, make you strong, fill you with My power.  This is the day to hide yourself under My wing, to hear My heart beat, and to hear My strategies against the enemy.  For to hear My plan for the land you must hide yourself under My wing, in my secret place, a mighty fortress to dwell, to war from.  You cannot do it on your own.  You cannot get strong over night.  You must return now and stay close, says your Lord.


August 19, 2014

(An End-time Message of Hope)

Not by might nor by power but by My spirit, says the Lord.

I am calling you in this hour to seek My face like never before.  I am calling you to die out to your will and be ready to embrace Mine to the fullest measure.  If you completely and fully embrace My will, then I will use you as a vessel of My power to pull down strongholds over the land.  For to have My authority and power flowing through you, you must submit fully and totally to My authority over you.

This is the day of much shaking in the land, and those who are not totally grounded in My truth will not be able to stand.  It is not worth to hold on to anything that would hinder your walk with Me.  These are the final hours, and much will take place to purify My bride and make her ready for My soon return.

Do not look to the wind and the waves, or to the threats of the enemy trying to deter you from going forward in Me.  You must press into My presence and allow Me to show  you any area of your heart that is not totally yielded or that is tainted with fear, doubt, or unbelief.  I need a vessel that will move with Me that will allow Me to move with My power to its fullest measure.

Yes, be ready for “dunamis” power to flow through you!  Be ready to move in signs, wonders, and miracles for I said to you before that you would do greater works than even I before I went to My Father.  And yes, you are seated with Me at the place of all power and authority at the Father’s right hand.

You will do great exploits because you will grab hold of My train, and I will take you up.  I will place you where you need to be at a specific hour and bring you back.  You will be enclosed in a whirlwind of power; and therefore, will remain safe at all times.  You will not be glorified but will be moving in My glory which blinds the enemy.

Keep trusting Me at all times through the perils, the storms, and the adversity from the enemy.  When you are brought forth to those in high authority over the land, you will have the right words to say that will defeat the enemy.  Keep praising Me and trusting Me, completely yielded, and I will keep you safe so that you can accomplish My will.

Yes, this is the day of great tragedy for My people.  I see the hearts and cries of them.  None of them go unnoticed.  You might not understand My plan in the land but know that I love you completely, and that everything will work together for your good and for My kingdom coming forth.  Keep overcoming by the blood of the Lamb, the word of your testimony, as you love not your life even unto death.

This is the day to rejoice knowing that everything is working together to bring forth My purpose and My plan.  I am sovereign and in total control of all things.  The enemy is defeated and is under your feet.  So stand strong, march forward, and conquer the land. 


July 29, 2014

Taste and see that the Lord is good.  Blessed is the man whose god is the Lord!

This is the day of the great end time army, and many are preparing by delving into My word like never before.  They are exploring the realms of My spirit so that they can know what their authority in Me enables them to do.

Watch and pray and seek My face.  Be still and know that I am God and that I am always by your side leading and guiding you into all truth.  For I am the way, the truth, and the life, and there is no other way to the Father except through Me.

And because I am truth, if you follow another spirit, you will end up into temptation and snares that you cannot escape.  There is no other way to salvation except through truth.  So many are beginning to follow another spirit that is not of Me.  They begin with a mixture of truth and error and then they end up falling completely away from Me.  I warn you that in these last days many will fall into apostasy and it all begins when the love of My truth fades away.

Many begin to desire the ways of the world instead of following after holiness.  It begins with subtle changes in their behavior and attitudes and then it escalates where they no longer desire to follow after Me.  The love of My truth grows cold and they choose to believe and follow after a lie.  They then embrace a counterfeit spirit that leads and guides them into apostasy.

I warn you this day that if you notice these signs even in your own walk, I tell you this day to cry out for repentance immediately.  For truly it is the little foxes that spoil the vine.  Do not allow the cares of the world and the cold uncaring attitude of men to cause you to become bitter for this same attitude will cause you to turn against Me.

Return to your first love.  Cast down complacency, busyness, slumber, distractions, the appetite for worldliness.  Cry out that I would fill you to overflowing with My spirit so that My fruit can flow forth from you.  Don’t allow the enemy to rob you of all that you have learned to prepare for these last days.  You were called to become a part of My end time army where you will see signs, wonders and miracles of such intensity and of such great numbers than ever before has taken place.  

Don’t allow the enemy to cause you to be cast aside as a vessel of destruction.  For I gave My life that you would be free, that you would be blessed.  Draw close to Me in the secret place once again and I will build you back up.  I will heal your wounds.  I will give you the strength that you need through My joy.  I will cover you with the shalom that passes all understanding and My love flowing through you will overcome the enemy.

Yes, taste and see for I am good.  You are blessed if your god is the Lord.


July 14, 2014

Consider not your life what you may eat and where you may sleep for your heavenly Father already knows that you have need of these things, but consider the need of your neighbor.  For in these last days perils and sword will come upon many, and many will have much lack.  And if  you have seed for the sower, then you have just enough to plant that which will produce a bumper crop for many. All you have to do is step out by faith and plant a seed, and I will send another to water that seed you planted.  And another will come and reap the harvest.

The peace that passes all understanding is knowing that your life is safe within the authority and power of My word spoken forth through you.  For whatsoever you desire believe you have received when you ask Me for it, and you shall have whatever you say.  For it is in the spoken word that gives My angels the direction in which they are to follow and perform My word.  They are just waiting to hear My word spoken forth in faith so they can go forth to perform it.

Yes, this is the day I am counting those who have faith that I may use them in a great way to perform signs, wonders and miracles that will set captives free, to heal the sick, raise the dead, to open blind eyes, and that the lame may walk, the mute may speak.  Yes, I have the answers to your prayers ready to manifest them.  

You have been faithful to believe, wavering not in unbelief enduring hardships, and I am ready to pour out even a greater amount of grace that you can endure to the end.  I am giving you the peace that passes all understanding that you may dwell with Me under the shadow of the Most High.  When you cast all your cares upon Me and know that I am faithful, it pleases Me greatly.  And when I am pleased, I pour out My favor in abundance.

So rest assured that I have you life in My hands.  All your daily needs will be provided for.  You will receive protection from the snares of the enemy.  I will show you the way to go so that you will remain safe.  If you will call upon My name, I will answer you.  I will be with you in trouble.  I will deliver you and honor you, and a long life I will give you, and assure you of My salvation.


July 7, 2014

Wave the banner and sound the alarm for you have been given the opportunity to warn the people of the land of the coming calamity that has been pre-planned already by the people who call themselves “the elite”.  Once you have been given this opportunity you must use every effort to watch and pray for in the soon coming months there will be much distress in the land.  

There is an overwhelming need for efforts to support those who have entered in illegally who need much care and support, and this will drain the provision that had been set aside for the people of the land.  Once this supply has been drained that has been used for these illegal immigrants the people who are true citizens will have to do without, and this will cause much turmoil, and much strain will be put upon the mayors and governors for they will be called upon for help, but they will not be able to help because their funds have been drained trying to keep up with the over rising costs for caring for the illegal immigrants.

This is the beginning of much woes that have come upon the land, and the border patrols are overburdened trying to keep order in an area they have no time to do so.  This has caused much distraction; therefore, we have become open target for the traffickers to come in.  There will be many who will be taken away into other lands as prime targets for sex trade.  There will be much disease, calamity, and crime because of this wave of distress upon the land.  

There is no room and no funds to take care of these people, and the ones who truly deserve this help because they are true citizens will be deprived of what they should have.  This will cause distress, and there will be outrages of jealousy and frustration throughout the land.  There will be many cities under attack financially draining funds, hospitals will be overloaded, streets will not be safe because the homeless factor will rise immensely.  Our land will be in rubbles, a war zone, all because those who have taken their position to an extreme, and have become irresponsible, and have usurped their rights to rule.  This will cause much stress upon the leaders over cities which will cause them to become overburdened and frustrated jeopardizing their health, their marriages, and their families.  These people cannot handle this strain, and it will cause heart attacks and strokes and calamities of every sort.  

Yes, this is the beginning of great woes upon this land.  ”What must we do?” you will cry out.  You must go to your knees like never before and pray for the land.  You must wave the banner and sound the alarm that there is supernatural aid available.  Yes, many will be open during this time to hear about My soon coming return.  They will want to know about My saving grace, and this is for those who are at the top and all the way down to those who are homeless.  

Yes, those at the top who have high authority over cities will turn to Me out of desperation, and they will see Me provide supernaturally, and they will give Me great glory.  So step up to the plate for now is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power and yes, through you, My faithful ones, My remnant, My bride!


June 7, 2014

Have I not given you the spirit of power, love, and of a sound mind?  Then why do you go about like you don’t have what it takes to make it in this world?  If you would just believe in what I tell you to do and rest in My faithfulness, you would be able to overcome every obstacle that the enemy puts in your way. You would also be able to say to your foe My words as a powerful sword against him if you would prepare daily by hiding My words in your heart.  For once you have made My words your life source no weapon formed against you shall prosper.

I have given you all that you need to make it to the end in this world.  I have given you My breath.  I have given you My blood that covers you and protects you from all the power of the enemy.  I have given you My word to use as a mighty sword against all that is spoken against you.  I’ve given you My life to live through you, and I have given you My armor for each piece keeps you safe if you constantly maintain it.  And most of all I have given you My love that conquers over every weapon of the enemy. Now I want you to rest in My faithfulness and know that because I am for you nothing can come against you and succeed for I cause whatever plans of the enemy to work for your good.

Today is the day of a great outpouring of My spirit over the land, and you must daily stir up the gifts that I have placed within you and be ready and expect to see a  mighty harvest of souls coming into the My kingdom.  You must stir up your gifts and be ready no matter where you go and expect to see Me move in your midst with signs, wonders, and miracles.  And most of all you must be ready at any time to see Me call you forth as a mighty army. 

For I will move through you, and I will push back the enemy, and I will give you more time to finish up what I have called you to do.  And even though the enemy was able to take much land and to conquer over many souls, it is not too late to rise up to take back the land.  You can do this if you put aside your petty differences, and join together as one on that which is important, and move together taking back what has been stolen by faith. 

You can do this.  You can take back what the enemy has stolen from you.  Yes, you can recover it all.  For even though a great darkness has covered over much of the earth, you can still rise up as a mighty light.  If you would lift Me up, all men that I gave My life for would be drawn unto Me.  Yes, this is the day for war but I have placed you on the winning side and definitely I have given you My victory.

May 14, 2014

Every aspect of your life is either made up of a cause or a motivation to bring you forth to make a decision that will either bring about My will in you or through you; but you must decide if you want to yield to My work in you or to continue to put forth your own will.  For if you choose to allow My will to take place, the outcome of your decision will bring forth abundant life, but if you choose to do what you will, the price to pay will be death.  For in that decision you are joining hands with the one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy everything that has to do with your life. 

This is the day to choose life or death, blessings or curses, abundance or lack.  In the words that you say and the thoughts that you have determined what your actions will be.  You need to look forward and not always to the present for what you decide will effect what you will walk into.  Whether you react out of your flesh or whether you respond out of My love will effect many lives.  It is like throwing a pebble into the water and you see the swirls of water that flow out from it.  That is how your decisions and reactions affect your life and others.

 So this day I want you to examine your heart whether you have put on the shelf some important aspects of life that I have taught you about.  Like living the resurrected life you need to die daily.  To have authority you must be under authority.  If you give with a pure heart, you will reap much.  To save your life you must be willing to lose your life.

 This is the day to count the cost whether you have what it takes to go any further.  To build a house you must know what it takes to be able to complete it.  For you are coming up to the finish line, and the enemy is coming on like gangbusters ready to destroy what you have built, to hinder you, and to completely get you out of the race any way he can.

 He’s coming on with much deception, with much retaliation, with division, with disease.  Keep guarded daily covered with the power of My blood and My word.  Keep your armor intact, your sword sharpened, and most important stay behind your shield.  For when you come out from behind it, you will immediately get hit with fiery darts and missiles sent to destroy your faith, which is My faith in you.

 Beware for the enemy is out to destroy your most powerful weapon against him, which is My love.  Beloved, die daily allowing My love to flow.  Many are wounded out there and are perfect vessels for the enemy to flow through to wound you.  Be harmless as doves and wise as serpents.  Pray daily for My wisdom and to know the strategies of the enemy.  And remember I didn’t bring you this far for you to fall, but that you would be strengthened in the fight, to rise up as a mighty warrior, to breathe in this last wind to be able to run forth in victory.  The finish line is right there ready for you to break through to glory!!!!


(A Word of Encouragement)

April 28, 2014

Right in the midst of the storm there is peace.  That is what I have always promised it would be, but you are used to stirring up transition that is outside of My perfect will.  You keep acting like there will be no tomorrow where there will be a hope and a future.  Didn’t I promise you and give you My word that you will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers?

Yes, as you lose yourself in My intimate presence and feast upon My written word, you will know beyond the shadow of doubt that I will be with you, protect you, and provide for you.  I will bring streams in the desert that  you will be refreshed.  I will set a table before you in the midst of your enemies that you will always have ample amount of provision that you would be able to help others in time of need.  You need to look to Me to be able to be a light in a dark place, yes, the light at the end of the tunnel for many to receive hope from.  Hope for a brighter future  you need to be for others who are struggling, who have no answers, or no one to turn to.

Be strong, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.  If you weren’t such a threat to the kingdom of darkness, you wouldn’t be struggling so much with the enemy lashing out at you every turn you make.  He is out to deter you because this final breakthrough in your life will be of such intensity that you will never again experience lack of wisdom, lack of victory, or lack of power manifesting in your life.

So hang in there no matter what you feel or see for you are at the edge of receiving this breakthrough, and it will escalate.  You will go from glory to glory with signs, wonders, and miracles following you.  Even your shadow will cause many to become healed, delivered, and set free from the kingdom of darkness.

And yes, many will come into the knowledge of who I AM and what I gave My life for them to have.  Many will receive knowledge of My saving grace and divine favor.  Yes, this is the day I am pouring out My power, and upon you and through you it will come, says your God.



(A warning)

April 4, 2014

Out of the deep into the blue.  What does it actually mean to minister out of the imagination?  Does it mean that you are traveling within the realms of your own soul and believing it is of Me?  There is a thing that is called a sanctified imagination, and that includes those things that I show you and enable you to bring forth on paper as prophetic art, but how far does this realm go before it is heading into the other man’s camp, that is the evil realm?

Yes, out of the deep into the blue for the realm of the deep includes all the colors but the memory could only include the color “blue”.  Where does all this lead to? I am not limited, and I don’t move within your own imagination but Mine, and you must know the difference.   This is not a safe place to be depending on for the imagination of man can easily bring about a mixture of good and evil.  You must come out of the realm of the imagination and into the realm of My spirit which is a safe place.

When you enter into realms that can become controversial, you can easily cross over into the enemy’s camp for he is trying to set up multitudes for the ultimate delusion where they believe they are going into the heavenlies which are Mine, but they are actually going into the danger zone which is the occult. Where does all this lead to but the great apostasy which many have read about in My word. 

Many didn’t have any idea how this would come about if many are sincerely following Me.  Many have lost their discernment because wolves in sheep’s clothing have entered into the camp, and they have fed the sheep false manna and they ate.  Just like Eve taking a bite of the forbidden fruit and gave it to Adam …. one sheep took a bite and passed it to another, and they have brought poison into the food that they were to eat.

This has brought about much heresy, and now the occult has entered in.  There is witchcraft, new age practices, the kundalini spirit, leviathan, and many other deadly serpents.  Yes, be wise as serpents but harmless as doves.  And I tell you this day to not partake of the unclean thing for surely it will take you down with it, says your Lord.
March 18, 2014

This is the time of the great falling away of the saints, The Great Apostasy, and at the same time many are drawing closer to Me than ever before.  Many who are counterfeit are being exposed that have led many astray because they talked of things that wasn’t My will saying that I spoke them forth.

Check the spirit whether it be of Me before you take into your heart those things spoke forth.  Because a wise man would be like the Bereans who checked out what they heard to see if it is a pure word given from Me.  Once you know for sure it is of Me, then eat of it and allow it to take root to grow into a huge tree that could change your life for good.

Words are powerful and if they are not controlled, they can do much damage to a person’s life.  For yes, many say that they are prophets, and they speak forth words of direction, but if they aren’t of Me, those same words can destroy.

So this day I put out a warning that every one who says “Lord, Lord, didn’t I prophesy in Your name and cast out devils”, and I said, “get away from Me for I never knew you!”  And if I never knew them, they were those who are only wolves in sheep’s clothing sent out from the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy the inheritance of My people whether it be spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical.

Your mind is the battle field and this is where you can win or lose the war.  And if you have given in to listening to that which is not sound doctrine or that of a critical or negative nature, those seeds can grow up to be a bumper crop but not that produces good fruit but that causes dangerous weeds that will choke out those good seedlings that were planted before.

Yes, this is the day of the great falling away, and it all begins with giving ear to those things that are not of Me.  Test the spirit before you allow a seed to be planted in the bed of your heart.

King James 2000 Bible Acts 17:11
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.


March 7, 2014

Those who are pure in heart shall see the Lord.  This is a promise I have made to all who die out to their flesh, who pursue peace with all men, and who forsake all for My Kingdom purposes.  For if you put Me first and My righteousness all these things shall be added unto you, and that is all the things that the world seeks after and strives to obtain would be yours just because you seek Me.  And this will be a testimony of My faithfulness for you to give and be an example of.

For in the near future things will even get a lot harder for those who do not yet know Me, and this is where you will step in to give encouragement and bring peace to those who are struggling.  Not all will end up in this category because so many have their mind made up that they don’t need Me or want Me in their life, and the enemy has made it very comfortable for them, but for those who I gave My life for I have made them vulnerable and easily assessable for Me to reach them.  They are in a position right now of humble desperation, and when you step in with the right words to say that will really touch their heart, they will be soon entering into My kingdom.

You will be pouring out great grace through the gift of prophetic evangelism.  Yes, for I will give you the right words to say at the exact right time where they will respond in a positive way and will receive My saving grace.  So I encourage you this hour to search your own heart to see if there is anything that would stand in My way of being able to use you in a mighty way. 

Yes, search your heart to see if it may be pure for only then will you be able to seek Me in a way that you can find Me.  Only then will you be sensitive to My still small voice to lead you in My perfect will.  And only then will you see signs, wonders, and miracles follow you as you speak forth My truth to set captives free, to raise the dead, to heal the sick, and bring multitudes into My kingdom.

Yes, this is the hour that I will pour out My power and only through those who are the pure in heart.


February 19, 2014

Trepidation or to tread upon the nations….which will it be? The choice is yours, says the Lord. This is the day to rise up and be counted to be a part of the end time army and to do great exploits through the power of the Lord. Which will it be? Will you stand on the wayside and watch, or will you enter in and be a part of what I will do through you?

For I have given all of My children gifts and talents, but you must stir them up and allow Me to use them through you. Will you enter in and swim in the depths of My glory, or will you stand on the shore and watch a way off? Yes, this is the day to come forth and be counted in and say, “Yes, use me.”

Many do not believe that they have what it takes to be an end time warrior. They think that it takes much more experience than they have, but I tell you this day that all it takes is to be a yielded vessel that I can use, to die out and allow Me to live through you. Let Me use your hands to raise the dead and to heal the sick. Let Me take your life and turn it into the most exciting adventure that you could ever imagine to take place through you.

Yes, I have so much to do through you just where you are at in your little corner of the world. And as you are faithful in the little things, then I can do much more through you to even reach multitudes and to do great exploits. But you must start right where you are at by being faithful and yielded and allowing Me to move through you. Step out by faith expecting and watch what I will do for I said that signs, wonders, and miracles will follow those who believe.

And I have given each of My children just the measure of faith that can move a mountain. Yes, you can do all things if you believe. In order for a seed to grow it must fall to the earth and die out and then it must be watered. And I have planted a bumper crop through you just by you planting a seed in someone’s heart and another comes forth and waters.

Yes, it is all about being a yielded and faithful vessel watching, praying and expecting to see what I will do. Yes, this is the day of a great outpouring of My spirit. Signs, wonders, and miracles that have never occurred before of such intensity and of great abundance will take place. I am looking for those who will come forth and be counted in this great end time outpouring, those vessels who will say, “Yes, here I am, use me!” The choice is yours, or will you allow it to pass you by?


February 4, 2014

This is the end of all times, and at the same time this is only the beginning for many to enter into My kingdom in a new and profound way. The enemy is busy trying to hinder many from entering in. Suddenlies are breaking forth like wildfire around the globe where My people are finally being able to grasp hold of the breadth, the length, and the depth of My love for them, and this is enabling them to enter into a dimension of faith where they are being able to see My words come alive in their life.

And yes, suddenly they see many miracles come to pass, and prayers they have believed for being answered, for they are being able to grab hold of My power and authority to speak forth My will in the land. They are beginning to take hold of My authority, and see it work in their lives where they are able to pull down the strongholds over the land in which they live that has hindered My kingdom purposes come to pass.

Yes, the enemy has been working overtime trying to keep My people focusing on the negative aspects of the culture in which they live. He is also coming in like a flood trying to keep them busy partaking of false doctrines, heresies, deceptions, along with the complacency that keeps them having ears that can’t hear and eyes that can’t see. Religious spirits are running rampant with every wind of doctrine busying My people with works mentality.

Those who have not entered into those kinds of distress have been busy trying to keep their head above the water with attacks on their finances, their health, and fierce storms and catastrophes. As this is all happening there are those who are throwing out life preservers pulling in casualties in the spirit with the hope that comes from My truth. Yes, the storms are fierce but if you keep your eyes upon Me, I will lead you to the path that leads to life, and abundance of peace, and prosperity of truth.

And I will raise many up where they will do great exploits with My signs and wonders following them. They will be a light in a dark place, and they will display hope to the distraught and the discouraged ones that don’t know where to turn. Yes, this is the end of all times and yes, it is only the beginning for many to enter into My kingdom in a new and profound way.

Enter into My secret place for I am calling you forth. I will show you strategies of how to defeat the enemy in your life. I will show you his plans of how he wants to defeat you. Be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life. Cast all your cares upon Me for I truly care for you and I will provide for you. Do not waver in fear and unbelief but know that I will never leave you or forsake you.

I didn’t bring you this far through the storm without first showing you the way that you are to go. For yes, I am the light in a dark place, and I am raising you up to be the same. Cast off the chains that bind you for you are beginning to run, and you will carry a message that will set many captives free. I will heal multitudes through you and raise the dead, heal the blind eyes so that they can see My truth and hear My words of life proclaimed.

Yes, many will see Me in your eyes as you reach out to them. Yes, many are struggling but you will be like a life raft that will carry them into shore. You will feed them My fresh manna to nourish their souls. And yes, they will become strengthened once again. They will see My truth and regain their courage to be the people I called them to be.

And it all begins with you to not waver at the circumstances that surround you to take a stand for the land as a lighthouse of courage and strength. Climb up upon the mountaintop so you can see the horizon by faith. Do not look at the wind and the waves. Take a hold of My hand and we will walk upon the waters together, and we will take the land, and My will be done, My kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Selah.