GOD’S FAITHFULNESS – My Testimony – God’s Faithfulness In Healing

Yolanda's prophetic writing

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In My Garden by Joe Medrek


I just want to share of the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus Christ in the area of healing.  I have gone through many long enduring trials especially with the healing of my son of brain damage at birth.  This is the major area of faith that I have is to see my son one day walk in soundness of mind and body.

Levi had terrible allergies and I would pray and the Lord would deliver him of such severe trials. One afternoon he would be so bound up in the chest with congestion and with high fever and the next morning he would be completely delivered.  Once he broke out with hives all over his body with fever and the runs.  I rebuked these hives that were so large that one would cover his whole back, and I would watch them draw up to nothing and the fever leave.  

He walked out trials where the Lord preserved him where his hands and feet had an orange tinge to them.  Then Levi went through a trial where he had a blue coloring that encircled his major organs and went up and down his legs and arms. We prayed and felt the Lord directing us to trust Him.  Boy, did I have the mind battles that it was poor circulation or blood poisoning.

My husband believes the Lord moves through medical science, but he felt that we were to trust the Lord.  One night in the bathtub I noticed that on his side the skin felt like leather when I rubbed it.  I took the washcloth in a circular motion and rubbed, and all this blue silt came out into the tub with a strange odor.  It was like the Lord had cleansed his system of something. He never had any pain or any other symptoms with that trial.  Now my son has no allergies and his blood work is always perfect.  The doctor would say he is a picture of perfect health.

My husband had to drive his truck through many months of smoke inhalation through forest fires.  He had no air condition in his truck and was so open to these toxic fumes.  He developed a terrible condition involving his stomach.  Every night he had terrible pain and could not keep anything down.  He lost so much weight that you could see the bones in his hips.  The Lord led him to trust in Him alone.  And the Lord completely healed and restored all his weight back.

We trusted the Lord alone with Levi’s trials with autism and epilepsy. There had been times I didn’t think I was going to make it with his behavior and become aggressive. Levi does not allow the doctor to do anything with him, much less take blood tests. Update on this:  the Lord brought my son to a place of peace where now he can have blood tests without being traumatized, and now his seizures are under control after having three a day every three to four days.

My son started to regress back to wetting his pants and bed, and the Lord led us to have him put on medication.  I chose not to do it before because many autistic adults after being medicated for seizures develop aggression, and end up in an institution so I was afraid of the risk.  So I spent many years terrorized afraid of him falling and hurting himself.  I know the Lord is not finished with His work in Levi. This medication is temporary.  The Lord will finish the good work He began in Him, and I know it will be total deliverance and healing and restoration!!!!

I’ve gone through several trials that in the natural could point to death with lumps and huge hard growth in my stomach, but as we pray the only direction is to trust Him.  Also with several years of infections, fatigues, the Lord would lift me up and strengthen me as I pray in His spirit. Update on this:  my stomach with the large hard growth went back to normal after going through a scary trial.  I thought I was going to end up in the hospital but the Lord gave us peace to be able to trust Him alone.

I cut the tip of my finger off in a steel door and prayed for guidance after I first went to the church for prayer and anointing with oil.  Two nurses at the church prayed for me and could even see the bone. The bleeding had stopped and I had no pain through the whole trial, which was amazing to so many people.  And the Lord had only born again Christians to work on my finger.  I had no skin graft just some powder that caused the skin to grow back, and I was able to have my nail grow back.

Once I was so close to having a nervous breakdown!  My whole nervous system was shot where my head and neck would draw forward as the muscles in my stomach did the same.  You would only have to see it to understand what I mean.  I had two sisters pray for me and this prevented me from having the breakdown, and the very next day all the symptoms left and they never came back!

I know the Lord is faithful and all things work for the good.  What the enemy has meant for harm in my life and family, God has and will turn for our good.   I have made many mistakes in my walk with the Lord, and I know He is even in control of all that working it for my good.  The bottom line is that God is faithful to keep His promises to us to forgive all our sins and to heal all our diseases as we pray for wisdom and the grace to trust Him.