OCT 30, 2002 – FEB 28, 2003



February 28, 2003

Do not allow the evil one to use the device of separation to cause retaliation upon the brethren. For I am calling you to unity, to pay the price of dying out to the flesh to preserve the life of those that I gave My life for. The enemy will cause many to go into the spirit of opposition trying to preserve their own lives which is only the pride of life. For this is the day and the hour where I am calling My people to a severe heart searching.

Are you willing to give your life for your brother or are you about looking to save your own? For I am calling you to a life of love and sacrifice, to have a willingness to love your neighbor as they were your own family. Do not fear that you will not have your own needs met if you look out for others for that is a lie of the evil one. For when you pour out of your heart compassion and service and mercy, I will pour back in abundant grace for your own needs.

My ways are not the ways of the world for they are so much higher and not always easily understood, but you will learn that you will reap an abundant harvest of fruit by your obedience to Me. For the world will know My own by their love, their humility and servitude, not the hostility that many will manifest in trying to protect and defend themselves. Ask yourself this question? Am I willing to die in order to live the abundant life? Am I willing to sacrifice for others to see My saving grace flow through you? And am I willing to die in order to see others live eternally?

Are you willing to truly pay the cost to be My disciples? For I am preparing you to go through a season of training that will either make you or break you. I am about to see who are truly My men and those who just say that they are. For I am about to take you into battle where the enemy will come in like a flood, but those who have yielded to My preparation will be able to stand. They will not fall into the snares of compromise and deception, because their hearts will be pure vessels that I can truly flow through.

I said in the very beginning to you to love Me with all your heart, soul and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself. In itself this commandment has great strength to preserve you from all harm. No evil can overtake you when you obey My command to love. So search your heart this day and see if you are willing to pay the price to change from glory to glory into My image. If you truly want to win and succeed in My calling you in this great end time battle, then you need to be willing to die out, for in dying you reap My resurrection power that will crush the enemy under your feet.

Cast off the lies of the evil one. Beware of all forms of deception for it is important to walk in truth, honesty, and integrity. For I am looking for virtue in My warriors not those who have put on a mask and have learned to say the right things. For the enemy knows who are My true warriors for they carry a brightness about them that cannot be hidden, and they have true joy and a peace that cannot be quenched. But most of all you can tell them by My love.


February 21, 2003

Take up your cup and your lamp and follow Me, and I will take you on a journey that will establish in you My perfect will, and you will begin to see why you had to go through the hardships and the stretchings of the past. This is the day I will establish in you My plan, and I will bring it forth through you, for I am calling forth a people who have been prepared in the oven of My burning love. You have watched My hand mold you and prepare you, though the heat at times seemed unbearable. You have seen My grace, My enabling power, bring you through every time where you were able to stand unwavering with head set like flint against the evil one.

You need to be like a dog with a bone, never letting go of My promises, when the forces of darkness come against you trying to rob you. Be bold, be strong, for the Lord thy God is with you. Be not dismayed for I Am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness. With all that in mind I want you to rejoice for no weapon formed against you will prosper. I Am your healer. I will not allow man to come against you to destroy the seed of faith I planted within you. And it will grow and develop a bumper crop of My glory and grace. And My word will spread like wild fire for I have prepared you in the oven of My glory.

Reach out this day and touch Me and know that I am faithful. Do not look at the circumstances surrounding you and become discouraged. Look up for your redemption draws nigh. For this is the day to shout and to rejoice and to proclaim My victory in the land. For didn’t I give My life that you would be free, My people? Was it just a spiritual freedom or was it a birthing of a new man…..mind, soul and spirit?

And I am calling forth My bride to be My messagers of My glory and grace. Shout the alarm. Proclaim a fast to draw close to My holy presence. Draw near and I will fill your cup to overflowing, and I will trim your lamp that it will burn brightly. Do not let anything stand in your way for this is the day of salvation to set the captives free to be all that I have called them to be. For I love those who I gave My life for.

And I will walk mightily through My holy ones, and I will pull down the strongholds of the evil one, and I will set up My kingdom, My glory and My power forever. For you stand on the side of freedom and might. Do not be dismayed, but be filled this day with My glory and might. Stay covered with My armor of light, and My joy will crush the evil one under your feet as you are shielded with My perfect peace. Proclaim My victory in the land, and wave your banner for your King reigns supreme. No power can stand against the Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah, the Prince of Peace.

Remain silent in your flesh, but bring forth a raging fire using My words spoken through your spirit. The power through My words will bring down the enemy’s camp like the walls of Jericho falling. And you will see My glory spread and people running from the enemy towards My light and love. For I am calling forth My harvesters to reap the bumper crop. Proclaim the victory! And not only will I bring forth a harvest for My glory, but I will crush the enemy under My feet.

Look past the cloud of darkness sweeping across the land. Look past it, and see My light and My glory. Keep your eyes on My promises and what I plan to do. I will bring amazement to those who do not know Me. They will not deny that I AM the King of Glory, and that I reign supreme. I will bring all men to their knees, and all will acknowledge that I AM Lord before the final judgment. But not all will receive Me even then, but know that all men will have the freedom to choose life or death, blessing or cursing. Just be sensitive to My leading, and share My light and My love to all.

Reach out and touch Me and stay by My side, and I will bring you through safely for no man can steal My promise of eternal salvation from your heart. For yes, you will dwell with Me forever. So fear not and go forth and take the land. Keep your eyes on Me and never let go. No matter what you see, waver not in unbelief. Look past the natural and stand behind your shield and use your sword and trample down the enemy. For I am calling forth My army to march across the land. One that will not bow down to the enemy’s devices. For they overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they love not their lives unto death.

I uphold you, I strengthen you, and I send you out this day to tear down, to build up, and to reap all I gave My life for. Go out and take the land. I put My armor upon you. I clothe you in My glory to blind the enemy and to bring confusion to his camp. I am commissioning the young ones to be strong. I am raising up the elderly to be mighty. Not one will be left out, because I move through all My holy ones. So connect together, and be one in spirit and purpose. Do not allow the enemy to divide you no matter what. Be strong in your marriages. Love your children. Respect those in leadership. And be ready, says your King.


February 14, 2003

As I take you through the fires of My love, the flames will not harm you. They will only bring to your heart a cleansing and a purifying that will bring forth much fruit. I will enable you to walk through much fire, and you will see Me move on your behalf with much faithfulness. For I am preparing you so that I can do a mighty work through you, for your faith has been tried and it is true. No matter what you have gone through you have not left My side, My beloved, My bride.

And I am faithful to keep My promise to you of abundant life, of prosperity and health, and that you will soar in My Spirit. For in a little while I will pour out both My fire and My rain and a purifying unknown to man up to this time, for I need a vessel that is untainted from the world and the pride of life. I need a vessel that I can pour out My power through to touch many souls for My Kingdom. I am getting ready to do greater works through My bride, but she must be ready.

As you seek My face through the fires of My love, I can see a heart of faithfulness, of worship and thanksgiving, a heart that has been tried and tested and has been proven true. And now I will reward My faithful ones with My presence, because you never gave up on Me. You have never run away from My fires, but have only submitted to them. Reach out and know that I am God. Reach out and touch the hem of My garment as I am passing through. My glory will engulf you.

You will see blind eyes open for you have cried out for deliverance for those in darkness and deception, and I have heard the prayers of My people. For yes, I will bring unity to My bride. They will join as one and carry the burden of the Lord unhindered, and they will not let up until they see the breakthrough of My glory upon My church. No longer will the enemy dam up My river. No longer will he cause My people to be hung up on pride and materialism and manipulative ways of making money in My house. For I am casting out the spirits behind the money changers, and I am separating the true from the vile.

I am tearing down the foundations of man, and I am causing a returning back to their First Love and to the simplicity of Truth and integrity and faith. So open up your hearts to My calling you forth for a deep cleansing of My Spirit. Be open and teachable, and I will give you the fruit of the land of promise. No longer will you give into the lies of the enemy and to control and manipulation. My power only flows through a meek and humble spirit, one that has been molded and cleansed through the fires of My love.

For now is the time to rejoice, to press through, and to birth My purpose in the land. Tear down the strongholds over My church with a mighty cry. Stand in the gap and travail for freedom for those called by My name. Bring My light into the dark places. Don’t hold back My worship no matter how strong the resistance is around you. Shout and dance and rejoice and watch the walls fall from around the hearts of man. Decree healing and freedom and watch My river flow for this is the day of My glory and the great outpouring of My rain. And it all starts with the openness of your heart to My deeper purging through My fire.


February 7, 2003

All things are subject to change, and I am about to turn the tide on those who feel that they can dictate to others the way that they are to worship Me. For I want you to know that I am tired of the religiosity displayed by those who call religion “worship”. Come into the house of God, and cry out to Me. Worship Me with hearts of pure love and devotion unto Me. Give Me all that you have, and yes, I will turn the tide. I will set the captives free from the spirit of pride and religion. I will set them free so that they can rejoice with exuberant joy. Once freedom comes they will never return under that old taskmaster called religion.

This is the day that I will come and pour out upon My people an anointing that will set the captives free to be all that I’ve called them to be. Out of the caves will come My worshiping warriors with a message of hope and light to set others free to worship Me. I will go across the land and those who do not yield to My message of freedom will be judged. I will take those out of leadership who will keep My people bound up, for I am tired of seeing those hearts who are struggling underneath a dry message. They are dying to rejoice and to be free to shout and dance and to be themselves without others dictating how they should worship. For yes, all things are subject to change, and I come to turn the tides. I come to pull down the strongholds of religion and pride. I come to set the captives free like never before. I come to release those from bondage for yes, I AM and I come to take over, says your God.

Shout unto the Lord with a voice of triumph. Shout unto Me with a voice of praise! This is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I come to move with signs and wonders as My people worship Me. I will pull down the strongholds over the land and release My heart cry for the lost as a mighty roar. And those who I gave My life for will return to Me. I am calling back those who have backsliden, those who were wounded in the house of God, those who gave their all for Me but were only used and abused and cast aside as one that was no longer valuable. I come to heal the broken hearted, those who were rejected, those who are no longer able to move in gifts that I gave them to use to minister to My body.

For woe to the taskmaster and the legalist for your time is running out. You will no longer hold back My people. You will no longer hold back the flow of My river, for My power is dynamite, and I come to blow apart the structures of man. Everything that I did not build will be torn down, and those who will not listen to My message of hope and freedom will be taken out of office. I will build My church over, based upon My grace and truth, and I will pour out repentance upon those with open and teachable hearts.

This is the day of salvation, the day you will decide who you will serve. Will it be the spirit of dead religion that works against Me or will you choose Truth and Life? The choice is yours to make. Escape now while you have time. Gather together and worship Me. Don’t let anything or anyone get in your way. Follow My leading and be bold. Fear not for I AM your God. I will have a clean vessel to move through. I will have one that is free.

I AM calling My bride out. Come unto Me, My lovely one, and let Me trim the lamp that you may burn for Me like you once did before. Let Me stir your heart to come apart from the cares of the world, and lose yourself in My warm embrace. Dance with Me and let Me pull down the strongholds through you. For you are My bride, and you will be faithful to My calling you out.

Come forth, My worshiping warriors. Yes, come out of your caves, and wave the banners and the tambourines for this is the day of jubilee only if you worship Me. For gross darkness is covering the land, and pain and suffering unknown of until this time, but those who worship Me in the secret place I will provide for and cover with a blanket of joy and hope to others. You will be a light for others to follow who are lost. You will minister peace to those who have no hope. So obey My voice, and come out from those who call darkness light and that which is wrong right. Come out from the message of deception. Be free for this is the day, says your God.


February 1, 2003

Unless a corn of wheat falls to the ground and dies, a harvest of much fruit cannot come forth. Listen closely, My people, to what I have to say to you for this is a time of rejoicing. Do not look with your eyes but with your heart for in the coming days I will produce a harvest, never before has behold, the magnitude that I will bring forth, a harvest that will cover the earth. For My people, the manifest sons of God, will march across the land in victory with a message of hope of great magnitude that will draw the lost unto My Son.

For I am calling you forth. Those who have groaned for this day will see Me work with signs and wonders, and My blanket of glory will cover the earth for a season of time where people will have the final opportunity to make the choice who they will serve. Believe Me when I say all things work together for good towards those who love Me and are called by My name. You have called out to Me to move, to bring revival and to save the lost. But you never thought I would bring together my two precious nations in peace and unity where they are able to draw together like never before to comfort each other and to encourage all to seek My face.

So look forward to an abundant harvest of fruit to come forth, a crop of multi cultures coming together under one banner of courage and proclaiming “Let’s worship our King. We don’t look in the natural, but unto the promises made to us by our Maker.” Join as one and rejoice for this is the final hour where I will rain on you. Be still and know that I am God and that I am faithful to finish the work I’ve begun.

I am Sovereign King, Lord of All, and I am in total control of all things, and all things will work and have worked for the good of My will being done on earth throughout the land as it is in the hand of God in heaven. Proclaim peace in Me and victory for I am Lord of all, and I come to take over all. The enemy is under your feet. He is just a tool of vengeance he feels is against Me and My land, but I will turn the tide, and he will fall in his own snare, says your Lord and King.


January 27, 2003

This is the day of salvation. This is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I am calling you higher to reach out and know that I am God, and that I am faithful to perform all that My word said I would do. At once I will perform signs and wonders. I will heal the sick, raise the dead. Yes, I will wake up My people once and for all and put My burden to pray within their hearts.

Many wonder why they feel so dead towards prayer at present and are troubled with their state at hand. Others wonder why there is so much apathy and complacency within My people, but I want you to know that soon I will stir My people like never before, and I will move through My people mightily. Yes, I will raise the dead, and I will heal those who are sick in heart. Those who appear to be weak I will move through them mightily for the enemy has fought these people because he knows they are a threat to him. He has tried to hinder them from moving in the gifts I have placed within them. He has threated them so they would not move forward in their ministries and callings. But today is the day I am setting My people free to be all I called them to be.

Yes, I am raising up the “nobody’s”, those who others thought would not amount to anything in My kingdom. But where are those who had criticised their weaknesses. Where are those that mocked those who were struggling so? Yes, they were zealous, but it was all in the flesh for now they have fallen away. And those who were weak are becoming strong for they had a flame deep within. They had a burning love deep within for Me then that was increasingly growing stronger over the years. Yes, their love for Me was real, and they had never given up on Me coming through for them. They knew deep within that I would come through for them and set them free to be all I called them to be.

So I admonish you to not look at your spiritual state at hand. Do not be troubled at what appears to be apathy and complacency. Keep your eyes on Me and worship Me. Love Me with all your heart, and do not be distracted from your highest calling which is to minister to Me. And I will put upon your heart My burden, and I will give you the grace to carry it, to press through, and birth My will in the land. And I will bring My word alive for you, and you will speak it forth and see My mighty works come forth.

It is all up to you to lose yourself in My presence. Keep your eyes on Me, and I will lead you through, for it is My victory I give to you this day. Give Me your all. Lay your burdens at My feet, and I will give you joy unspeakable and fill you with My glory. Yes, this is the day of salvation, and I am setting the captives free. Rejoice and thank Me for all that you are going through for through it all you are gaining strength for what is ahead.

I am calling My Gideons forth. Yes, all the Deborah’s. My remnant I will do mighty works though. Worship Me at My feet, and I will do the rest. Be obedient unto death, and I will give you the crown of life this day. It is all up to you to die out to what you think things should be. Get out of the way, and let Me fill you with My grace. I will flow through you with signs and wonders. My glory will touch the lost and draw them to Me. I prepare those who I gave My life for. They will turn to Me because I know My own. Just let My love shine through to touch them. Be a yielded vessel of My Grace and glory.

I touch My people this day. I bless them with an anointing to turn the tides. What I am about to do will amaze you. It will be far more than anything you have imagined to be. Yes, this is the day of greater works, and I will use those who others have cast to the side as one who could not be used or trusted. Yes, I am raising up the “nobody’s”. I am exalting the weak and casting away the proud, the critical, the task master, those I never knew out of My midst. I know My own for they never gave up on Me to come through, and now I will bless them and honor them and call them My own. I stress keep your eyes on Me and not your state or condition at hand. Rejoice and be encouraged. Have peace in your heart. Keep My promises before you, and I will be faithful to you. Never give up for this is your day to be free. I embrace you with My love, and I hold you close. Just receive.


January 18, 2003

Ask of Me and I will give you the nations for it is your inheritance. Ask and you will receive all things in My name. For there is nothing that is impossible for you to do if you believe. If you desire to travel and seek out My will as a missionary, reach out and step out by faith for it is I who have given you the desire to serve Me in this way. If you desire to serve Me in your own back yard, in your own community, step out and trust Me, and I will give you your inheritance even there. It isn’t where you go that is important. What is most important is to have a heart to do My will no matter what it is.

Your own family is your mission field, and do not neglect the multitude of need right there. If you are single, look out and see for the field is ripe no matter where you are. I have placed you in the locality where you are able to reach out and grow in the gifts I have placed in you, and you will produce a bumper crop of fruit. Just shine the light that I have given you, and be an example of My faithfulness, and men, women, and children will be drawn to you, those I have given My life for. I have prepared their hearts for this day when you will step out and accept the call of ministry of reconciliation to them. The Father’s heart is calling them to draw near and to accept My saving grace this hour. Be ready and willing, and I will give you the harvest.

Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will open up to you. Ask and you will receive, and walk in My perfect will. A willing heart will yield much fruit in abundance to those who are lost. They will see the gentleness and the goodness of My Spirit and be drawn to it for deep down they desire holiness but don’t know how to obtain it. They are looking for truth but have only seen the error of the ways of men in the system of religiosity. They have lost interest in that which doesn’t produce life and have sought hope in other things besides religion for the deadness of tradition, ritual and formalism has given them nothing to look forward to compared to the promises I have for them. Let My river flow out through you of peace, joy and love to repel all that has held them back from what is real.

Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day to choose that which produces reality. Cast off all that has held you back in the mission I’ve called you to and that is to reach the lost. Look at your own soul. Have you allowed the enemy to trip you up with confusion and vanity trying to fill up the time where times have been dry? Or have you refreshed yourself in the secret place preparing for this final hour? For the time of preparation is over, and the time to be all I called you to be is now. It isn’t in doing the works that is important. It is in being all that I called you to be. Just rest in My faithfulness, and pull back and let Me flow out.


January 10, 2003

It is only by salt and light will you enter in, for salt purifies and My light purges the darkness of your soul, if you allow it to do so. Yes, your trials are tailor made to get you to where you need to be. I know what it takes to get your attention to turn you around so you won’t continue in the ways of the evil one. It is only by humility of heart will you enter in also. For humility purifies and exposes that which is real. It doesn’t cover over with a false face. Exposing the darkness causes the enemy to lose power in your life so do not be afraid to show who you really are or that you even need help. I can only work with that which is real with the sword of My Spirit and the shield of faith.

Reach out and know that I am for you and not against you. All things that I allow for you to go through are only for your good, for I am a good God, and I love My children. I chastise to bring protection and change that you don’t continue in ways that bring you harm. Reach out to Me and rejoice and know that I am a God who keeps My word. When you don’t see the answer, don’t allow the enemy to tell you that it is not coming for delay is not denial. My timing is perfect in order for the completion of the trial to take place. The purpose of a trial is not just to see the prosperity or the healing take place, but to see the transformation from glory to glory to follow in your life.

Reach out and know that I am God and that I am in total control. The steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord. Don’t allow condemnation hinder you when you feel you have made a mistake or that you have opened the door to trouble, for even that works only for your good. This is the day of salvation. This is the day to choose who you will serve. Will it be My truth that you follow or will it be the darkness of your own soul. Do not continue in ways that might hinder. Cast off all that holds you back. Strip off the excess baggage and run for this is the time to rejoice, to shout, to fast and to sing, to worship Me in the secret place.

For I long to see your face to embrace Mine. I long to see your heart embrace My heart. Don’t hold back. Open up everything to Me, and I will bless you unceasingly with all that I have to offer. Yes, greater works will you do. Even through a single vessel I will move the multitudes like the sea. I will show My power for the enemy is defeated and he is under your feet. Anything he does to try to bring harm I turn for your good. So rejoice, My children. Today is the day to be free, cleansed by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony, as you love not your life unto death.


January 4, 2003

Rest in your Father’s love. Quit striving to meet all the requirements of man, and just seek to know God. If you put Him first, all things will be added unto you. Yes, all the things the world strives after will be yours just by asking Me. Keep the balance in all things. If you don’t work, you don’t eat. You are not truly living by faith, if you don’t get out there and provide for your family. I want to prosper you with ample amount to be able to bless others also, but if you have to look to others to supply your needs, how are you being an open vessel of My provision to others? Give and it will be given unto you. Yes, be a free flow of My Spirit, of My grace and truth.

Encourage others to do their part. If everyone meets My requirements alone, everyone will be cared for with ample provision. Make sure what is taking up all your time is of Me. Many expect others to serve in areas of the church that I didn’t even ordain in doing, and many are getting burned out trying to keep up with all that is required of them. Yes, they go out and provide for their family, and they have a heart to give in the church, and many are just getting used and abused and taken advantage of for their kindness and generosity. And this should not be so.

Back up and see what you are doing. If what it is that is taking up all your time is taking you away from My intimate presence, then slow down and seek My face. Are you sure you have received My leading in it, or are you just meeting the requirements of man? This is the time and the hour to change course. The wind and the waves are sweeping forth, and you must be ready to meet up with them. You must be strengthened by having met with Me. I am even talking to those pastors who have taken it all on their own shoulders to uphold the ship. They have not even sought My face as to who I have sent to help. And many are getting burned out in that aspect, even too much to be able to seek Me in the secret place, and the Body feels it.

Get your priorities straight, My people. Rest in My presence, and keep things simple. Do not rush to keep up with a time limit. It’s My work and My kingdom, and I am in control. If you do your part by just seeking My face and knowing that I am God, then everything will be taken care of. And My anointing will be upon everything that you do, and My people will grow. My presence will be there when the young people come to church, and they will be blessed. They will not seek grace and truth and love somewhere else and get led astray.

Yes, My people are hungry to know Me, but many do not see Me when you all meet together in the present condition. In places where My anointing has been free to flow, it is still limited by the spirit of religion, and people’s hearts are not made full, and there isn’t the breakthrough needed to reach out in ministry. If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will come and meet with them and heal their hearts and their land.

The choice is yours. Do you want the outpouring of My revival upon you? Then meet with Me. Gather together with the main purpose to worship Me. And cry out for the Father’s heart and for the fresh manna that you may grow and be strengthened. Be open and teachable, for this is the day of salvation!


December 31, 2002

Examine your heart, My beloved, and see whether you are walking in the faith or whether you are moving by an independent spirit that keeps you bound up and motivated by that which is not of Me. This is a new year coming, and I admonish you that if you want to prosper and be in health, then you will have to realign yourself to My will. Didn’t I say in My word that if you put Me first and My righteousness, all these things will be added unto you?

Yes, those things the world seeks after will be yours if your heart yearns after Me, to do good all the days of your lives, and to bask in My presence unceasingly. Because if you do these things, you will be completely in tuned with Me. Your Father’s heart will beat as one with your own. My compassion will flow through you with the gifts of My Spirit. You will be rested and refreshed because you have been in My presence.

Why rush out and escape the motivation of My Spirit because you didn’t take the time to seek My face? Why go after the things that you need purely in your own strength? Don’t you know that the more you go off on your own, the less that you desire to be with Me? And I long to have you sit before Me quietly just to be with Me. Yes, I long to have your presence as I once had before you went off on your own. I blessed you and prospered you, and now you act like you don’t need Me. But these things will pass away. But My words will last forever and sustain you through hard times. They are more precious than gold. Your faith will enable you to stand through the worse of times, not your finances.

So I admonish you, My children, to launch out into the deep. Reach out past what you are used to, and allow Me to stretch you with what you are not used to having. Don’t settle for less than the best that I have for you for I want to sustain you and nourish you. I want to strengthen you so you can stand. And give you joy unspeakable and fill you with My glory. I want to clothe you with a garment of praise and engulf you with perfect peace, but you must stay before Me and seek My face.

Bask in My presence. Don’t be so hasty to rush off for I love you and want to take you to the next level. You cannot make it on your own. What you strive for is temporal and it is in vain to put that first. I encourage you to cry out to Me to stir up the gifts I’ve placed within you and to give you the hunger you need to go after Me. Stay before Me. Discipline yourself to cast down the distractions from the evil one. Crucify your flesh for it is your worse enemy, and it is depriving you of what you need this day. You need an outpouring of My Spirit, a full portion of My presence and anointing, and it only comes as you draw close to Me. For only as the deep within you draws forth from the deep within Me will you be able to be filled with the springs of living water that you need.

Don’t continue in your ways. Cast off all that holds you back, and leap and run and charge out after all that I died for you to have. I’ve called you forth to be warriors of faith and truth and to be My ambassadors of light. Cast off the darkness and go forth now. I’m calling you forth! Do not allow the enemy to imprison you any longer. This is the day to claim your victory and be free, and stay free, says your God.


December 22, 2002

I AM calling you forth, My faithful ones. I AM calling you forth to pull down the strongholds of the evil one. For in this day I will pour out My glory upon those who have been made ready. Be assured that all you have gone through has not been done in vain. All the fiery storms and raging seas have been there to strengthen you so that you are full aware that I AM able to set you free and enable you to stand, unwavering with head set like flint, no matter what you see. For you know in your heart that My word is true, and that all things work together for good to strengthen you for what is ahead.

For I want you to rejoice for I have made you mighty in Me. Rejoice for you have what it takes to pursue the land, to conquer, to tear down, and to uphold My kingdom in the land. For this is the time and the hour where I AM calling forth My mighty men of war who will walk not by sight but by faith. No stronghold from the enemy will ever stand in their way for they are plowing down every ploy of the evil one with My mighty grace and truth. I want you to rejoice for the enemy is intimidated by the amount of faith that he sees in you. He sees that every dart of flame that he flings at you is turned right back at him for his defeat. He sees you gaining strength in spite of all that he has brought your way. He sees My power rising up in you! For I have called you forth My warriors of light, and with every word of faith that you speak and every word of praise you release, you are tearing down the enemy’s camp.

Now rest in My presence. Keep your eyes on Me, and I will lead you through. And when you get to the other side, you will not be the same for the flames have burned off the dross, and you are made pure as gold. It is time to go forth in readiness, to let out a mighty shout and see the walls fall of division and defeat. It is time for My people to go forth with banners and harps dressed in pure light. As My intercessors and My worshippers join ranks, you will see the demons flee. You will see the captives set free to walk in their callings. I have come to shake foundations. All that is not of Me will crumble. All built upon the Rock will stand. For this is the time to rejoice in My victory! This is the time to stand!!


December 17, 2002

I draw you near, and I give to you a heart of faith and thanksgiving, for faith comes by hearing and believing My words to you. Reach out and know that I AM God and that I AM faithful to manifest to you the many promises I have made to you. For I AM not a man who can lie or even a son of man who can change My mind. If I said it, I will bring forth all that I have promised to you.

Reach out to Me, and rest in My faithfulness to heal your heart and set you free from all bondage. For I see your heart of faithfulness to Me. Don’t let the enemy lie to you saying that you don’t have what it takes to get to the other side to see the promises come to pass for you. I say to rest in My faithfulness for I AM stretching you at present to become a true son of God and not just a child. I AM stretching you that you will look past the natural and reach into the realm of what is natural to Me. I want you to believe that you have the faith to move the mountains and to raise the dead.

How do you know, unless your faith has been tried and tested in the fire, like gold purified in the furnace seven times, like My word? I have passed the test, and My words are true. Many have stood on My promises and seen My deliverance come. Yes, I have set the captives free from the hands of the task masters. I have set those free from the fiery furnace and the lion’s den. Yes, Hebrews Chapter 11 is full of those testimonies of those who trusted Me and loved not their lives unto death and some believing, not yet seeing the promises brought forth as yet.

Yes, reach out and know that you can trust your lives in My hands. No matter what you see, know that all things work together for your good. No weapon formed against you will prosper, and what the enemy has meant for your harm, I turn for your good. So rejoice in the fire of My love, for I AM getting you ready to bring forth a harvest through you. I will move in greater works for I have made you a vessel that I can freely flow through. For only when you are weak, can I be truly strong through you.

This is the day I AM bringing you higher. I AM burning off the dross, and bringing you forth like pure gold. Do not fret at what you see. Do not trust in the report of man or even go by the ways of the world. I have made you a peculiar people. Your ways are not that easily accepted by others in the world and even most of the church.

You are My beloved. You are the remnant. You know who you are. Just rest this day and know that you are mighty in Me.


December 11, 2002

When everything seems to be crumbling around you, come to the Rock that is a sure foundation, One that will never let you down. He gave His life so that you would be free to partake of the same glory that He experienced at the Cross. For it is through dying that the resurrection power of the Living Lamb of God comes forth. Once you have escaped the clutches of the evil one, hold fast to your liberty in Christ. He is your true salvation from every bondage, every turmoil, every weapon that might come your way. Grasp hold of the Rock and never let go when the storms start raging heavily.

When everything starts to look hazy, and you feel you have lost your way, hold fast to the Truth that I have given you in My word. Do not look at the circumstances, but look to the light in My word, and it will lead you to freedom and safety. I will give you the strength you need. Just bow down before Me, and worship Me, and I will fill you once again with the life and strength that you need. Cry out for wisdom and grace, and I will lead you to the other side, the land flowing with milk and honey that I promised you.

Yes, I have promised the abundant life, and it is in Me. Cast all your cares upon Me for I care for you. Rest in My loving arms, and be still knowing I will supply your every need. I tell you this hour to give it all to Me. All the raging tides and the winds that blow that are saying you can’t make it. You don’t have the funds to see you through. Cast them down for you have a heavenly bank account in Me, and I bring it forth in My timing, not when the timing of the world calls for it. For I AM stretching you in your faithfulness to Me and My word.

Do not look at the circumstances, but stand on Truth, on My promises, and do not waver, and I will manifest the answer. Draw close and I will keep you safe, and raise you up as mighty conquerors of faith and truth. You will cast down the strongholds of the enemy through My love and grace. You will escape the lies of the evil one that says you don’t have what it takes. For greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Yes, you will run and you will leap in joy when I release My gifts through you.

Many will come into My kingdom through your faithfulness to seek Me and your yieldedness to perform My word through signs and wonders. Be ready for even in the market place I will pour out My glory. My presence will radiate through you like a glowing light. And those that I have prepared will be drawn to it, and collapse under a mighty conviction weeping with joy at My presence. Their hearts long for the healing power of My love. They long for it and are ready to receive My saving grace.

The end time harvest is here. Be ready to reap a bumper crop for the fruit of your servitude towards Me. All that you have given up for My kingdom will return unto you seven fold. You will reap prosperity and health as your soul prospers in Me. Now rest, and let Me bless you, and strengthen you, and fill you to overflowing. For now is the time to rejoice. Now is the time to reap the fruit of your labor. It is time to gather in the sheep and be one, and be the light I called you to be.


December 7, 2002

Escape the clutches of the evil one, and run speedily towards Me. For many have taken hold of a way of life that may be detrimental to their well being if they do not repent and cry out for mercy from Me. Many have given into addictive type behaviors accepting them to be the normal when all they are doing is robbing them of their health, both spiritual and physical. They have been feeding on things that are purely addictive behavior.

Examine the way that you live. Are you seeking Me whether these things are pleasing to Me, or don’t you care to know My opinion and approval? For once you give way to these things, it is very hard to break away without My grace to deliver you, even of the desire to do them. Once you break away, keep a guard up not to fall back into them, for the enemy goes about as a roaring lion seeking all that he can devour.

Don’t you know that I delight in the well being of My children, for I promised you the abundant life? But your idea of what this is, is far from what I have planned for you to have. For I plan that you are to prosper and be in health as your soul prospers, but you must be in My will to do this. Seek My face early, and I will show you the way to go each day and will give you the strength to resist the evil one’s schemes to distract you from the path I have called you to. For all he wants to do is to corrupt you in all ways, even in the way you eat, sleep, rest, what you give your mind to. Every area he is constantly trying to bombard you from all that will bless you. But you must resist the enemy, and he will flee. You must be strong to even crucify the lusts of the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of life. Put up your shield of faith, and block the fiery darts of the evil one. Yes, use your mighty sword of truth and light against the lies saying that you can’t change these ungodly habits.

For you are the temple of My Spirit, and you must guard what you allow in through the eye gate. It isn’t what you put in your mouth that defiles you, but that which comes out of your mouth. So guard your heart to keep it pure. Cast off all forms of defilement. Do not ignore any trace that is not pure within. Do not sweep it under the rug, but allow My light to purge every trace of impurity.

For this is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and you must display a testimony of faithfulness in every area of your life. Do not ignore your own appearance. Be concerned with areas of intemperance and even of gluttony. Do not try to fill a void with food. You are to be seeking Me in the secret place, and I will supply all your needs and heal the hurt within. Yes, this is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and you must be vessels I can move through. Nothing standing in My way. So commit every aspect of your life to Me, and I will set you free. I will bless your health and finances if you place it all in My hands.

For I AM your loving Father, and I care for you. Let go and let Me be your God. Quit trying to do it all yourself for you see you aren’t making any progress. You go around the same mountain too many times trying to escape it. Give it to Me, and let Me crush it to powder, and give you the desire of your heart, the abundant life, says your God.


November 30, 2002

This is the day of new beginnings, of life springing forth from the Holy One of Israel, the Fountain of pure life and truth. Reach forth from the innermost place which your spirit dwells and receive all that I have for you. Cast off all the cares of the world and the lies from the wicked one, and rest in the One who loves you unconditionally. There is nothing you can do to separate yourself from the love of God, for He gave His life so that you can be free to receive life, health, and prosperity without limit.

Yes, I came to give you the abundant life if you trade your life for Mine. For I came to live My life through My people that I may minister My truth to all. Abide within My living waters, and escalate to new heights in Me, for this is the day I call you to abide in Me, that you may feast upon the hidden manna, the nuggets of truth of pure gold that I have for you. I call you to My side that I may feed you like calves in the stall that you may grow strong and be nourished that you may stand through the storms of life. For the enemy comes to tear you away, that you may lose your focus on Me and My truth, and to lose the vision that I have called you to. But don’t allow him to.

Pick yourself up and brush yourself off, and repent of any shortcomings in the fall. Yes, when you stumble, you will not fall away, but be only strengthened and learn that you will not be ensnared again. All things work together for your good because you are Mine. My hand is upon you. I will not allow you to fall away, because I saw you before the foundation of the earth. I saw you in My Father’s eyes when He sent Me to die in your place. My love covers the multitude of sins, and My blood protects you from all harm.

So rest in Me, and seek My face for I will show you the way. I will show you areas of your life that you need to stand strong against, areas that the enemy uses to try to get at you for he can only come in through legal rights given to him. And I will show you the areas if you ask Me to. Only be quiet and listen, and be willing to turn and shut the doors. For I love you and long to see you walk holy and separated unto Me. Let Me purge your hearts of unclean desires, even of those things you seek fulfillment in besides Me. For I came to give you the abundant life, but it can only be reaped in My perfect will. Die out to your own natural desires. Cry out for grace to overcome the flesh. You cannot make it on your own. You need Me to take you through.

So this day take the time to sit at My feet and to bask in My presence. Let the warmth of My love heal your heart. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength and My perfect peace engulf you. For this is the day of new beginnings, of great grace, and power, and strength to you. May you be filled to overflowing with My truth to lead you and show the way for others to follow. Rest in My presence for I love you for this is the day to start anew, says your Lord.


November 23, 2002

Repent of every evil deed, for now is the time that I AM bringing to the surface everything that is not of Me. You cannot just hide the evil deeds and expect them to go away, because I won’t allow you to. I will do everything possible to expose the works of darkness, for I AM getting My bride ready for a great catching away.

I will enforce My authority every hour of the day, and no demon will take residence any longer in My people. He has been trespassing upon the property that I have purchased with the blood of the Lamb. I have come to take residence in My people like never before. I have not come to take sides but to take over, and to rise in My power to cast out every root of wickedness that has had My people bound. I have come to set the captives free.

So do not fear what I will expose in your loved ones. Just trust Me to finish the work that I have started in them. Just be willing and yielded for Me to finish the work for I will go deep, and I will burn loose the hold of the wicked one with the fire of My love. Trust Me, My people, and be ready for what I will do soon through My bride, for I AM making you desperate for Me and My power alone. I AM breaking the hold of pride and independence for it has only set a deep snare for you that has given the enemy rights to oppress you even more.

Humble yourself before My mighty throne of grace, and I will lift you up to be the mighty warriors I called you to be. Do not turn on each other through this process when weakness is exposed. Remember love covers a multitude of sin, and I AM testing to see how deep and how true the value of your love is. Is it based on the Rock which is My Son, or is it love which comes only through the flesh? For the world can give the appearance of love also, but it does not last, and only seeks recognition and has motives that are self seeking. You need the love that comes from a heart of gold, purified through the fire, based on grace and truth.

Remember to forgive those because they know not what they are doing. Most are being motivated by the works of the evil one who come against you. Let My love flow through you to repel the darkness and to blind the evil one. Reach out to receive My heart cry of travail in this hour, and stand in the gap for those who are bound with addictions and evil habits who are afraid to reach out for help. My people need to be strong and allow My healing power to flow through them.

Do not be shocked at what you may see in this hour with those who seek after My light. I see their hearts, and I will help them. I gave My life that all would be free. Let it start with you this day. Follow My leading and fear not for I have come to expose the enemy that he will lose his grip on My beloved followers of truth. Yes, I come to set the captives free, and when I let out My holy heart cry, the mountains will tremble and the strongholds will come down.

I call the Lazarus’s to come forth to rise from the dead. I call the Mary’s to minister to the lost who are called by My name. I come to take the scales off the eyes that they may see. I call the light forth to expose the darkness for this is the day, says the Lord.


November 15, 2002

Examine your heart to see if what you are living for is really of Me. For I want you to make sure your motives are pure in the things you are doing concerning the church. Do you want recognition, or do you just want to serve My people? Do you tend to want to please man, or is your main concern to please Me no matter what man says or thinks? For these are important issues you need to settle. Your heart must be pure for I don’t even see your outward works. I see the motive of your heart, and I reward you or take away from you through chastisement.

Yes, I AM your Father, but only those pure in heart can see Me. I allow you to go so far in childish ways to see if you will turn on your own, because you know what you are doing. But the seriousness of it is why do you feel that I don’t know. Don’t you know that you can’t hide anything from Me? I see the motives and intents of your heart always. Man might look on the outward appearance, but I see the heart.

Why are you so quick to judge others by what they do? Love covers a multitude of sins and believes only the good. Unless you have reason to doubt the character of a person, always believe the best. Love rejoices in one who is blessed or when one is used mightily by Me. You are all My chosen vessels, and you all have a season of usefulness for Me. But you must be content in your time of waiting and preparation for no time is idle in Me. There is a purpose in everything you go through.

Seek Me in everything, and take My hand to lead you through My will. Develop a close relationship with Me. Yes, dwell with Me in the secret place. Do not continue to allow the enemy to get you so caught up in the affairs of life that you don’t spend moments of quiet intimacy with Me. For this is the day and the hour where many will fall away and get caught up in the lies of the evil one to justify the works of the flesh. Seek the straight and narrow, and cast off the traditions of man that rob My people of seeking My face and walking in My perfect will. For I am not in the man made structure and agenda of the church. And I am not in the programs that only draw attention away from Me. And I am not in the specials, for all My children have a special calling and place in My heart, and must be able to be free to worship Me without distraction or limitations.

For I AM calling you to give your whole heart to Me. I AM asking you for your full attention, for I AM ready to release unto you deeper revelation of My plans and purposes concerning worship and warfare, and you must be ready to receive. For this is the time and the hour I AM calling My people higher. I AM ready to release the heart of the worshipper to those who are willing to let go of what man thinks and aim totally at pleasing Me. I AM ready to release travail through My people like never before. Are you ready to lose yourself in My presence, and allow My heart cry to come forth?

I will release the captive spirits, those who are lost, as you worship Me. I AM calling you to a place of high praise. Are you ready to seek My face alone, and allow My mighty river to flow through you? Come close and let Me anoint you, and prepare you for My work for this is the hour, says your God. This is the hour of power and to be filled with My fire, for My heart is heavy and ready to release the manifestation of grace and glory unknown to man. I AM ready to draw in the multitudes. It all begins with you and the purity of the motives of your heart.


November 7, 2002

Be still and know that I AM God. Don’t come into My presence hastily, but dwell uninterrupted by the cares of the world. Once you come before Me, just sit and wait peacefully without anything from the outside influence you. Just rest in My secret place so that I can build you up and strengthen you with My encouraging words. Do not let anything distract you. Just give Me your all, and wait and be still.

For this is the time and the hour where you must know Me intimately. You must be able to know how to come before Me at any moment no matter what is around you. I want you to be able to come before Me, and dwell in My secret place in the midst of all the turmoil and chaos that is around you. When danger lurks around you, draw close, My little ones. Run into My arms, and let Me hold you and strengthen you.

I want to build you up to be mighty warriors, but you cannot do it on your own. You need My presence, My grace and anointing upon you constantly. And the only way to obtain all that you need is by staying by My side and resting, waiting upon Me whenever you can. Make use of every moment that you can to rest before Me for mighty is the battle ahead, and you must be ready for it.

So come before Me so that I can heal your heart from those things that have wounded you. Let Me bring to your memory anything you have suppressed of deep hurts, resentments, or unforgiveness that might hold you back. For you need to be clean vessels so that My power and glory can flow freely through you. Let Me set you free from any doubts or fears with My perfect love.

Once you reach the point you must be in Me as clean vessels, keep your guard up for the enemy will want you back in his clutch. But don’t let him back in your thoughts, for the battle is won or lost in your mind. Keep covered with My armor of light and love. Be filled this day with My grace and truth. Reach out to Me so I can fill you to overflowing with My Spirit, which is a mighty force field that the enemy can’t cross. The same Spirit that raised My Son from the dead dwells in you.

Believe and receive My every promise made to you in My word for it is your Sword. Stand behind My faith which protects your heart from the arrows sent from the evil one. Pray unceasingly in the Spirit to stay built up. And rejoice for we have won the battle. You fight from the place of victory. No matter what happens to your flesh, your spirit will soar in Me like the eagle. You dwell with Me high above all power and principality, and I AM sovereign ruler of all having control of every move of the evil one. He has no rights of his own or power without My allowing it.

So rest in Me. If you are Mine, nothing can harm you or rob you of your inheritance. You are sons and daughters of the King, and My anointing of power rests upon you. I anoint you now with My blessing of peace and prosperity. You will reign with Me throughout eternity. Keep your eyes focused ahead. Do not turn back or look around for your full redemption awaits you where you will see Me face to face. Much more than you have imagined I have for you in My presence. I want you to experience My fullness. Open up now so I can shield you with My love and glory. Come running, My holy ones, for I love you so!


October 30, 2002

Are you willing to humble your heart before Me? Are you willing to give up the things that take up most of your time so that you can spend more time with Me? For this is the time and the hour where I AM calling My people to a deeper and profound walk with Me, for I want to shower you with My blessings, and I want to prepare you for what is ahead.

Don’t you want to know what I have to share with you that will make a difference in your walk and in your ministry? You cannot make it on your own for you are struggling and attempting to seek My face and pray; but if you draw close to Me, I will show you that which will unlock the door and give you deeper understanding of My will and ways so that you can stand unwavering in this final hour. I want to put together in order the pieces of the puzzle for you. Yes, I want to give you deeper understanding and discernment concerning the tactics of the enemy.

For surely many are falling away, because they have tried to make it on their own without humbling themselves before Me; but I want you to know that only I have the answer to all your needs, and that is in My Son. For He gave His life that you would be free so that you would rejoice in the victory that He won over the enemy. The enemy is under your feet and is only a tool in My hand to bring forth My plan and purpose in the earth.

If you stay close to Me, covered with your armor of light and truth, the enemy cannot touch you, except for what I allow to prepare you and strengthen you; but if you stray away from My side, you are not under My protection, and the enemy can bring fatal destruction to you. Where pride is comes a falling away, because of the sinfulness of your heart. Yes, examine the motives of your heart and be truly honest with yourself and repent of all wicked ways.

This is the final hour, and all deceitfulness will come to surface and be exposed. This is the time to reveal the motives of your heart if they are not pure. Anything that has been hidden away will be brought to light. For the fire of My love will burn deep and loosen the hold of the enemy. No more playing possum I say to the wicked one. No more holding My people back. For I come to take charge and to set the captives free to raise them up to stand strong. I AM the Captain of the hosts of heaven, and no plan of the wicked one will prosper.

All I ask of My people is that they humble their hearts before Me and to draw close and let Me do the deep work needed to bring My word alive in you. You cannot make it on your own. Stand strong in Me, and I will take you through with healing in your hands and rejoicing in your heart. Do not draw back but conquer all in My name. I give you My name, My honor, My authority, and power. I give you My all. Now walk in your inheritance. I AM your Father, and there is no other god before you.