OCT 6, 2012 – JAN 9, 2014


January 9, 2014

This is the day of the great falling away of the saints, and at the same time a great awakening has come to many who are called by My name to know who I AM in a way not known to you unto this time.

For many have been calling out to Me to know Me and to know My son’s name, but I warn you this day that the enemy goes about as a roaring lion seeking who he can devour. He is looking for those innocent prey that don’t have anywhere to turn. For many have been scattered and do not have a shepherd to call their own; therefore, they are open prey to the devourer of their soul.

For I remind you not to forsake the assembling together of My people for there is where you are safe, because you are in the center of My will covered with the power of My son’s blood. There you will remain safe even though you might not agree with everything that is being taught. For I give you the discernment to know what is of Me, and what is of the evil one, and what is coming from the traditions of man which I will deliver you from.

Yes, this is the day of the great falling away and yes, the day where many are drawing very close to Me. Which camp do you fall under, or are you in the center not knowing what to do at this point, because you see so much error and mixture of good and evil practices being done by those called by My name. You don’t know which way to turn. There are so many voices, so many winds of doctrine that you could easily be swept into despair. But continue to know that I am your God, and that I have not brought you this far to leave you. Haven’t I said that I would reward those who diligently seek Me?

Be still and know that I am God and trust Me that I will provide you with all that you need. I said that I would provide you with manna in the wilderness. So be still and rest knowing that I will keep you safe underneath the shadow of My wing, and that I will lead and guide you into all truth. And you will know Me in a way that you have never known Me before.

For I will lead you and guide you and bring comfort to you as you continue to cry out to Me. For I see your heart and it is very pure, because you have been through the fire of My love, and I have brought the dross and the impurities to the surface, and I am skimming them off. That is why you might feel that you aren’t at the same place in Me as you were before. That is why you might question whether you heart is right before Me, but continue to trust Me, and I will bring you forth as pure gold fit for your Master’s use.

You will bring down strongholds over the land. You will have signs, wonders, and miracles follow you. You will do great exploits for yes, you have remained faithful unto death of the flesh and yes, I will crown you as My kings and priests. Keep pressing in even harder and surely, you will break through.


(A Word of Exhortation for the Coming Year 2014)

December 26, 2013

I am pouring out My gifts without repentance, and all of My children have the opportunity this coming year to claim as their own all that I have to offer. I have seen your hearts that you are hungry for My truth, and I am pouring it out this day upon many who have called out to Me for it. 

Yes, this is the day of the latter rain outpouring, but at the same time the enemy is going about like a lion seeking who he can devour. Keep checking your armor each day to see if each piece is intact, that everything is working together with My perfect will for your life. If there is any piece that isn’t properly applied; yes, if there is any area of your life that I am not Lord over, the enemy will have an opening in which he can enter. 

So I tell you if you want to be used in a mighty way in My army in these end days, you need to make sure you are walking in truth and not deception. You need to make sure that you are walking in My will and not your own. You need to make sure you aren’t justifying an area of willful sin without repentance. You need to make sure you stay under the power of My blood and are walking in the power of My word. 

If you do not keep checking each area, you can be left behind as the army moves forward, and you will become an open target for the enemy. These are the times when many will fall behind because what they allowed to hinder them was not important to Me but was to them. They have allowed what is a priority to them to override what I call first priority. Remain faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. If you cannot run with the footmen, what will you do when the horses are loosed against you?

Seek Me for wisdom as how you are to walk out the knowledge I will give you in the coming days. Wait upon Me until I give you the sign to go forward for My perfect timing is of great importance. Make a heart commitment to follow what I show you no matter what you come against. The coming days will be very trying but at the same time you will grow very strong. Trust Me no matter what you feel or see and believe that I am in control over all things that you face. Believe that as you continue to press in that surely you will receive the Promises that I made to you before. For yes, you will enter into the Promised Land. 

Today there are giants all around but if you stand still, you will see My salvation. I will set you free to do great exploits. Signs, wonders, and miracles will follow those who believe, and My love will be your greatest weapon against the enemy. Remember these things, and walk in them, and you will have My victory manifest through you.

December 3, 2013

The flesh must die so that the spirit may live. Join hands with Me around the world so that I may have reverence bestowed upon the hundreds of millions of martyrs who die for Me every day, not just a physical death, but financial, emotional, every way possible. They live so that I may have the opportunity to enter those places many dare to enter for these are even the places that angels dare to tread.

These are the places where many face lions in My name. These are the places where deep dark secrets are told where many share in the sufferings of Christ, for in these dark dungeons many experience the stories that the early church lived, where John the Baptist was beheaded, where Stephen was stoned, where Jesus carried the Cross, where lions ate them as their meal, where many were burned for their faith.

Listen to their cries in the dark of night as they cry out to Me, their Heavenly Father, for I listen to their cries and their pain as they take the blows against My forehead once again and again. For they are My beloved faithful ones who loved not their lives unto death. They held on to their faith no matter what the cost and were the seeds planted in the earth that a bumper crop harvest could grow up from.

Listen to the cries of their hearts as they take the sufferings so that you may be free to spread My word around the world. They are those who give you the strength that you may stand strong. They are those who take the pain so that you don’t have to. They are those who are the mighty warriors of Christ, the brave and courageous ones who have a double portion of My anointing who stand up to the lions in My name and would not back down.

These are the ones who receive double honor before My throne. They are the soldiers of Christ that carry a banner of My love into battle who fight for the souls of men that I gave My life for. All hail the power of Jesus name. Let all kings prostrate fall. For they are kings and priests around My throne. They paid the price that you could never pay. They paid the ultimate sacrifice…. their life for the salvation of multitudes for truly they were the seed planted in the ground so that a mighty oak tree could spring forth from. Unless a seed dies no life can come forth.

Let their voices be heard. Let their cries be upon your heart. Let not their life be in vain without it accomplishing what it was sent out to do. One life for the lives of many. They walked in My footsteps along the same path. As they suffered they cried, “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” They had the same spirit as I have. I was the seed planted so that multitudes could rise up to carry My same cross…one life for the life of many. Give them double honor for they gave their lives for their brother, the price of unconditional surrender, unconditional love.

November 29, 2013

I am drawing you closer, My child, like never before have I drawn you. I want you to count the cost of persecution before you go any further, not that I would expose you to any of it, but I want you to make a full commitment unto death to serve Me. As in the future many will be exposed to gruel and fierce men, and many will be slaughtered and live a gruesome life in the hands of taskmasters, but I want you to know that you and your loved ones will live a life free from this type of cruelty.

I want you to know that My hand of favor is upon you, and that you will walk as one of My elect and favored ones, not that you will receive a crown like one of My martyrs will receive, but you will receive favor before men, and I will use you and your family to speak into many lives. The words that I will give you will set many captives free so that they can serve Me and promote My kingdom purposes. These people will then be used to speak into leader’s lives that rule over My people, and I will lessen the load of oppression because of the salvation of these souls.

So I want you to know that your life in Me has not been in vain. I have used you and prepared you through your hardships to humble you so I can use you in a mighty way through signs, wonders and miracles promoting My kingdom power so others will see and be brought in also. Yes, this is the day of salvation, to count the cost, to choose this day who you will serve. Will you hold on to your life and lose it or will you choose Me and live forever?

This is the hour of decision for many. Many are asked this day if they are willing to count the cost to make sure they have what it takes to be able to finish the race in victory. Yes, this is the day of salvation for you and your whole household. Yes, you are the seed for many to receive the light of their own salvation. Are you willing to pay the cost to set captives free, to raise the dead, heal the sick for freely you receive and freely you will give.

*Whatever you hear be very discerning whether the words are truth or counterfeit, faith or presumption, no matter where you hear them from for it is your responsibility!!!

November 23, 2013

For yes, you are My ambassadors in the earth! Arrest the charge that is to come against you from the evil one. Declare it null and void for I say to you this day that no weapon formed against you shall prosper for you are My beloved servants, and I watch over and protect you.

Whatever you shall say I will do because I have give you authority over all the power of the enemy. If you shall say “Go!”, they shall obey you, that is the demonic hosts. If you shall say “Come!”, they shall obey you, that is the angelic hosts that I call to do warfare on your behalf.

For this is the day that I have made, and you shall rejoice and be glad in it. If you go out in one way against the enemy, they will scatter in seven ways. For I have given you charge over all the power of the enemy, and you must use My power to declare peace over the land, to declare authority over the leadership of the land. For I am the One who puts kings into thrones to do My bidding in the land to bring judgment, but I also put them into office so that they will bring blessing over My people.

Whatever you shall say you shall have. If you declare peace, you shall have it, and if you declare strife in war, you shall have that! You must watch the words that come forth out of your mouth for they have great strength in creating the things that take place in the atmosphere.

Now I want you to listen closely for I have something to say that you must take to heart and apply to every area of your life. You must be assured that whatever I allow in your life, whether good or bad, it is for your good in conforming you into My image.  For I have a great work for you to do, and whatever place you find yourself in, whatever difficulty you are exposed to, I will use it in conforming My dear Son’s image in you.

I will give you the words to say that have great strength against the evil one. Do not fear what men can do to you. Look to Me the author and finisher of your faith, and I will give you the words to say against your oppressor. They will have much conviction upon them and repentance, that whoever hears them will become pricked to their heart, and turn and follow Me. Yes, I will turn the Sauls into My Pauls!, but you must allow My love to flow through you.

If you allow fear and hate to flow, you will be working as if you are of the evil one, and you will knock off My plan and purposes through you. They will become null and void. My words would not flow to create what I sent them to do, and I will have to raise up another to finish My task that I started through you. You would not receive My blessing upon your life. You will, therefore, open your future up to the plans of the evil one.

So beware of the enemy’s plan to rob you of My authority of speaking forth My plans in the earth. Walk closely with Me. Cover your heart with My love. Do not fear for I am with you to the end of all time that you will be on the earth. Speak for Me. Be My ambassadors upon the earth for I have raised you up for this time. For this is the time of My great outpour upon the earth, but it is also the time that the enemy will loose his great guns against you to deter you. Just keep pressing in for surely My will be done, My kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven!

November 8, 2013

This is a warning given from Me to those who call themselves My church for there is going to be a great falling away. There will be many who will fall prey to the doctrines that are being promoted through demons. Many will be swept away by false prophesies given by those who are set up by the enemy to deceive even the elect, but I have kept My remnant safe in My secret Place. I have given them a sword that pierces through the heart of the enemy’s delusions and lies.

I have raised them up to follow after only that which is truth and they will only spit out that which is error. But not all have prepared themselves in My secret place. By their own choice they have spent their time following after others gods, the idols of the world lusting after that which is of the flesh, their eyes, and that which is of the pride of life. And these are the ones that will not be ready when My trumpet blasts and My angel cries out “Come up here!” for they will be lost in their idolatries feasting on those things that are an abomination to Me.

For if you love that which I hate and hate that which I love, then you are not of Me at that point, and you have lost your first love. You have lost My holy fear upon your heart, and you have allowed your god to be that of your own self. You have chosen your own will over My own will for your life.

So I call you to My side. I give you a strong word because I love you. I warn you because I love you and gave My life for you. I forever intercede that none of My own would be lost but would rise up in My power over all that is of the enemy. But I warn you because these things are true. The enemy goes about like a roaring lion seeking all that he can devour. And if you don’t stand guarded with head set like flint against the enemy, you could be easily swept away.

For surely this is the day of the great falling away. Do not allow those things that satisfy your flesh entice you to lose all that I died for you to have. For I died that you would have an abundant life with peace, joy and My righteousness flowing freely. Yes, I died that you would have health and prosperity as your soul prospers.

But what would you give in exchange for your soul? Would it be a piece of bread or would you choose Me, the Bread of Life? The choice is yours to make and the time is running out for those to make preparation for what is coming on the earth. Think wisely on these things for the cost could cause you your life!

October 28, 2013

Be still and know that I am God in that I will provide for you through the coming storms for yes, there will be earthquakes, and there will be storms of high intensity. Volcanoes will erupt and disasters of every sort for I am about to do a shaking of the land that no one has ever experienced before.

This will be a judgment that will be poured out upon a nation that has denied My presence, that has denied My entrance, and has denied My power. For yes, I will shake this nation to the very core. Everything that has not been built upon the Rock will crumble and fall. For with the very thing that they have brought against My people will come back upon them in full intensity.

For those who have been hidden in Me and have obeyed My word no curse can ever light upon them for it will go right back to whoever sent it out. I warn you this day that if you do not obey My word and choose to try to justify your evil actions using My word, you will be brought under that very same delusion. For if you want to believe a lie, I will let you, but it will carry you away into destruction. That peace that you once had with Me will be replaced with a false peace that will lead you deeper into the delusion that you asked for.

You might not have known the danger in what you were doing, but if you choose the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life over a life of holiness following Me, you will open yourself up to the schemes of the enemy to destroy your very soul. You might look like you are prospering and that everything looks like it is going well, but that is the trick of the enemy in making you think that I am pleased with you.

Many will not hear My voice for many are called but few are chosen to walk on the narrow road that follows after Me alone. For yes, it is a narrow road but it is a way of safety that leads to having My peace, joy and righteousness.

Count the cost in selling all for having the pearl of great price. Count the cost before you start building that house to know that you have enough to finish it. And most definitely count the cost whether you have enough to take you to the finish line. For this is the hour that I will pour out My power and through My mighty army I will flow to pull down the strongholds that are binding My people from entering into all that I have for them.

Yes, I am beginning to release My travail over the land to usher in My end time harvest. I will pour out My signs, wonders, and miracles and through My bride I will use. Will you be counted as one of My remnant and be used in this mighty way, or will you be one that is on the outskirts of the power that is flowing out?

Will you be in the river with Me or will you still be on the shore watching? For beware there comes a tsunami of My spirit of power and might, and if you have not entered into My end time flow of power, you yourself will be swept away with the multitudes who have not chosen Me above all things. The choice is now yours to make.

Count the cost for it will be well worth your effort to forsake all to have My kingdom and power and righteousness.

October 25, 2013

For I say to you this day “Do not lean upon the opinions others might have concerning you for I alone am your sole source of judgment about how you should live your life, where or if you should go to church, what you should speak out about.” These days there is a large amount of controversy about the subject of whether or not you should even go to church, because many have given into doctrines that have been brought about by demons. But I have raised you up that you might be a light in a dark place, freedom in a place of bondage, love in a place of harshness. For either people have given into having a form of godliness denying My power or they give into the harsh taskmaster of legalism.

For you will only grow where I have planted you, and even though where you are at present might not be completely pure in doctrine, know that their hearts are pure before Me. Yes, they are My people and I am their God. Trust Me to lead you and guide you into all truth. Listen only and take into your belly those things that witness with your spirit. I will protect you from all that isn’t of Me.

Grab hold of My garment and I will lead you deeper into My truth. I will lead you in My paths of righteousness, but I have not made you to be an inland by yourself. You need the support of other believers. Many will hold each other up by their faith through hard times. They will see by faith with you the answer before it is manifested and they will pray it to pass.

So lean upon Me alone as to know specific direction of your life. Others may confirm what I have already told you but do not seek truth in direction through others. Others may mean well but are not hearing clearly for you in these things. I will only speak directly to you alone concerning major steps in directing your life. Rest knowing that I will lead and guide you into all truth. I will prepare you for what is ahead by you coming before Me to know Me more and by you stepping out in faith to love My people.

As you are being obedient to Me in the coming days I will lead you to those who are of like mind and are in one accord. I will lead you to those who I will hand feed like calves in the stall. These people desire fresh manna, pure words straight from My heart, that they can eat and be strengthened for this coming race. For you will run with ferocity against the enemy’s devices. You will run with truth and I will lead you to those who hunger for it.

For times will not be safe and you need to know My voice. I will provide for you through people who have learned how to survive through the roughest of times. Yes, I will keep you safe. There will be a brief time where you will have to endure hard times, and then I will remove you from the place of judgment many will endure, and a safe and hidden place you will dwell. You will be fed by My messengers. And in the twinkling of an eye you will be gone.

Until that day listen closely to Me. I will guide you in the path you must go. You will grow in maturity by what I will feed you in My word. Keep seeking Me alone drawing ever so close to know My truth. Do not buy into the lies of the enemy. You might become tricked by him because he wants to misguide you. I will always set you free. Rest in Me and know that I would never bring you this far to leave you. I will never leave you or forsake you because I am your God and you are My people.

I might shake you to wake you so that you will know the seriousness of the hour. For you no longer are in the comfort zone. I have brought you to know that you are in the battle zone. Watch and pray always and rest in Me for yes, I will care for you.

October 16, 2013

You know the anointing is so strong in this room? I can feel it rushing through me. I feel growth taking place. Like a mighty oak tree our roots are reaching deeper into Him! We are being set free to be able to fly high above all power and principality. We are beginning to receive our marching orders. We are getting in our ranks. We are waiting for the trumpet call to be released. With great signs, wonders, and miracles we will confound the enemy! 

With kings and priests we will receive favor for they will even listen to what the Lord would have to say and through us!! We are a special people, a peculiar one that all the world will acknowledge that they were with Him in a special way. He will make such an impact. His power will begin to escalate as He draws us closer to Him, and like a whirlwind we will disappear!

Do not hold on to your seats! Let it take you up!!! Go with the flow for He will take you from nation to nation bringing about a warning. Take heed that you do not fall into the snare of the enemy through fear. What can man do to you if God is for you!


The Lord says: For you are My bride, the apple of My eye, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. You have a mission to accomplish, and I will keep you safe so that you can complete it!!!! Stand up and be counted as My fearless ones, the ones that are of the elite mission forces, the ones that are in the front lines of battle, My marine troops, and I will do a mighty work through you in behalf of My kingdom!

I will tear down powers and principalities over nations through you for you will be united as one in Me. You will not be going alone. You will be in proper ranking and under proper authority so that you will be made safe. For to have great authority you must be under My authority for I am your kingship redeemer, and you are My bride, My beautiful ones, My faithful ones, those I can trust My power with! 

You have submitted to the fire of My love. When you could have run from it, you embraced it! You have humbled yourself before me as a child before their master, before their loving father! And because you have humbled yourself and submitted to My rod of correction, I will raise you up. For you are seated with Me in heavenly places high above all power and principality! 

And now My beloved ones, quiet yourself before Me and listen closely to what I have to say. For I have placed in your midst a captain, one who has a loving heart, one who has been through the fire, and one who cares for your soul. You can trust his judgment in things important to this time. You can trust his discernment for I gathered you together as a mighty troop.

You are one and I am your captain, and I am pleased with each and every one of you who has received this invitation to this room. You have been hand picked for this special mission. Do not take it lightly. Expect a mighty growth to take place in your life. 

Expect a battle attack, but I have made you ready for it. Expect the repercussion of the enemy to deter you! Then expect a counter attack, but I am ready for it all for I am your captain, and I have flaming swords ready to protect you from My angelic hosts. They are with you always guarding and protecting you.

With each step of the way I give Myself to you more and more where one day there will be no more of you left, but I will be walking in you in full measure. Your eyes will be My eyes, your hands, My hands, your feet, My feet. I will not be hindered in anything I set My hand to do. When the enemy comes against you, he will have to come against Me, says your God!!!!


We are like the Elijah Company on a mission for the Lord!!!!

October 12, 2013

This is the day of the end of all times where I will come in judgment of good and evil, of those who are lost and those who are truly of Me. For you can tell them by their fruit if they are serving Me of if they are totally being led by the lust of the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of man.

Also this is the day I will separate that which is of Me from that which is counterfeit. Like silver that goes through the oven seven times I will purify My people. I will separate the dross from the pure article of faith by the fire of My love. And when they come forth, they will be known by all men that they are truly those who are of the remnant bride. They will be able to tell them by the way they direct their lives, and by the way they hold their obedience to My laws and oracles.

When they bow down, they serve only Me for they had been purged of all desire to serve other gods. They had been purged of the desire to spend all of their time lusting after the idols of the land. For they know that their time is shortened that there is no time to waste with the frivolities of the world, with vanity, with empty vain living.

For they set an example for others to follow who have fallen behind with their dedication to My word and My ways. For there are many who have fallen into complacency. They have become busy with vain living believing that those things would become security for them. But instead they have only created pockets full of holes. All that they have created was a foundation like that of sinking sand.

So I warn you this day that you must catch yourself before it is too late, that you must not allow the enemy to rob you of your precious time to prepare for times ahead by getting before Me seeking My face for strength, wisdom and direction. For when you step into the days ahead you must be fully prepared with My word firmly settled in your heart fully secured with My armor of righteousness and love.

I call you this day to My side and I ask you this day whether you will serve Me or not. For if you are not wholeheartedly sold out to Me alone, you surely will not be able to escape the coming tribulation. You must have a pure heart and not divided. For surely this is the time to count the cost and receive My battle plans.

This is the day to unite with one mind and in one accord with others in My body. You must cast off those things that cause division, those things that are not important, and focus on those things that cause unity. For a body divided will not stand as a mighty army against the forces and strategies of the enemy.

If you want to see My will being done and My kingdom come, you must repent of all pride, jealousy, and competition, pull down your own kingdoms, and unite for the common purpose. For it is not your kingdom to come but My will to be done.

Unless you allow My love to flow through you to each other, you will not see the good of the land. You will not see My blessings of provision in the midst of lack. You will not see My hand to provide and lead you. For I am your good shepherd, but you must become one flock and not scattered abroad.

For yes, this is the time for unity and complete trust yielding to My perfect will. In order to hear My still small voice you must be pure in heart and not distracted with those things that cause disunity. I cannot stress enough that this is the hour to search your heart, to make all relationships right, and to get your house in order. If you have ought against another, make it right. If you have debts, pay them off. If you are distracted, get focused.

Be single in mind and heart, not divided between serving Me and the enemy. Die out and allow Me to live through you for surely this is the final hour.

October 7, 2013

Of beauty, color and sound I want you to display a masterpiece using your life as the canvas. For this is the end of all ages and I am starting to do a work using you that will astound the enemy. This is the way I will do it. I will set you high upon the Rock and on it I will display several sets of colors that will blind the enemy for they will be the colors within My rainbow which is the promise reminder that I would never flood the earth, but I never said that I would not destroy the plans of the enemy with fire.

As the enemy comes on with his flood of weaponry I will cause them to backfire against him. Yes, I will use his same tool to destroy you and use it against him. And also with sound. I am pouring out My trumpet sounds across the whole globe. This is not the sound of the trumpet broadcasting My return, but it is the sounds I am using to confuse the enemy. Many are even using their own mouth and they have been doing it for years. And also I am using beauty for I am returning beauty for ashes.

As you lean upon Me and use your own life as a testimony of My faithfulness in these end times, many will be drawn to My lovingkindness and My great grace. For many do not know Me but they will begin to know Me by associating with you. You will carry My glory. You will radiate My love. You will have peace that passes all understanding in the midst of all storms, and My joy will be your strength. In the midst of all turmoil you will have My joy carry you around that will exude much strength that will encourage others to follow you.

There will be so much discouragement and fear everywhere but where you will walk will be much pain in that I am not the author and finisher of their faith, but because you have come to know Me in such a special way you will have the faith that will move a mountain. You will have the faith that will split the sea. Many will come to know Me because of your love and grace upon your life from walking and talking with Me in the cool of the day.

Yes, in the midst of the storm you will have My grace flowing for all the world to see. For yes, you are My bride, and you will lead many to come to know of My saving grace. For yes, you are My living epistles, and I am pleased with you. I can walk and talk through you. I can use your hands to heal the sick, raise the dead, open blind eyes. I’ve been able to use your life as My own because of your love for Me.

So open your eyes and see My soon return is coming in the clouds, and I will gather up My bride and we will walk on streets of gold together, but for now we have a work to finish. The kingdom of darkness is being brought down as you proclaim that My will be done, My kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Selah.

September 29, 2013 

The Lord is calling His Elijah’s to come up higher for I have a work for you to do in the earth for all of creation is groaning for the manifestation of the true sons of God to set an example for all of My people to follow, to bow down to worship Me unceasingly and not be afraid of who might be around.  Like Daniel in the lion’s den I was there with him protecting him from all harm.  The lion’s jaw was bound shut not able to open, and they were awestruck because of the power I displayed upon him.  

The angel of the Lord camps round about those who fear Me and not the enemy!  The fear of man brings a snare but the fear of  the Lord brings everlasting joy and comfort that all will be all right!  Turn towards Me and not against Me when you see the weapons of war all around you for I will bind their weapons from even going off against you.  They might swing their sword at you, but you will escape before their eyes like in a whirlwind you will disappear, and the holy fear of My presence will fall upon them, and many will get saved as they see My power being displayed through you and all around you even after you are gone they will be able to feel My presence, and My saving grace will abrupt their plans of bringing harm to My people. Many will bow down before Me, those I gave My life for.  No, not all will be saved, but many will be if you bow down before Me without fear of what man will do.  

Trust Me for I am your great escape as I transport you from nation to nation for yes, this is the time and the hour for My great power to fall!  So I call you to My side because I love you.  I prepared you through the fire because you are totally Mine.  No time has ever been wasted since you came to know and love Me.  Everything you’ve gone through has been for the purpose of preparing you for this final hour!  Some have had financial burdens, and others have had trials in their physical body where they have learned that without a shadow of doubt they know that I will heal them, and now they can use this same faith to set others free from infirmity, from the spirit of death, from cancers, from tumors, from leprosy, and any other plague from the enemy.  

Yes, I am the great I AM, and I am doing a work of great power in you and through you, and as you yield to this great work you are being transformed into My image.  I am able to walk and talk through you setting captives free and leading them into My kingdom.  Do not fear I say to you of those who might try to kill you in the body for they will never be able to reach you in the heart where you have My word hidden.  For My word brings you life and is the seed that will grow into a mighty bumper crop producing a harvest of great intensity for My kingdom purposes. 

For yes, this is the end of the age and evil has intensified greatly, but at the same time My people have a longing and a desire for My presence like never before.  They hunger and thirst after Me and that is what is drawing down my power upon the earth, and I am opening up portals that are enabling My messengers to come in great power to do war against the enemy’s devices.  And as the evil intensifies My power soars!  

Great persecution just brings great commitment.  They can slash you to pieces but they can’t take My word from you.  This seed will multiply through persecution, as a seed dies only great harvest comes forth.  So do not fear.  And because I am for you, who can come against you?  Who can steal what you have hidden in your heart for it is My work and My purposes being brought to pass.  My word will not return void without accomplishing what I sent it out to do.  

So allow My word to do a work of completion in you, that it will complete the work that I have begun in you.  Do not hold back.  Do not quench the flow of My spirit because of fear.  No, never hold back for I am pulling down strongholds over the land as you worship Me and as you let out a battle cry the walls will fall over people’s lives and also around their hearts.  For I have triumphed over you with songs of joy and with gladness in your heart I am victorious over the enemy! Be the people I called you to be for this is the hour of My power says your God. 

September 26, 2013

I am calling those who are called by My name to come before Me in humble desperation for I am preparing a bride who will deny themselves of the luxuries of this present age and would be willing to come before Me with fasting and prayer to seek My face as to the coming atrocities of the hour upon the earth. For the enemy is mad. He’s coming forth as a roaring lion seeking all who he can devour, but this is not only what he plans to do. He’s preparing to lead astray those who are not totally committed to My will and My ways. 

For it is not possible for one to walk with one foot in the world and the other one in My kingdom. You have to make up your mind before it is too late to know whom you will serve. For many shall say “for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord.” But what kind of example do these heads of households portray? Are they feasting upon My word like it is their last meal, or do they act like tomorrow will never come when they have to prepare for the seriousness of the hour? 

I call you to My side because I love you and need to warn you that it is getting late. You are running out of time that you would be able to prepare with fasting and prayer. I’ve called you to this hour many times before, but you feel you have much time before all hell breaks loose upon the earth. It is here and it will only get worse. 

In order to see a great move of My spirit you need to be desperate for it. You can’t be feasting upon that which I abhor. You must have a heart after My own heart and to love what I love and hate what I hate to be truly Mine. A warrior cannot be entangled with the affairs of the world. Their eyes must be fixed straight ahead at the present hour watching at all times with head set like flint with determination to tear down the strongholds of the enemy. 

No more are you to go about idly wasting your time over trivial matters and empty vain things. You must concentrate on that which builds up My kingdom and tears down that of man. A holy desperation I will put within you if you cry out for it. Not only desperation but determination to pull down the enemy’s plan over your own life and to build up a fortress of My word for you to dwell. You need to hide yourself in My secret place underneath the shadow of My wing. 

For yes, My child, you need to draw close to My side close enough to hear My heart beating for you, close enough to hear My still small voice. Yes, you need to spend much time with Me walking and talking with Me in the cool of the day for soon fire will fall from the sky and the blast of bombs everywhere. There will be chaos and panic and lack everywhere you turn. You must have developed a relationship where you truly know Me and My ways and especially know My voice. 

For this kind of walk with Me does not develop over night! If you have not begun this walk of faith, now is the hour to prepare. It is not too late, but very close to it. My door to this opportunity will draw to a close. Many will have to go through the fire of tribulation to be tried as pure gold just because they have not put Me first in their life. Those who have truly walked with Me have already paid the price of having a true commitment. 

If you fall upon the Rock willingly, you will be spared, but if the Rock has to fall upon you, woe to you!

September 15, 2013

Come speak to Me about what you are going through. Don’t hold it all to yourself for I am your God, and I want you to confide in Me. Share with Me all your cares for I care for you. There is nothing you can’t tell Me that I already know, but I want you to unload all your cares upon Me. There is no reason why you have to carry them on your own.

This is the day of the great falling away, and it all starts when a spirit of independence creeps in and then the spirit of pride. These are dangerous signs when one doesn’t discern what is taking place in your heart. When you take matters in your own hands not relying on My faithfulness but try to work them out in your own strength, you open yourself up to a great deception. One thing piles upon the next, and you have a load too heavy for you to carry, for you are building for yourself a stronghold that is too hard to break away from.

Repentance must take place after you cry out to Me for it. All you need to do is realize that you have made yourself to be your own god and not allowing Me to be what I need to be to you. Extreme danger is at hand when My people who are called by My name refuse to humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, and because they won’t cry unto Me; therefore, I will not heal their land.

There is just too much pride and idolatry in one’s heart when they refuse to cast all their cares unto Me. Worry is a sin so deep in one’s heart because one will not repent of the sin of pride and independence and choose to carry it all on their own.

I warn you this day that if you refuse to turn from your wicked ways, then I cannot be your God. I will not be a god to a people who refuse to trust Me. My hands are tied. Turn while there is still time. Do not take this matter lightly because I do not.

Now, My children, I warn you because I love you. I will never forsake you completely. I will wait for you because I forever intercede for you standing on My promise to never let go of those I died for. I believe you have the victory but for the time you must be strengthened in My love. You must realize that I love you or I would not chastise you. Only because you are now My son I cannot allow you to do the things you did when you were a babe.

Now pick yourself up and brush yourself off. This is a new day, a brand new hour. Old things have passed away and all things have become new. If you desire, you can start anew. I will wash away the sins of your past if you realize them and confess them to Me. I will wash you clean and yes, give you a brand new start.

Yes, cast your cares upon Me for truly I care for you!

September 7, 2013

This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Psalm 118:24

For yes, this is the day I have made, and I want you to be glad and rejoice in it. Never before have I made this day. For you shall go out like calves let loose from the stall. You will skip and be glad and rejoice for I have made you free from the enemy’s stronghold. Yes, I have set you free. For yes, this is a new beginning for you. Old things have passed away. Everything has become new so that you may sound the alarm in Zion, that you may exalt My holy city to draw in the multitudes to come within My gates.

For this is the time for war, but it is not time to be alarmed or dismayed. This is the time to rejoice, to press in to see all that I have ordained to come forth before your eyes. For the whole world will be watching as I pour out My wrath upon My enemies. Yes, I will fight for My land for I am the Captain of the hosts of heaven, and I lead you in the battle, what you must say in decreeing My perfect will in these days.

You have the victory. I have given you the power to tear down, to build up, to shut, to open, for I have given you the keys to My kingdom. I have given you My authority over all the power of the wicked one, and yes, I carry out My plan and purpose through you. As you bow at My feet, your King, Your God, I will lift you up a mighty army that no enemy can defeat.

So I encourage you this day to sound the trumpet in Zion. Rejoice for My holy city will be exalted. I have My hand of protection upon her. No weapon formed against her shall prosper. You know My report. You have My word in your heart. You know My plan in the land. If I am for you, who can be against you? Watch as I unfold before you My plan and purpose. What the enemy means for harm will turn for your good for I have spoken and yes, I will bring it forth. No word that I have spoken will go forth void without accomplishing what I sent it out to do.

For yes, I am the Word of God, and I care for you. I take care of all your needs. So cast all your cares upon Me and rest in My faithfulness. Never has one of Mine had to beg for bread or do without what they need. For a time of testing you might go through but it is only to strengthen you so that you would know without a shadow of doubt that you can trust Me through all things.

So put on your armor of Light and allow My love to flow through you against the enemy. Stand tall, be not afraid, be the people I called you to be, do not retreat, but press in to take the land, and possess all that I gave My life for you to have. For yes, this is the end of all times. This is the time to rejoice. Even though this is a time of war you know that it has already been won!!!


August 25, 2013

My child, I want to use your mountain experiences to teach you to fly into My loving arms. I want you to soar with wings as eagles high above the power and principalities over your life for there are many out to defeat you, to pull you back from succeeding in your mission, for you are breaking through unto freedom that you never knew possible. I want to show you how easy it is to fly, to soar in Me over every circumstance.

Like a small child I want you to trust Me to be the loving father you never had that will take you from glory to glory in Me. I want you to excel through My spirit in all the gifting I have placed in you for they are many if you would let go and yield unto Me for I am your strength, your courage, your comforter, your creative ability. I am everything you need. Whatever it may be call on Me and I will be unto you your need fulfilled.

Let go and let Me take you through every circumstance with victory in your wings. No more are you to go about as a chicken scratching in the dirt examining every negative aspect of every situation in doubt, fear and unbelief. I want to take you high above the situation where your victory presides for you are seated with Me far above all power and principality at the right hand of the Father-the place of all power and authority.

So be who I called you to be. Grab hold of My hand, a strong and steady hand, one of perfect faith, and unite the faith that I have given you with Mine and trust Me. Dive out over the valley knowing that I will take you through in peace to safety. Launch out into the deep and know I will take you through to the harbor of My safe keeping and prosperity and health.

I teach My children to trust Me like an eagle who would teach its eaglet how to fly. I let you go where you feel you are on your own as you step out in faith, and I will meet you with My manifest presence because you trusted Me that I would come through. Each situation works the same way but each one becomes more trying until you come to the place where you know beyond any shadow of doubt that I will meet you and be to you all that you need Me to be.

So launch out into the deep. Lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths and cause you to stand courageously. With victory and success you will overcome every obstacle, and My love will flow through you abundantly.



August 17, 2013

There comes a time in everyone’s life where you need to choose to leave behind your own dreams and goals to embrace the plan and purpose that I have for your life.  For many have been entangled in a whirlwind created by their own imagination that has been a major hindrance in their life.  This web has been based on presumption of what I would have for you rather than fact. 

I am pleased with your determination to press in even unto death for this vision you have had, but this is time to let go of the counterfeit and press in for the genuine article of your faith.

Even though the enemy had you sidetracked where you might feel it took up a major portion of your life, I was still in it using it to tone you, to cause you to persevere, to train you how to press in under pressure where it took endurance to stand.

For now is the time to choose to put an end of that chapter of your life and to embrace the new level I have for you to enter.  Yes, this is the time to close the door to the past and to cross over the threshold to the new.  No more are you going to feel that you have been denied the promise.  No more are you going to feel that you have been robbed for the enemy has had a hay day while you have been in such turmoil.

Did I not say that I would give you whatever you ask according to My perfect will which has been mapped out in My word?  They why do you even doubt My faithfulness when you don’t see changes made?  I said that if you endure, overcome even unto death, I would give you a crown unto life.  And yes, I give you My own crown.  You make up My crown for you all are the precious jewels that it is made up of. 
I gave My life to pay the cost for your soul.  You are the pearl of great price I gave My life for.  All I ask in exchange is that you pay the cost with your own life to purchase the pearl of great price also….My life in exchange for yours.

That is all I ask is that you let go of your own hopes and dreams for your life to embrace what I have for you.  For yes, this is the time to let go so that you can latch on to My abundance, My power, My plan and purpose.  For surely you will not be disappointed.


August 9, 2013

Where can we go that He is not there?  Where can we go from His presence?  For He is there with you every step of the way.  You may not feel His presence but He is there with you experiencing everything you are going through.

You are not alone.  He knows your trials and your heartaches.  He knows your hopelessness and discouragement.  He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to bear.  He will provide a way of escape so you will be able to bear it.

He will not allow you to become crushed underneath your burden.  He will send others to help you carry it for you are not alone.  Do not expect to do it alone for this battle is not unto death but to bring much glory to the kingdom of God.

When you go through the fire, you will not be burned.  When you go through the waters, they will not overtake you.  When you go through the storm, it will not carry you away with it.  For you have the power in your words to command it.  You have the authority over all the power of the enemy.

Peace I say to you.  Peace that the world does not have I give to you this day.  Do not allow the enemy to oppress you because of the severity of your trial, because I have much confidence that you will remain faithful through it.

Look to Me for I am the author and the finisher of your faith.  Do not trust in your own faith but trust in Me. When you speak to the mountain, it has to move.  When you speak to the storm, it will cease to exist in your life. 

Remain faithful unto death and I will give you My crown of life.  Die out to the self life and allow My resurrection power to flow.

I take you through the fire because I love you.  I turn the heat up higher because I do not want you to lean upon your own understanding.  In all you ways I want you to seek Me and I will direct your path.

Examine your heart to see if your attitudes and motives are pure.  If your own heart does not condemn you, you can know that you are right with Me.  If you give Me your heart, I will purify it.  If you exempt Me from the decisions you make, you will fail in them.

I bring you life and life abundantly.  Follow the straight and narrow path that brings life.  The wide path brings destruction and every evil way.

Remember to walk in the simplicity of My word.  Do not read into it what is not there.  Do not allow the legalists to take you over.  Walk only where there is grace.

Now when things seem to overwhelm you, know that I am there with you.  I will not allow you to go through anything that you cannot handle.  Reach out and grab hold of My hand.  I will either strengthen you, comfort you, or direct you.  Whatever you need I am there for you.

Where can you go from My presence.  There is no place you can go that I am not there.  I am there with you.  Be at peace.


July 26, 2013

I have come to prepare your heart all that are faithful who dwell in My sanctuary.  For yes, you have been faithful in the small things, and I am preparing you to do great exploits.

Do not be troubled when you see the calamities all around you for they are only a smoke screen to true reality.  Do not walk in the natural but look to the spiritual for that is where I dwell, and since you are seated with Me at the right hand of the Father, that is where you dwell.

Resume the position of one who is righteous for that is what I have made you to be by My shed blood for you.  You have great authority over all the power of the evil one if you would use it.  There is great power in your words if you would speak them forth.  Prophesy over your situation My perfect will.  Do not walk by sight but by faith in My word.

Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  Be persistent with your faith; never back down, for I am faithful to bring forth My perfect will for your life.  You will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers.  Rejoice for I have a hope and a future for you.

So when the enemy blurts out his lies to you, do not listen to them for he is the father of lies.  Nothing he ever says is true.  Do not let them enter your heart.  Cast down the vain imaginations immediately for they are not of me.

Keep pressing forward taking the land with My sword in your hand, speaking forth Truth, covered with My armor of light, shielded with Faith.  There are many more who are for you than those who are against you.  Never fear for I am with you.   I cover you with My light blinding the enemy with My glory.  I confuse the enemy’s plans.

So do not worry.  Do not fret.  If I am for you, who can be against you?  Yes, resume the place of righteousness for that is what I have made you to be, and all My benefits are yours!  I have forgiven all your sins, and I have healed all your diseases. 

Now walk as a whole man and take the land.  Though the bombs fall around you, they will not touch you.  Though the calamities hit hard, they will not harm you.  No weapon formed against you shall proposer.  Now rejoice in who you are and what I will do through you, says your God.


June 28, 2013

Prepare yourself to escape the wrath of God that is coming to judge the ways of the world by enveloping yourself within My love by diving deep into My intimate presence.  For there you will receive revelation on how you are to walk and to talk within the limits of My spirit.  For once you begin your walk of escaping My wrath you will face many hardships, but never fear for I am with you.  

My rod and My staff they will protect and guide you.  For if you keep your eyes upon Me with My promises hidden in your heart, you will walk unhindered from the ways of the world.  For I have a work that I want you to do in the midst of the fire that will be all around you.  Do not fear for it will be the fire of My love that will envelope you with protection and provision, but at the same time it will be judgment for the lost who have hardened their hearts against Me.  

For surely this is the beginning of the end of all times, and you will see signs and wonders and miracles that no one has ever seen before of such great intensity and magnitude!  The weapons of  your warfare are not carnal but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.  I want to tell you that the devices of the enemy used to destroy you will remain powerless towards you but will be used to come back at those who sent them out to destroy them!  

I want to say that even though fire will be all around it will not touch you for I will have you hidden within the force field of My love.  Yes, the glory will surround you, and will draw in those I gave My life for, and at the same time it will blind the enemy.  I am your Captain, and I lead you in the battle.  I will surround you and be  your rear guard if you remain going forward and not retreat.  

Do not look at the arrows sent out to deter you, but remain covered with My armor, staying behind My shield, and using your sword as a mighty weapon of offense.  You are My people and I am your God.  Remain stable in Me trusting Me.  Never fear what man can do to you for I am a good God, and I have a purpose for everything that you face…everything!  

So count on Me to bring you in unharmed into your promised land.  Remember you are spirit, and  you worship Me in spirit and truth.  Where you dwell is temporal.  It is only your earthly shell.  Nothing can ever reach who you are for you are forever hidden in Me.


June 23, 2013

What is life but the threshold to eternity?  It is also the rehearsal that leads into true reality.  It is the battle for the victory that has already been won.  It is the season that leads into the dimension of Truth that lasts forever.

What I am saying to you is that the battle is won or lost in your mind about why you are living and what you are living for.  You remain on earth for a season of time and then you live for eternity.  How you live your life now determines whether you live or die spiritually.  Life is important but it is not the final goal so do not feel that it is the ultimate dimension.

To live or die in Christ determines whether you live forever.  So do not hold on to the earthly temple that is but dust but prepare for the heavenly realm that will take over.  Yes, prepare for the realm where you will live with Me experiencing My presence face to face, hand in hand, no more sorrow, no more pain.

Eternal bliss is your gain if you would trust Me now with your life.  No matter what you may face today live for tomorrow.  It doesn’t matter what leads you to the other side.  Just do not lose focus of My face for I will lead you on.  Do  not be afraid of the arrows that fly by day or of the evil that stalks by night, the pestilence or the plagues for I am with you.

I have conquered them all for I reign over death and have victory over it all.  I am the King over all kings, the Lord of all lords, and I reign Captain of the hosts of heaven.  If I am for you, who can be against you?  Who can separate you from My love for you will be with Me forever.

It doesn’t matter whether you live or die this day for I will make sure that the number of  your days will be complete.  I see the value of your days here on earth, and I will make sure that your purpose will be accomplished before I take you home.

So I tell you this day to rest in Me.  Fear not for I am with you.  I will strengthen you.  Yes, I will help you.  I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.



June 16, 2013

Assume that you were the only one left on this earth with the knowledge of My saving grace who had experienced My works in your life, what would you do?  Would you stay to yourself and gloat that you have this knowledge, or would you run with it trying to get others to know of what I’ve done for you and expect others to receive? 

Well, I tell you this day that you alone can reach the multitudes!  Don’t think that your words are not powerful for they are, because I back them up with My power and strength.  This is the day for salvation.  Choose today who you will serve.  Will you stay to yourself and hide your light, or will you go out willing and yielded so that I can use you to reach the lost?

I’m not saying to go out not directed by Me on your own with a zeal that I’m not in for you can do more damage than good when you do that.  When you do things on your own without My strength and power in your words, the effort is all in vain.  No fruit will come of it, and  you can drive people away from Me, because no one is drawn in by the spirit of religion!

You might say that My words will not return void without accomplishing what I sent them to do, and if you are speaking My words, won’t they produce life?  And the answer is yes and no.  You will not reap from what a man has planted.  You cannot produce a harvest if it hasn’t been rained upon by My saving grace; but a seed will be planted, and by My grace it will be watered by another man led by My spirit, and then another will pull in the harvest.  But this is few and wide where someone has been actually been saved by one’s own efforts.

Many have prayed led by another to receive Me, but because I was not in it, no fruit came from it, and the person continued in their way without Me.  Many are called but few are chosen to walk the straight and narrow road for the seed gets quenched by adversity, the cares of the world, or by evil desires.  The seed never produced life to be able to grow into a strong tree.

So I tell you this day that you would be better off if you would sit at My feet and bask in My presence so I can prepare your heart.  Then you will be ready when you hear My still small voice telling you this is the way walk here in it!  Rather than going out like a gun uncocked with no direct aim knocking on doors and standing on street corners.  Yes, you might reach one in a hundred, but much more if directed by Me!

This is a choice and a decision to meet the balance with the Word that you have hidden in your heart.  Where you should go and to whom should you reach, the timing and the hour, it is all in Me what you should do.  Just be ready and yielded, and I will give you the fruit of the land.  The planting of the Lord has taken place; all you need to do is reap it!



June 4, 2013

I want you to know that it isn’t just the adaptation to the environment around you, but it is adapting to My perfect will.  For the enemy goes about as a lion seeking all the he can devour, and he goes about sneakily, subtly, without you ever knowing that he has invaded your land.

For this is the beginning of woes.  Many will begin to get their eyes open to the seriousness of the hour, to the fact that they have opened themselves up to the enemy, and have lost much ground.  Instead of using their time wisely, they have gone about like there is no tomorrow in that they have wasted much precious time not preparing for what is at the door.

They will begin to realize that they do not have a heart that longs after Me.  They have grown cold and complacent because they have bought into the lies of the enemy that they can enjoy life like the world and still call themselves My people.

This is not true that if you live like the world then you become like the world. and that is losing your inheritance as a child of the King.  You no longer have the privileges of a joint heir.  You have come under the authority of who you have served.  You have lost the rights and privileges of My son.

I want you to know that if you turn now while there is still time, you will regain your position in Me once again, but you must cry out for repentance, and admit that you were wrong in justifying sin.  You must also admit that you had become a false testimony of one who has been saved by grace. 

For a young child in Me knows in their heart that they must walk in holiness.  They know right off that you must not pervert it by saying you can  have the world and have Me too.  But when they see those who should be much more mature in Me justifying their sinful ways, they start to doubt the truth and believe that once you are saved you are always saved. 

For you cannot walk and talk like the world and lead My babes in the way they must go.  And if you cause one of My little ones who I gave My life for to stumble, then you are worse than one having a millstone tied around the neck and had fallen into deep water.

I give you a strong word because I love you.  You must come up to the position I called you to.  You must cast off the chains that bind you and run the race freely for the time is running out.  You might not regain all your ground if you don’t take it seriously.

You must cry out for My grace to recover all that the enemy has stole from you.  For the enemy has seen you as threat and has set out to deter you by attacking your heart for holiness.

Yes, he knew you were a threat from the time you were born.  He was around when people confessed life over you and the calling I have had on your life.  And that is when he began to throw you off target.

Regain your stance in Me.  Flow freely in My truth for I will restore it to you.  Humble yourself before Me and I will lift you up.  Cry out for the holy conviction you once had.  Cry out for Truth and I will surely set you free.


May 25, 2013

This is the time and the hour that My people must rise up in the power of their God, and put down the cares of the world, and become the people I called them to be.  For many have put My will to the side and pressed in to do their own will.  Many do not consult me as if they should do what they have planned and have gone on with their plans alone.  For if you do not consult Me about the matter, then you are on your own without My blessing or protection.

Repent and turn from your way of independence, and follow after Me, and I will be your God, and you will be My people; but if you continue on your own, then your god is your own desires, and you no longer have My protection, and this should not be.

For I have brought you out from a land of wickedness so that you would be blessed in a land flourishing with good fruit in abundance.  Yes, your land would be fruitful, and you would prosper in all that I sent you out to do.

Do not allow the enemy to lie to you, and tempt you with the delicacies of the world, for they are temporal, and will not bring you the nourishment or the strength that you need.  They will only bring heartache and hardship, because you are striving after the wind, and it is all done in vain.

Return unto Me and I will give you the fruit of the land.  I will give you all that I promised.  A hope and a future I will give you if you wait upon Me and trust Me as if I am your own Father.  What I said I would do, I will also perform.

So I call you to My side offering you the gift that you lack and it is repentance.  I pour out upon you My mercy and grace.  I put a crown of favor upon your head where you would be open to the blessings from above and also from man.  I will make you once again a bountiful land that I can rejoice in.  You are My bride and I am your Bridegroom, your Beloved.

Spring up, O well within your soul.  Bubble up and be free.  Cast off the chains that bind you around your mind and your heart.  Cast off the fetters of deception and run free for surely I, the Truth, have set you free.  Yes, this is the time and the hour to rise up in My power.  Bubble up so that the world can see My power and My joy within you!!!


May 22, 2013

Draw your attention not to the circumstances that surround your life that can easily drag you down if you allow them to, but draw your attention to the fact that I am faithful to deliver you out of the snare of the enemy and use all things that you face for your good.

For I am the One that has led you to the water, but you are the one that has to take the step of faith to even drink of it.  For I have given  you the River of Life to drink from, and I have given you the Tree of Life that you must eat from.  For I have given you already all things that pertain to life and godliness, but you must take responsibility to do your part in order to grow strong.

These are the days that evil will grow worse with each day, but at the same time My power is growing stronger within you.  And as you gather together to worship Me, I create in you united a bonfire of My love that burns brighter and brighter. 

When you unite yourselves with one mind and in one accord, you are creating within you the atmosphere in which I can move; but if you backbite one another and give into a critical spirit judging one another, you are opening the door so that the enemy can enter and devour the good work that I have begun within you.  And then you must start all over regaining the ground lost, and renewing trust to become that undivided unit once again.

For you are a body, and you must function as one.  You must love one another and care for one another as if you were caring for the members of your physical body.  Every one has an important role in My plan and purpose for your life and for promoting My kingdom and My will on earth. 

So I want you to take it seriously your part and function in the body in which you dwell.  Know that everything you do has an effect on one another.  If one hurts, then you all hurt, and if one is blessed, then you all are blessed.

You must move toward the direction I am leading you as a unit, and I am Captain in charge.  You are a troop of soldiers, and your leaders you must follow their direction.  You must love and trust one another and trust Me that I will lead and guide you into all truth.

Yes, this is the end of all times, and I am readying you for battle much larger than you have ever expected.  Take advantage of every moment that you are free to gather together unhindered by outer forces.  Take advantage of every moment that you are free to partake of My word.  Eat it and partake of it like it would be your last meal.  For you must have it hidden in your heart so that you can stand strong against the evil one.

I love you, My people, but you must remain sober, diligent, trustworthy, and faithful servants.  You must spend your time wisely preparing.  You must be ready!  In order to see Me move in signs, wonders, and miracles pulling down strongholds over the land, you must be the vessel that I am able to move through. 

For surely you will go from glory to glory for I am faithful to complete the good work that I have begun in you.  I would not bring you this far to leave you, but you must cooperate with Me.  For surely this is the hour for war.  It is My battle, but I must be able to use you as the vessel I will move through!


May 15, 2013

Awake, you sleeper.  Awake from your slumber and have clear vision for there are wolves among you ready to devour the flock, but I have stood strong to My call to believe for you that I would not lose anyone that the Father has given to Me.  I have given you My word to obey that you would have abundance and life to the fullest measure

Many of you have allowed darkness to blind your vision and have allowed many voices to overwhelm My still small voice within you.  This is the day that I bring eye salve that you may see again, and I bring healing that you may hear again.  I give you the power to discern right from wrong and truth from error once again.

For these wolves have polluted My waters with bitter deceptions.  For yes, they have brought in every wind and doctrine that I do not want you to follow.  They are out to deter you from the path that brings life and lead you to the one that brings destruction.

This nation is sick from within.  It breeds poison from the asp of the deceiving one.  Yes, the poison of vipers have been loosed upon this land for My people have been lulled to sleep.  Yes, they have been mesmerized where they do not realize the seriousness of the hour. And yes, many have been used to give over authority to the enemy through deception and have given him much land.

And now it is time to take back what the enemy stole.  Yes, it is time to rise up and be restored to the calling I put upon your life.  I give out in abundance the gift of repentance and grace that you would draw close to Me and cast off any weight that would hinder you.  For now it is time to arise and take the land for it is not too late. It is time to run, and sound the alarm, and to proclaim truth over it. 

From the rising of the sun to the going down of it I am to be praised, and to be honored as your God, and to be placed first in your heart and your life.  For I am your God, and I am your Captain, and I call you to follow Me as troops into the battle zone to pull down strongholds over the land by your faith, and your love, and obedience.

I call you mighty warriors, and I call you My restored ones, obedient unto death.  I call you My fearless ones, those who will not back down.  Once you receive this call of restoration, you will receive renewed vision and ears that are sensitive to My call.  You will have a determination to do My will like never before.

Yes, this is the day for battle, to take back what the enemy has stole from you, to get positioned in your ranks, to let out a victory cry, and to march forward!  Yes, this is the time for war!!!!


May 7, 2013

I am calling you to come up higher.  Many have found themselves at a place where they haven’t been able to move up from, and at the same time they know that they cannot go back to the place they have come from.  At the place they are now they know that they don’t have what it takes to move up higher.

Many have been struggling in their own strength trying to overcome the onslaughts of the enemy.  If they weren’t battle weary and fatigued, they would know that in their own strength they cannot succeed.  So I call you this day to come off from the place you have found yourself to be by faith by reaching out, and taking Me by the hand, and allowing Me to pull you up higher. 

There are dangers all around, and if you are not standing on the solid ground of My truth, you can lose footage and slip off into many snares of the wicked one.  You need to stand on solid ground by partaking of My word where it brings you life and the wisdom you need to escape the grasp of the enemy who surrounds you day and night trying to catch you at your weakest point.

Be assured that I have prayed that you would overcome and have victory over every attack from the enemy.  I have prayed that I would not lose any one that I have called to follow Me wherever I would go.  For yes, these are treacherous times, and I have prepared you through the many trials that you have faced.  And even though you do  not feel that you have the strength to move on, I want you to believe that I wouldn’t bring you this far to leave you.

I would not call you into a battle that you could not win.  And now I want you to hang on a little longer for you are right at the door of the breakthrough that you need.  And yes, you are right at the door for the healing you’ve been believing for and for the manifestation of your loved ones.

Keep pressing in believing that My kingdom will come and yes, that My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  And I want you to believe that you have what it takes to overcome any attack of the enemy, and that I would open up a door of escape that you can bear the temptation of the enemy to try to get you to give up.

And I set you free of the fear that grips your heart.  If you look at it, the enemy can only roar at you, and he can only attack your flesh and your mind, but he can never separate you from My love and what I have set before you.  I have promised you a hope and a future, and if you have not found yourself in that place yet, then believe that what I promised I am also able to perform. 

I will bring you into your promised land, a life of abundance, prosperous, a healthy and overcoming life.  Yes, rise up and take My hand, and I will lift you off from the place you have found yourself to be.  I have never forsaken  you.  You are not stranded on a deserted island.  You are in the palm of My hand underneath My wings of protection.  You are My child, and I will shelter you.

I will strengthen you.  I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.  Walk by faith and not be what you feel or see, and continue to trust Me.  You will see Me move in awesome signs and wonders as I break down the strongholds over the land.  I am your Sovereign God and yes, I am in total control!



April 26, 2013

Keep instructing the brethren to trust Me no matter what they may feel or see that they may have abundance in life, and freedom, and the liberty to serve Me above all things.  Yes, that they may have life and life abundantly.

Choose this day who you shall serve whether it be serving the desires of your own will or whether you would put My will above your own.  For these are treacherous times, and you must develop that secret place within you where you shall dwell.  It is a secret place that is full of My love, and My peace, full of My strength and My power.

I have made you a power house of dynamic strength for it is I who dwells within you, and the same Spirit that raised Me from the dead dwells in you, and I will quicken you if you stay close to Me feasting upon My word and basking in My presence.

This is how you are made strong.  There is no other way.  You must come before Me as a way of life for I am your life breath.  Yes, I am the air that you breathe.  You must not quench this life flowing within you by shutting Me out by putting other things before you.

I stress the importance of this time of preparation to store My word within you, to develop your shield to be able to quench the fiery darts of the evil one, and to ignite your sword that it may glisten with the strength to be able to cut off the head of the giant that may come against you.

I have called you My mighty warriors, and I have given you time to rest, to prepare, to get built up, but you must take advantage of it, and give high value to it.  Come before Me now that I can build you up.


April 23, 2013

Do only what I call you to do, and say only what I would have you to say for if you go beyond My perfect will in your life, you open yourself up to great danger.  For there are ferocious wolves out and about ready to devour you.  They are ready to pounce upon you at the drop of a hat.  They are watching and waiting for you to get out of the range of protection that I have set up for you.

So I call you to My side like a great Shepherd who loves each and every one of His flock.  I call you to intensify your devotion and service unto Me.  I call you to warn you that if you leave My perfect will to do what you desire, you will open yourself up to great danger.

I am not calling you to fear your enemy, but to fear Me, to honor Me, and to obey Me alone.  For when you develop that holy fear and reverence within you, you will not desire to come out of that realm I called you to.  For if you stay by My side, you will be in the place of great protection, power and strength.

For you are seated with Me at the right hand of the Father, the place of all power and might, and I have placed the enemy under your feet if you stay under My authority.  For you can only have authority over the enemy if you stay under My authority.

For I have called you “My called out ones”, “My sanctified and set apart ones”.  Yes, you are holy in My sight, and I have called you to war against the evil one, to pull down strongholds over the land.  Yes, to tear down the enemy’s plans and to build up My plans, to sanctify and set apart those called to battle by preparing them to carry their sword with great might, to stand boldly behind My shield, to be covered securely with My armor.

Yes, I go before you for I AM your Captain, and yes, I AM your Rear Guard.  My angels protect you for many forever surround you.  Do not fear for there are many more who are for you than they who are against you.

Who is Sovereign over the nations of the world?  And yes, who is in control and victorious, and who paid the price and is King of kings and Lord of all lords?  For yes, it is I, the Lord God Almighty, the Prince of Peace, Mighty Warrior!  And if I lead you in the battle, who has enough power to be able to stand against you?

So hold your head high, be not afraid!  You are a mighty conqueror with weapons of great power.  Hide My word in your heart, and allow My love to flow, for greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world!


April 17, 2013

Grab hold of the hem of My garment, and you will be healed.  Escape the cares of this present age by basking in My intimate presence.  Gather together with the saints, and worship Me endlessly like there is no tomorrow for each day that passes by brings you closer to My perfect will being established through you.

Line upon line and precept upon precept each step you are learning to be more like Me as you learn by basking in My intimate presence and feasting upon My word.  You must eat all the fresh manna that you can while you have time.  Grow strong as you receive the meat, the grain, the honey and the milk.

You need to learn each step of the way how to become a soldier in My end time army.  For yes, you will go against the giants, but you have great warriors of old to pattern your life by their example.

Like King David, he knew Me so well because He delighted to be with Me.  He was a man after My own heart, and He learned to trust in My faithfulness to carry out what he spoke forth and act upon in his faith.  He stood against the giant with confidence, because he knew that I would meet him at his need and defend him.

Just learn by the great men of faith by their examples like Daniel who never backed down to compromise in order to please man. He committed his life unto death to please Me, and he had no fear.

So many walked by faith but still trembled in fear at what they had to face, but they kept their head set like flint to accomplish My will in their life.  Thou I slay them they still trusted Me.

And I want you to be bold in the coming days.  I want you to be strong, determined ones.  No matter what you face, never back down for you will surely overcome by the word of your testimony, the blood of the Lamb, as you choose to love not your life unto death.

And as you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, but you will come out as fine gold, and when you are raised up with Me, you will hear me say that you were a good and faithful servant, and that I am pleased with you, and it is now time to enter into My rest.

The battle will be long and hard, but you must conquer every land that I bring you through.  You must keep your eyes on My promises; with your Sword easily accessible for you have prepared it well to be able to use it at every incidence that you will come up against.

For yes, your Shield glistens with My power for you have hid My word in your heart.  Your treasures are above where no thief can get to nor can any rust damage their value.  For earthly treasures do not interest you any more.  You have become Kingdom minded.  You know your position seated with Me at the right hand of the Father high above all power and principality.

For yes, you are emblazed with My love, and in My love you will stand.  That was what motivated you to become a mighty warrior, one who I can trust with My power and might and also with My glory.  I knight you for battle.  You wear My armor of royalty well for you are sons of the King, the Lord Most High, and I am blessed to call you Mine!

March on!  Take the land!  Tear down the strongholds!  My kingdom will come, My will be done on earth as it is in heaven!


April 12, 2013

Most importantly, My people, I call you to My side in order to warn you of the repercussions that follow after offering up strange fire in the way of worshiping Me.  I’m not saying that everyone who is called by My name are doing this, but those who justify doing those things wrongly in My sight, and come before Me as if they have done no wrong.

I want you to examine your hearts whether you are open to be taught those things that have held you in bondage.  For this is the day and the hour that I will set My people free so that they can serve Me to full potential.  This is the hour where I am about to pull those walls down that have separated you from My intimate presence and have bound up My love from flowing among you.

I want you to be an example of My love and power flowing to the world and to those who are faint-hearted that I am alive and that I am the same God who had done the great signs and miracles of old setting My people free from the hands of Pharaoh, and yes, I will do it once again even with greater signs and miracles; but you must be free from bondage and those things that addict you to the ways of the world.

Be perfect as I, your Father am perfect.  Be clean because I have made you that way, but you must walk in all the light I have given you.  You must cast off all form of compromise, justification of sin, and false grace deception.  You must cry out to Me to set you free from any form of deception or misconception of My word, and be willing to walk in holiness.

For there are those among you who are spreading the evil seed of the enemy in the way of false grace.  Not all have received it because I said My people will hear My voice and they will walk in it; but the enemy has planted tares among the wheat, and there are wolves among the sheep, and they are the ones that are offering up strange fire among you.  

They are worshiping me by sight, but their hearts are far from Me.  They are planted by the enemy to lead My people astray.  Some of My people have become dull in hearing, and their eyes are faint that they cannot see Truth  They have bit into the lie and have run with it, but I have come to set the captives free, to open blind eyes that they may see, and open ears that they may hear Truth, and enable them to stand strong, stronger than before they fell into the snare.

For I never gave you the license to pervert My grace that you may sin.  I gave you My grace that you may be free to worship Me in the beauty of holiness.  For I tell you this day that there will be a shaking, and a wakening for judgment must first come in My house before I expect the world to be open to receiving from you.  They need to see a people who are clean, who are different than them, who have the power and authority to cast out demons, to heal the sick, to perform miracles.

For yes, they need to see the people who I died for walking in My power, rejoicing in victory, and able to call down the fire from heaven, and make the changes needed for the land.  All of creation are groaning for the manifestation of these mature sons to come forth, a holy nation.  No more will My will be hindered by the strange fire for I come to redeem and restore that My kingdom come, My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  I am a holy God, and My people must first be holy before I can truly  move through them.


April 2, 2013

You were there through the raging waters!  You were there through the storm.  You were there when I couldn’t feel your presence.  You were there all the time!

I have heard that when you feel God’s presence the least is when He is doing the greatest work in you drawing you near.  For it isn’t on the mountaintop that you grow the strongest, but it is in the valley.  For that is where He is drawing you so you will come up higher in Him. 

For this is the day of the great falling away where many are comfortable in their own independence, but I say to you this day to thank The Lord for your hardships for they keep you in a constant place of desperation for Me and My presence.

Ask of Me and I will give you the land for I have given you dominion over the land.  For if you are My child, then all My promises to Abraham are also yours.  All the land that you tread upon is yours if you claim it for My kingdom purposes.

So I call you to My side this day to encourage you and to strengthen you and to tell you that I love you. Resume your responsibility of being a faithful servant, and all that the world seeks after will naturally be yours for just being a joint heir with Me.

Do not do what the heathen does by making their own self their god.  They constantly make their own plans without ever consulting Me in them.  And when they get into a jam, they cry out to Me, but I know their heart that they don’t love Me and are only using Me as a fire escape, but because I love them I don’t always answer. 

I am a loving Father. And I chastise all of My true sons.  I will not always pull you out of your troubles until you return to me, and I know what it will take.  For yes, I will take you through the purging of My fire to purify you that you will be like fine gold.

So trust Me, My children that when you go through My fire, it will not burn you but it will only show you the faithfulness of My love.



March 29, 2013

Beloved let us love one another, for love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God! – 1 John 4:7

What is the greatest command that I have given you, except that you love Me with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself, but if you do not love yourself, how can you love others?  In order to love yourself you must see yourself the way that I see you for I am your loving Father, and I see you perfect in My eyes.  I see you through the shed blood of the Lamb, and if I can see you perfect, holy, and spotless, and love you unconditionally, then you must see yourself in the same light, and love yourself unconditionally.

That is what the major problem in My body is that many are still holding on to the past hurts and failures instead of receiving My forgiveness and forgiving themselves they are holding on to them.  In order to love and forgive others you must forgive yourself!

For I am doing a new thing, and it will spring forth suddenly, but you must be ready to be a part of it and to partake of it to the fullest portion.  Whenever you see a downfall in others, you must see them through the light of My son instead of marking them with judgment.  Didn’t I say that I desire mercy rather than judgment?  If I can look past the outer layer of your soul and look straight to the heart, why can’t you?

I am not condoning a false grace, which says that whatever your soul does is all right that it is already forgiven so that I can do whatever I desire.  That is false grace, and there is great judgment against those who teach this and do not repent of it, but I am saying that I can see the heart that one is working at overcoming their shortcoming and weaknesses; and love covers over a multitude of sin.  You must believe, and hope, and expect one to overcome, and be able to walk in all the light I have given them.  

When you start correcting, and criticizing, and placing false judgment upon one another, you are coming against My body that I gave My life for.  I shed My blood that they would be whole and spotless.  I forever intercede that they would overcome, and enter into My kingdom and power, and walk as a mature son of God.  Then why do you give into the snare of the fowler and place judgment upon them?

This is the day that I am separating the wheat from the tares, the goat from the sheep.  Yes, I know who truly are Mine and you can tell them by their fruit.  Those who love one another, and are willing to pay the price to be patient, long suffering, gentle, and kind to one another, no matter how unlovely they are towards you, are truly My disciples.  

If the world can’t tell you by your love, then how can you usher in the end time harvest of souls that I gave My life for.  Many would fall to the wayside, because they cannot be drawn to Me if you don’t share My love with them.  If they can’t see My love, then they will go where they are accepted, and that usually is not a safe place.  

So you have a responsibility, everyone who is called by My name, to be a light in a dark place, and share the example of loving when it is the hardest to do.  For the natural love cannot do this, but the true love that flows from the heart of the Father will overcome the darkness, and overcome, and flow like a mighty river out to the lost.

They overcame by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they loved not their life unto death.


March 23, 2013

Examine your hearts, all ye lands, for the soon coming King is coming with a wrath against the nations that are stiff necked and without repentance.  For I have called them to My side, and I have given them plenty of time to repent, and to get their hearts ready for what is right at the door.  For now is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power, and it will be against those who have mocked Me by persecuting My people, upon those who were harsh taskmasters, even those who have called themselves by My name, but were only wolves in sheep’s clothing.

For yes, I am coming with a fury, and a might against those who have mocked Me, and neglected to heed My cry for repentance from those I have sent out. Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand, and the violent will take it by force.  They will not back down under hardship.  They will keep their heads set like flint, completely focused upon My promises, and upon My will being accomplished on earth as it is in heaven.  

For I am coming for My bride who has made herself ready, with garments that are white as snow, with no stain or wrinkle of any sort.  I am coming soon for My bride for she has persevered, and kept her heart pure, undefiled from the world and its ways.  For she did not compromise, but continued to take a stand for that which is holy, and I am pleased.

I am even blessed to say that she is Mine.  I kept her from the evil one.  I preserved her heart as she went through the fire of purging, like gold that has been put through the oven purified seven times.  For you are like fine gold of the purest kind.

Keep your lamps burning and filled with My oil.  Keep watching, and praying, and reaching out to those I gave My life for that they may enter in.  Keep standing on My promise of household salvation for surely they will enter in with you.

Keep behind your shield of faith.  Be prepared by hiding My word of promise in your heart.  Store your treasures in heaven where they will not be robbed or destroyed.

Be ready for surely this is the hour of preparation.  Be like the Bereans who searched out the Scriptures to see that what they heard was true.  Do not receive everything that you hear.  Test the spirit to see that it is of Me.

For the enemy has planted tares among the wheat, and many wolves among the sheep spreading every wind of doctrine, gross error, and even much heresy to try to poison the minds of My people, but I know My faithful ones will not give ear to a stranger.  They hear only My voice and continue to follow Me.

My people will be marked as peculiar, and this will be light affliction, but they will be marked as “haters”, and will receive harsh treatment, and will be delivered into the courts, but they will be bold, fearless  like lions, but also will show strong love and compassion with such force that will touch the hearts of the persecutors.

Do not waver in unbelief if you may be counted worthy to stand before these men for your crown and reward will be mighty in heaven.  Many will escape the hands of the persecutor for I will do a mighty work through them with signs, wonders, and miracles, and they will be able to escape those who will try to stop them for I will blind their eyes by the glory flowing out from them.

So be determined to be set in ranks in the calling I have placed upon you.  Fear not for I am with you.  Be not dismayed for I am your God.  I will be with you and strengthen you.  Behold, I will be with you to the end of all times.  I am the Faithful One, your Lord and Redeemer.



March 10, 2013

Assumptions are not the same as fact, and fact is not the same as truth, and truth is not the same as total truth.  For having the total truth is having that which is pure, not tainted with flesh or fact based on circumstances.  For what is written in My word is total truth not tainted with any type of mixture from man or enemy.

When you have total truth, you  have substance on which you can stand, a solid ground, not sand which gives a weak foundation.  When you have total truth hidden in your heart, you have nothing to worry about for I am not a man that can lie, neither can I change My mind.  If I said it, you can be sure that I will bring forth what I promised to do.

For this is coming up to the end of an age, and I am preparing My people to go to a different dimension in My truth where I will be adding another layer to what you already know, but I will be adding substance to it.  I will be bringing forth what you have been believing in the faith realm to full manifestation.  That which you have been believing for you will be able to see with your eyes, grasp with your hands, and walk in the full reality of it.

Do not waver in unbelief when you feel there is a delay in manifestation, only know that My timing is perfect, and the steps to bring you to manifestation is more valuable to you than what you have been believing for.

For you have proven your determination to wait upon Me, to trust Me through the fire of purging, the preparation of heart to receive.  For in these steps you have been conforming into My image as a mature son of God.

In order to enter My kingdom you must go through much tribulation which brings about patience and a proven character, a vessel that I can move through with My glory, one that I can trust not to rob Me of receiving glory for the works that I do through you.

So I want you to thank Me for the hard times, for the trials that brought about the purging, bringing your faith through the fire so it would be like gold.  Even rejoice through all you have gone through for there was no other way to bring about this deep work in you.

In order to be like Me, you must be willing to go through the fire.  You must love not your life unto death or have affection for material things of this world.  For you are a supernatural people, and you must not limit yourself to temporal things, for what I have prepared for you is of so greater value!

Rejoice in the work I am doing in you.  Rejoice that you are Mine, My beloved, My bride, for I love you with an everlasting love, and what I am preparing you for will last throughout eternity.  Be Kingdom minded, and you will prosper, be in health, and your soul will surely prosper!



March 4, 2013

Ask and you shall receive; knock and the door will be opened; seek and you shall find.  In order to receive you must do your part.  When you take the first step, I will be there to take your hand to lead you to the next.

Imagine being held in the arms of a loving father who cares about your every need!  This is hard for some because they never experienced this type of love, but I am here to tell you that I am the Father that you never had.  I have the love to give you that you have never experienced before; an unconditional love not earned by your conduct or performance.  

Once that you have become a son or daughter of Mine you are in My arms forever!  Nothing can ever separate you from My love; neither death or life, or power or principality, nothing!  So I call you to My side, and ask you to let down your guard, and allow My love to flow into your heart.  Allow yourself to just bask in My love so that I can heal you, and renew you, refresh you, invigorate you, and bring you to life once again!  

For many have had a struggle in warring with the enemy, and many have done this battle in their own strength, not relying on My grace alone.  Many have fought the fight beaten down from being abused by wicked taskmasters or family members who never knew of My love, so they were not able to share My love.  

This is the day for My people to rise up and be the people I called them to be.  This is the day for My people to come forward, and receive all that I gave My life for them to have.  This is the day to be counted as one of the family of God, to be delivered of the orphan mentality, and to receive the experience of being a part of a true and loving family.  

You might experience abuse from others in My family just because they are working through their own issues, but you must love them anyway, just like you want to be accepted, and loved right where you are.  Yes, this is the day to be counted as one of My children, to let down the walls and receive My love, to quit punishing yourself for past mistakes, and forgive yourself.  

You must not act like an unloving god who punishes without lovingly correcting and nurturing.  Don’t treat yourself in a way that I would never do, for that is idolatry, and it is witchcraft and control.  Let go and allow My love to flow through, for this is the hour for restoration, and healing to flow like never before.  I am rising up an army, but they first must know My love experientially before they can love others, and they must be strong in My love to pull down the strongholds of the enemy!

February 23, 2013

For those who desire strong meat!

There is a true and there is a false anointing. If the anointing you are drawing from doesn’t bring glory to the Father, but it draws you to bring glory to the vessel, then you are being ensnared by a false anointing. This is just a warning! And also if the vessel producing the anointing if it demands honor rather than to point you to the true source of a pure anointing, then I would question it. Because the Holy Spirit does not draw attention to Himself but to God! And also the Holy Spirit only speaks forth words of wisdom from the Son!

When it is all over, we will be presenting all our crowns before the King of glory. So we might as well get used of it now….take off the crown of glory, humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, and He will lift you up. Those who humble themselves will be exalted, and those who exalt themselves will surely be humbled!
The enemy is going about like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour. If he knows he can’t entice you with carnal things, then surely he will use those things that will. For surely there will be signs, and wonders, miracles, and healings, but they will be counterfeit. They will only be used to entice you and entrap you. Beware!
Test the spirit whether it be of God! Don’t allow the enemy to blind you to the truth. Do not be enslaved, enticed, manipulated, or controlled by anyone. Be discerning; wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove!

Bring honor only to the King of glory and His gifts, to His spirit; do not use Him to build up a name, and a fame, and a kingdom for yourself.  For what did Jesus do in the temple? He was radical; He did not use tack; He turned over the tables of the money changers, and called them vipers!

Don’t let anyone quench your anointing, no matter who they are. Trust the conviction of your heart, to step out in faith, and speak words of wisdom that build up! Be sober! Be vigilant!

A vessel producing a true anointing will not desire honor, but to only bring honor to the true source of the anointing. Our hearts can be very deceptive; only God knows our heart; but we must examine the motives behind our action before it is too late!

We must bow down, and cast our crowns before the King of Glory if we want to flow in His true anointing in its fullest measure. Otherwise, you are dabbling in witchcraft!  And that will only bring torment and destruction to yourself, and draw every unclean spirit!

 For the Lord is bringing down all the idols. We either break before the Rock willingly, or the Rock will fall upon us and crush us!  I know this is a strong word, but I feel the urgency of the hour to speak it forth!
 Those who have ears to hear; hear the word of the Lord!
I’ve been told to not give such a strong word, to use tact, or people won’t listen, but what did Jesus do. Is He telling us to water down His words? Did He say to not grieve His spirit? Should we hinder the true sheep to get fed the true word so that they can grow strong? Didn’t He say to sound the alarm; to blow the trumpet? If we don’t warn, then their blood will be on our hands!

Surely this word is not meant for the humble of heart. This word is a warning to the true sheep to beware of the counterfeit gifts that are flowing. This is to warn you to keep your guard up for the wolves who are hidden in sheep’s clothing who are sent out to steal, kill, and destroy who you are in Christ; to ensnare you so they can control you, abuse you, and build themselves up in their own kingdom which is not the Kingdom of God!!!

And this is also for those who might already be ensnared, not willingly, into these types of practices, and need to be set free. For truly deliverance is the children’s bread, and this is the hour for captives to come out from the harsh taskmasters, to come out from the bondage and control of the enemy, and to walk in the liberty Jesus gave His life for us to have!
I pray grace unto grace, and even great grace to you!



FEBRUARY 20, 2013

After viewing a prophetic painting of The Lion of Judah, the anointing came over me and I wrote as I conversed with the Savior:

Now is the time and the hour for the Lord to pour out His power and through those who are made ready! Yes, I can feel it. Those who are in the third trimester, birth it forth! The breaking of the water, the rushing of the wind, it is coming! To sweep through us like a mighty waterfall busting down the dams and letting the River flow forth! It will come like fire and rain, the mighty anointing! Piercing through hardened hearts!

Stream forth, Mighty River! Press through the hindrances and the distractions. Come into that intimate union with our Lord! Deep calls unto deep at the sound of the waterfall! Like the hart pants after the water brook, so my soul pants after you, O Lord!

We feel your presence, and we are at awe with You, with Your glory! We rest in You so that you can build us up for the final run where you will release through us Your mighty power like no one has ever seen before! We lay our heads upon your brow and hear your heart beat!

Rest, My beloved! Rest in My faithfulness for I care for you! Breathe in My life and My love! And exhale! Like living waters flowing through you! Intimacy, sweet intimacy, bride with her Bridegroom, come dance with Me

The end of the age is upon us, and we must be ready for there will be mighty signs and wonders, but they will not be of Me.  You must be able to tell the true from the counterfeit. You must be able to tell the light from the dark.
I said that if I prolonged the stay that even the elect would be deceived. So draw close to Me in worshiping Me, not allowing anything to stand in your way
for that is where you will be made strong and be made ready in My secret place hidden in Me.

Escape the giants, escape the lies of the evil one, keep your eyes upon Me. Stay covered with My armor of Light behind My shield of faith, and you will not be hit by the lies of the evil one! Grace and truth shall be your banner, you will wave it high! You will not be afraid of those who will come against you.

You have made yourself ready…..loving not your life even unto death!  What does the enemy have to take from you? You have lifted it all up to Me, your soon coming King! Escape the tribulation by hiding in the cleft of the Rock which is Me! Remain faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of Life!

Father, I look unto You, the author and finisher of our faith. You started a good work in us, and you are faithful to complete it. There is nothing for us to fear for you are with us. Your rod and your staff they comfort us. You prepare us a table before us even in the presence of our enemies.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives. And we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!

Thank you for the peace that passes all understanding! For your great grace that sustains us! For your mercy that triumphs over justice!

You have vindicated us! You set us free from the prison walls! Like a bird set free from a snare you have made us to be!!!!  So that we can soar in you high above all power and principality, seated with you at the Father’s right hand!

We will not fear what man may try to do to us! You will supply all our needs; and if you choose to take us, we are ready! For absence of the body brings on Your holy presence in the fullest measure! You have made us all one in You as You and the Father are one!

Blessings, and glory, and honor be unto You, O Lord! We magnify Your holy name, we exalt You, lift you up for You are high and lifted up, and your train fills the temple. There is no one like You, Most Holy God! We place our trust in You from this day forth.  We are set secure with heads set like flint. Your will is our will, Your kingdom come  on earth as it is in heaven!

Finish this deep work you have started in us, Lord! For you are faithful!
Mighty Lion of Judah, we love You! You have a heart of gold, full of such deep love, unquenchable love, burning fire love, penetrating deep! When you roar the heavens shake! All the powers tremble! You are King! Blessed Redeemer, Mighty God, we love You!


February 7, 2013

If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. – 2 Chron 7:14


Everything that is to be accomplished in My kingdom is contingent upon whether My people will cooperate in doing My will.  For mighty things can be done immediately and even suddenly, but the hindrance has always been with the cooperation of My people placing My will above their own.  For I am waiting upon you to seek My face, to know My will, and to receive the grace to carry it out.  

When  you take the first step forward in accomplishing My will, I will meet you there, and take you by the hand, and lead you to the next step, and so on.  But if you drag your feet, and hesitate to take that first step of faith, then I cannot go any further without your cooperation.

If you want to take a major role in My end time events of overthrowing the kingdom of darkness, then you have to step up to the plate, and make that commitment to do My will above your own.  You must be determined to seek My face, to know My still small voice, in order to follow Me.  

There will come a time, and soon, when you will not easily be able to gather with the saints.  You will no longer have that opportunity to have someone hand feed you My word.  You must be mature enough to seek it out for yourself, and seek Me to lead you and guide you into all truth.

For darkness will cover the earth, and there will be false signs, and wonders, and miracles, and you will have to discern for yourself what is the true from the counterfeit.  You must have My word hidden in your heart, and not bits and pieces, where you picked out what you chose to follow, in order to balance it all out.  For there is grace, and there is truth, and there is a perfect balance in order to walk in My perfect will, and also to cooperate with Me in ministering to the lost, and those who have fallen behind in the church.

For this is the days of the latter rain outpouring, but it is also the day of the great falling away.  I must have My people determined to walk and talk with Me in the cool of the day, to place My will above their own, to seek My kingdom and righteousness in order to have all your needs met.  For yes, I will lead you, and guide you into all Truth, but you must seek Me first.  You must be humble, and teachable, and work with Me allowing the fire of My love to purge off all the dross.  

In order to partake of the great outpouring of My spirit you must be a yielded vessel that My glory can flow through.  You must love Me above all things, and love your neighbor as yourself.  You must do unto others what you would have them do unto you.  Yes, you must live My word in order to have abundant life.

For I promised you health, and I promised you prosperity, but it was contingent upon whether your soul prospered in Me.  So make the choice today to serve Me, to love Me, and to be yielded, to love not your life unto death, to put forth My commands above your own will.  For truly this is the hour of My power, but I am waiting upon you.  Yes, If My people would follow Me, then I would lift them up, and move mightily through them!



February 1, 2013

For those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High, they shall dwell under the Shadow of the Almighty.  

For I tell you this day that if you put your trust in any other measure besides the abiding presence of My love,  you will become disappointed.  For every other measure of protection is only temporal, and you need the required measure of protection that is higher, that is stronger, that can withstand any force that may come against you, and that is the abiding presence of My love.

For if you place your trust in Me alone, I will not let you down.  For didn’t I say that no weapon formed against you can prosper?  A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you!  That means that bombs can be falling all around you, but you will remain safe within the secret place of My love.

For My love is powerful, and  yes, it is strong, and it covers over a multitude of sins, and it covers you like a blanket.  It can shield you from any force of the evil one.  You are engulfed within the force field of My glory which can blind any enemy!

For what is the source of all danger and what has been conquered at the Cross?  For yes, you are seated with Me at the right hand of the Father, the place of all power and might.  And you are seated in a place higher than any power or principality.

So I tell you this day to remain with Me, walk with Me, talk with Me in the cool of the day.  I said that no weapon formed against you can prosper.  I said that I would be your rear guard and that My angels would lift you up if you slipped upon a rock, and that rock could be upon the side of a mountain.  I said that if you had the faith of a mustard seed that you could even say to that mountain, “Be moved!”, and it would move!

You have weapons within you of great strength.  You have My spirit that raised Me from the dead.  You have the same Spirit within you that split the Red Sea and made a way of escape!

You are hidden with Me in the Father if you choose to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh.  If you fight evil with carnal weapons, surely you will die.  But if you place your trust in Me, you will remain safe.

And anything that you will face I will walk through it with you.  And you will have peace, and you will have rest knowing that all things I allow work together for your good.

So I remind you this day to continue to prepare, and to continue to remain within the secret place of the Most High, for surely you will not be disappointed!




January 22, 2013

Do you sometimes wonder why everything doesn’t always go the way you expected or would love for it to go?  Well, I am here to tell you that in order to get into My kingdom you must go through much tribulation, but I also promised that you would live abundantly.  You probably wonder how does that all fit together?

It is all according to your attitude towards what you go through that determines whether you live or die, are blessed or cursed, have abundance in prosperity effecting every area of your life, or having a life of poverty.  Yes, it is all according to your attitude.

One person could be a blessing in their pain to others, and one could be a pain to others in their blessing.  Yes, you could allow your circumstances dictate your life, or you could have your life dictate your circumstances.  Many allow the blessings I have given them to be robbed by the enemy just by the way they live their life.  Do you remember reading in My word in Proverbs, Proverbs 26:24, that a man would be more blessed on his roof top with a crust of bread than to be in the house having a fine dinner with a brawling woman?

Many allow their blessings of the present robbed by just worrying about the future.  Didn’t I say to take no thought for tomorrow for today has enough of its own to deal with?  Maybe not in those exact words written in scripture, but I want to make it clear to you that your attitude towards your circumstances can make a world of difference in what the outcome would be.

What you think in your heart you will become.  What you confess with your mouth determines what you will become.  Yes, life and death are in the power of your tongue so speak blessings over your situation.  Be thankful in all things for this is My will for your life.  Be merry, have a cheerful heart, and you can effect many lives.

Allow My love to flow no matter what, and you could win your enemy.  Let bitterness flee or it will poison your heart.  Allow every situation to become a challenge for you for the more you die out to your will the more My will for your life will take over.  And that is the promise of a hope and a future for all of you.

So catch yourself before you fall into the snare of wanting your own way.  Take what you’ve learned in My word and apply it to your life.  Count your blessings, and you will end up with much more to share with others.  Allow My love to flow and not bitterness.

Count each trial as an opportunity to grow into the maturity of a full son.  Let My life flow, and you will soon know that all things I allow does work for your good if you keep your eyes on Me, trust Me, and do not listen when the enemy says to look at how bad everything is becoming.

Tell him to flee, that he is a liar, and that you have the victory over sin, hell and the grave, because you do if your life is truly hidden in Me!




December 14, 2012

As the deer pants after the water brook, so my soul pants after You, O Lord!

To Know Me is to love Me, and to spend your precious time with Me; that is, to give Me the first fruits of your day, to spend time with Me to learn to walk and talk with Me in the cool of the day, like Adam did before the Fall.

I am calling My people once again to stir within their hearts that deep longing after deep desire to be at one with Me, in deep communion with Me, to learn of My ways, to walk like I would walk, and to say what I would say, because you know Me so well you know how I would handle different situations.  

You are learning to put down your flesh and walk in the spirit by: crucifying the desires of your own will, to be able to be blessed by putting My will before your own.  And you are learning that to crucify your selfish desires and to put other’s needs above your own, you have the assurance that I will take care of your needs.

If everyone who calls themselves by My name would humble themselves, and seek My face and pray, then I will lead you, and guide you into all Truth, and you will know My will, and desire, and even be blessed to be able to walk in it.

Learning comes by the experience of seeing the pleasure that comes by seeking first My kingdom and My righteousness.  To desire My will you need to draw close, and walk with Me, and learn from Me My ways in how to handle different situations.

My ways are so much higher than man’s, and you need to always be guarded not to fall into the snare of selfish living; only being concerned that your needs are being met above those that I have called you to serve.  

For this is the day and the hour that I am separating those who desire to go deeper into My plan and purpose for their lives……those who are willing to do unto others what you would desire others to do for you; to love and care for your neighbor as if they are your own family.

This is hard when many don’t even have that desire to care for their own flesh and blood because of selfish living and the fear of lack……if you help others, will my needs be met, will I have enough if I give to others?

I have made you like a free flowing stream that replenishes itself when it keeps flowing, but if you dam it up, then death enters in, and stagnation, and pollution.  If you continue to give, you will be kept replenished, all your needs will be met.  What you sow unto others, you will reap.

If you sow into My kingdom first, then all your needs will be met.  If you lend to the poor, you are giving unto Me, and I will reimburse you with plenty more benefits than you could ever imagine receiving. Take the risk, step out in faith, follow My leading, and see what I will do in your own life.  

Yes, this is the day that I am drawing you near.  I want to teach you My ways.  I want to live my desire through you.  Do not dam up the flow of My river.  Let the prosperity flow unto the multitudes.  Be a stream that I can trust My riches to.

If you want to see Light and Life, then you must stomp out the darkness.  Love is your greatest force against the enemy.  Where there is love, there is no fear for My love is drenched in My faith and My enabling power to carry you to the end with victory.

Seek My face and I will show you My ways which will overcome all the strategies of the evil one.  Keep your mind set on Me and I will give you perfect peace.  I will lead you through the storm in safety, and assurance knowing that your steps are being ordered by Me.  

If you feel you have missed it or have done wrong, look for the good that will come out of it.  For whatever you do if your motives are pure, you will receive goodness and prosperity in every area of your life.  Follow the leading of your heart.  When I said to bless your enemies, to pray for those who persecute you or use you, I meant to pray blessings and grace over these people.  How do you expect to turn them around if they can’t see My light in you?

Love covers a multitude of sin.  My love washed away the sin of the whole world, but I had to choose the will of My Father above My own.  So if you want to see greater works flow, with signs and wonders and miracles, then you must die out to your own will and seek to do Mine.

This is the day of the great falling away all because many choose to live according to their selfish desires and to take matters into their own hands rather than to just trust Me.  Learn from the mistakes of others.  Learn from the times you walked in the flesh which brought death to your spirit man.  

If you want Life to flow, you must surely die!


November 30, 2012

What is having a heart of desperation?  What does it entail, but having a deep longing for My presence; to walk and talk with Me in the cool of the day, as in the beginning in the Garden, but when sin entered it, it brought a big division in the intimacy that I once had with man, of that communion and purpose that I created man in the beginning for me to have.

That wall of independence went up, and man tried to walk alone without Me, to work out their own plan of survival, but it did not work.  On your own you will only have hardship without the Light and  Wisdom to carry you through in order to prosper in the purpose that you were created.

Man has been stiff necked and hard hearted without the Love that is needed in order to grow and mature to become My true sons and daughters.  I have allowed My wall of protection to come down, because of the sin of pride and independence, including rebellion which is witchcraft, which brings you under the Curse of the Law.   For if My people will walk in My ways with Me, you will have abundant blessing, but if you go off on your own, making your own will your god, you will have the Curse effecting every area of your life.  

I have given you the beauty in holiness with the choice of following after Me.  I gave My life blood so that you would have life, and I gave you the choice to include Me in your life, and to obey Me, but still you keep that wall up that came with sin. That sin of  independence that causes you to live your life on your own, to make your own choices, and to leave Me out of fellowship, but I desire to be a part of your life, not one that you just call yourself by My name, one that you know of Me, but are not desperate to be with Me, like I am for you.

What will it take for My people to return unto Me?  The beauty of nature, the comforts of a home, a loving family, and all your needs met, many just take it all for granted, and they leave Me out of their life.  I’ve had to chastise.  I’ve had to punish.  I had to separate Myself from you because of your sinful ways.  I will not intrude upon you.  I can only knock and wait until you open the door of your heart wide for Me to enter.  You cannot continue to shut Me out.  

Many times I have given you what you wanted because you did not want Me.  I have given you the desires of your heart which has only brought curses, the result of serving other gods.  I have given you the kings you wanted to rule over you, but it only brought you pain. If you do not have that heart of desperation for Me, no  matter what I do, I cannot make you choose to love Me, and to want to walk with Me, and to choose My wisdom over your own.  I am a loving God, but also I am a just God, and I cannot allow sin to rule and reign.  It must be punished.

I gave My life so that you would be free to live My life in blessing, but still after this sacrifice, you choose to walk alone.  What is there left for Me to do?  After you trample over My sacrifice of giving My blood for you, there is no longer a sacrifice to cover you over.  You must die out to your wicked ways and choose Life in order to be saved from the wrath to come.  You cannot escape the judgment if you will not bend your knee and humble yourself before Me.

So you really think I don’t see the error of your ways?  Do you really believe that I approve of what you delight in?  Do you really care if what you do is an abomination to Me? Why do you choose to stand with those who hate what I stand for?  Do you still care to call yourself by My name?  

I know your heart and where you stand today.  Your choice is to either break down willingly, to fall upon Me, your Rock and strong tower, or will it be that I, the Rock of your offense, should fall upon you to crush you like powder?  Will even then will you return to Me?

Judgment has begun in My house.  The price you will have to pay for the choices you have made.  The fire will purge the dross, and those who are pure will stand, but those who truly aren’t of Me, when the fire falls, will only prove deep down who has that heart of desperation  but it  has only been hardened over through the hurts and pain.

This is the time of the revealing of My true bride.  Those who you have walked and talked with about Me may no longer walk with you.  Will you still stand with a heart that trusts me?  “Thou He slay Me, I will not depart.  I will receive willingly the fire of Your love, and I will return.  I will receive My healing and walk with you!”

That is the heart of desperation, that humble and repentant heart, that I am looking for.  This is the day to truly cry out for a heart of repentance from the sin of independence and from following after other gods!


November 17, 2012

Arise and shine for the Light has come, and the glory of My presence has risen up upon you.  Yes, I have called you to this very hour, right in the midst of the darkest time of history ever was, to do a mighty work by standing firm on your faith, and by being bold as the Lion who is in you.  For I have called you to this very hour to be a Shield and a Light for those who are wandering around in the darkness.  I call you to My side this very hour to do a work of cleansing, of purging, and of strengthening.  

Many of you have come out from being behind My shield which protects you from the fiery flames of the evil one.  And many are even being used to tempt My people to look at that which only produces fear, and this should not be.  For I called you to be a light in a dark place, one who would strengthen the weary and the hopeless, but what you have done but to bite the bait of the evil one, and use it to tempt others to bite it off, to feed on the wicked schemes of the enemy, and to even glorify them.  

For whatever you fear is what you serve for it is an idol to you.  And I AM a jealous God, and I will not stand for what is happening.  I have said in My word to feed on that which is good, which is pure, and of a good report, to bring glory to My name by remembering My works, and being encouraged by them, and sharing them from generation to generation.  I call you to repentance for I pour it out upon you as a gift.  

Repent of your wicked works of bringing glory to the enemy, by strengthening his kingdom by spreading lies that you hear, and giving strength to his evil plans.  And at the same time there are others that are mesmerizing My people with a false hope, of a false kingdom that they believe they will set up.  But didn’t I say that there would be a new earth and a new heaven?  Old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new.  

You must die out to your earthly attachments and devotions.  You must now commit all things into My hands for what you try to hold on to you will lose, and what you are willing to lose you will gain.  Take the example of Job with all that came upon him suddenly, he never lost hope of My faithfulness, and he never quit being faithful to worship Me.  Thou I slay him, yet he did trust Me, and I restored and multiplied all that he had.  

This is the day to resign that this is the day of the Lord, for judgment to begin, for a great shaking to take place, so that all would wake up to My truth, and My glory to reign.  Are you in agreement with Me so that My will be done and My kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven?  Are you willing to pay the price to ride with Me to see My glory fall?  If so, then you have to let go of those things that are holding you back.  

Die out to worldly gain and fame.  Die out to having your comforts met before having that resolution to do my will above all else.  For a soldier must stay focused and deny himself above all else.  He has resigned to do a work, to bring forth a purpose, which he had prepared for with all his mind, soul and strength.  He has no time to dabble with distractions, or to worry about his temporal needs.  He has a mission, and he is determined to meet it wholeheartedly.  

This is the day I am separating the men from the boys, the meek from the weak, those that will walk in My word as if it is their life breath.  Yes, this is the day for war!  And yes, they will overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, loving not their life even unto death.  

Yes, arise and shine for the Light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen up upon you!!!



November 10, 2012

You are seated with Me at the right hand of the Father far above all power and principality, but in order to be in this position you must also go through the same process that I did to get there.  I died so that you would have life, but to receive My life flowing through you, you must also die.  Legally you  have been seated with Me in the place of all power and authority, but experientially you have not received My life flowing through you.

In order to receive your calling, your purpose, and mission you must have received wholeheartedly the death sentence in order to receive your marching orders.  You must come to the decision that no longer I will live but Christ will live through Me.  Until you go to the Garden and struggle with your own flesh, you cannot be in the position for My resurrection life to flow through you.  

Every area of your life must be totally surrendered to have a complete crucifixion and death.  Until then you will struggle with fear and anxiety every step of your life especially from this day forth.  For a dead man can feel no pain, no anxiety, or can a dead man experience selfishness, hatred, or be tempted with any evil thing.

Every step of your life will be full of dread unless you totally surrender to My death sentence upon you.  In order to walk in My power, you must totally die by making that commitment to pick up your cross daily, to even climb up on that cross, and allow Me to complete that work, but you must maintain it because it is only by an act of your will that you stay dead.

I call you this day to the Cross, to get down on your knees and cry out for My saving grace to complete its work.  For if you only talk the talk, but not walk My walk, you are of no use to My kingdom purposes, or can you be used mightily in My army.  For the enemy knows who is a threat to him for he can see it on your face, he can hear it in your talk, he can feel your trepidation and your fear a mile away, and so can every other beast of evil, and followers of his kingdom.

So I call you this day to fest up to where you truly have been walking.  Your own heart can deceive you to make you feel that your life is OK, that you are a spiritual being following Me, but deep down you know the truth for your fruit, your actions, and reactions gives it away.  The truth is exposed.

I tell you this day that unless you die now, you will never live that overcoming life I called you to.  For this is the day of salvation, a new beginning for you.  Who will you choose to serve?  Will it be the lust of the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of life, or will you take up My marching orders only after you have totally surrendered to your death sentence.

Only through death brings life.  I had to walk it and if you are Mine, then you must also walk it.



November 7, 2012

What will it take for My people to wake up to the seriousness of this hour?  I have given you tests, one after another, where they could have turned into opportunities where I could have blessed you, but instead I had to hold back and wait so that I could bring you to the place where you would be able to listen to Me.  For if you obey My word, I will bless you, but if you don’t, then I’m in a position where I have to chastise you, and allow you to be tested once again.

I love you, My people, and I choose not to leave you in a state where your heart is not pure before Me.  If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear their prayer, and then I will heal their land.  If they do not repent of not obeying My will, then I have to bring them to the place of repentance.

Repentance is a gift, but you cannot receive it if you cannot humble yourself before Me with an open and teachable heart.  For yes, My people, I love you, but you have failed the test.  I love you and that is why I chastise you.  I want to bring you to the place where you can see My glory that I can be faithful to bless you and use you as the people I called you to be.

You must listen closely for if you do not take this opportunity to learn from your mistakes, then hard times surely are in store for you.  Do you want to be included with the multitudes that will go under My rod of correction by fire, or will you yield now and be a part of the multitudes who will see My glory fall as a blessing upon them?

Blessing and cursing is in the power of your tongue.  If you want to see change, then you must change.  If you want to see My word work in your behalf, then you must speak it and obey it.  For My ways are not the ways man chooses to walk.  Many who call themselves by My name cannot be deciphered from those of the world.

Some people of the world show more fruit than My own people.  I tell you right now that you have life and death as your choice; whether you will obey Me now or whether you harden your heart and continue on the path that you are going.

If you are open and teachable, you will hear My voice for I am wooing you to My side, and I am pleading with you to turn and follow Me.  Die out to your wicked ways.  Love one another!  If you can’t be faithful to those of your own body, how can I use you to love the lost?  For you have been swayed like a branch in the wind.  One moment you are with Me when everything is pleasing to your senses, but the next moment you depart when the fire gets hot.

If you cannot love now when times are comfortable, you will never make it when you have to love those who are ugly and brutal to you.  Will you love like Steven when he was being stoned?  He loved and prayed for them.  Will you love when you are rejected by those the closest to you when you are in desperate need?  Will you love your life unto death and turn from Me and run?

The choice is yours to obey My word now when you have times of peace for by the way you respond now will determine your future.  Do I have to point out to you specifics, or can you tell the areas you fall short in?  Do you cover a multitude of sin with My love?  Do you bless with My word or do you agree with the enemy giving him strength?  Do you want to see change?  Are you decreeing and declaring what you want to come forth?

I love you so much that is why I choose not to leave My church in the state that it is in.  I could have brought deliverance and swept the dust under the rug like it wasn’t there, but no, I love you!  I give you another opportunity at this test, and the time frame of this test is in your hands.  You be the judge how long you want to walk it out.

You can say “yes” to Me now and obey, or you can fall away.  I have to shake you to wake you.  I want to show Myself faithful.  I want to show you what I can do if you will agree with Me in your words and actions.  Yes, this is the day of My fire.  This is the hour of My power.  Will you fall upon Me in humility and repent, or will I have to pour out My power to break you down?

One way or another change in My church must take place, and the sooner you yield to My work the better it will be for you and for the land.




October 24, 2012

Ever since the beginning of time man has tried to take it in their own hands their fate whether they live or die.  They believe that they have a control over it, but I tell you this day that even if you have all the money in the world and able to have the best doctors in the world, that will not bring about the solution to your problem.  Only exercising faith in My word and what He did on the Cross will bring about all that you will ever need concerning your health, your finances, and your future.

Whether you live or die, it’s all in My hands, for I AM the One who controls the universe and everything in it, and if I can keep it in running order, then why can’t you believe that I can keep your own body running the way that I created it to?  For I created everything, and I hold it together by the power of My spoken Word that has gone out, and will not return void, but will accomplish all that I sent Him out to do.

I tell you this day, “Whose report do you believe?”.  Is it what you see in the natural?  Is it your financial circumstances, your bank account, whether you  have a job or not?  Where do you put your trust in?  For when I take you through the fire surely you will find out.  For surely you need to seek My face to know My wisdom in all matters that you face,  but don’t allow panic and fear direct you, but wait upon Me, and dwell in My peace until you get My guidance, for if you jump ahead of My timing trying to take care of a matter, you could completely destroy the results of why I allowed your trial in the first place.

It is all about trust, and trust is what you need.  If you cannot handle the fire that I allow now, which is only a flicker of flame compared to the bonfire that is ahead.  And didn’t I say that you would not be burned by it or even have the smell of smoke upon you?  So why can’t you rest in My faithfulness, be still, and know that I AM God?  I told you that all things work together for your good, and that what the enemy meant for harm I will turn around making it a blessing.

For I need to have a strong people, full of My power and light, able to give testimony  of My faithfulness.  I need a people who say and trust that thou He slay Me, yet I will trust Him.  I need a people who will trust and honor Me when I give and then I take away that which you love.  For in all these things you are more than conquerors, because I made you that way.

You have Kingly blood of My dear Son flowing in your veins, and even though His flesh grieved to the point of blood pouring out upon His brow, He never gave in to escape My perfect will.  For the joy set before Him He paid the price to see you set free and walking in His victory over death, heal and the grave.

Yes, they will overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, loving not their life unto death, for the absence of the body brings about the full measure of My presence.  So why do you fear and panic when you are tested to the uttermost?  Don’t you know that to be purified you have to go through the fire, even seven times, the number of perfect completion?

So remember this day that I am calling you forth to prepare you, and through the fire you will go.  In order to enter My kingdom, you will go through much tribulation, but with My joy strengthening you if you yield, and peace that passes all understanding, full of glory, and the  love that will radiate out blinding the enemy and confusion his camp.

So trust Me to do things My way.  Trust me when you don’t understand what I put you through knowing that I being your loving Father only allows the best for My children building them up to be mighty, fearless warriors.  Whatever the enemy hurls at you will not deter you from rising up to take the land, nor will it distract you from My kingdom purposes.

This is the day the Lord has made and be glad in it.  Each day is a new opportunity learning how to overcome through the onslaughts of the  enemy.  For the enemy is only a tool in My hands.  He can do nothing without My permission.  To sift you like wheat will only prove that you are faithful to Me no matter what.  I know who I can trust to go through the fire.  So be honored that I have prepared and am preparing My mighty warriors for the front lines of battle, and signs and wonders and gifts of miracles will follow you as you proclaim My word.

I am pleased with you even though you struggle with doubt.  I started the work in you and will complete it.  I see you victorious through the blood of My son.  March on, mighty warriors, for mighty is the One who is in you; much more mighty that he who is of the world.

Remember Joseph that His hardships brought about provision and deliverance for his whole household.  Do not look at the present circumstances, but look to the outcome of having gone through it.  Look at life with a positive attitude, because the battle is won or lost in your mind.  What you perceive is what you will achieve.  You build up or tear down by the power of your tongue.  So choose life and abundant life you will receive!  For surely I have promised you a hope and a future, says your God.

I tell you this day to not worry when you go through the fires of tribulation.  For surely I will supply your every need like manna in the wilderness.   All your needs will be met, and I mean “every” need will be met!  So don’t allow the enemy to tempt you to do things because you might  have lack, for he is a liar and the father of all liars.  He’s just trying to deter that perfect work I have set out to do in you. 

My children will never beg bread or lack any good thing.  I will even give you your heart’s desire even through the storm.  So rest, My child, be still and know that I AM God!



October 6, 2012

Do not play with fire, because if you do, surely you will get burned.  The enemy is a deceiver, and a manipulator, and he goes about as a roaring lion seeking those who he can devour, because he knows many are not serious with Me, and that they only have the appearance of having known Me.  But deep inside I know their heart, and I know who follow Me out of selfish gain, and not because they love Me.  And so does the enemy know who is Mine, and he knows who isn’t serving Me with a heart of sincerity.

This is the end of all times, and it is sure to come a major falling away from anything that is holy and separate from the world.  For many are living a life dabbling in very dangerous areas, and yes, surely they will get burned.  For yes, I AM a consuming fire, and I burn up all that is not of Me.  Either you yield out of willingness, coming to Me already broken and repentant, or I will come with My fury.  For judgment begins first with the house of My son.

Those who are called by My name must humble themselves, and wake up to the seriousness of the hour.  You must not walk with one foot in the fire of hell, and think that you are living for Me, My kingdom, and My righteousness.

For the hour  has come when the days of preparation are coming to an end.  By now you should have already had My word hidden in your heart, basking in My intimate presence, built up as mighty warriors set in your ranks, and marching covered with My armor of Light towards the enemy, taking back all that he was allowed to rob.

For many decades My people have been asleep to the tactics and strategies of the enemy, and because of deception they have handed over to the enemy much ground.  But I AM rising up as a Mighty Man of War, and I AM calling My troops to come forward to listen closely to My plan and purpose of how to take back and recover all that the enemy has stolen.

The enemy might think that he is the victor, but I know that everything that I allowed him to do was to bring forth My plan and purpose in the land.  He might have thought that he had won the battle, because many lost their lives, and there was much destruction.  But if you look past the natural, you can see that I AM sovereign, and that I AM in control of all things, and that My word is mighty, and it has gone forth accomplishing all that it was sent out to do.

So I say this day to not trust the enemy, because he is not a faithful god.  Even if you give him your life, he will not reward you.  He is a  wolf in sheep’s clothing, an angel of light, a deceiver, and a manipulator.  He does not care for  you.  He will destroy you!

So if you play with fire, surely you will get burned, and beyond recognition you will become.  You will wear the smell of hell’s fire, not the sweet fragrance of having been with Me.  Many will be able to tell you by your fruit.  You can trick others, and even yourself for a season, but when your heart has become tainted, and your conscience seared, you have become only a pawn used by the enemy in the camp of My dear Son.

You will be working against Me, and not for Me, and even to the extent that you are with My people, even that will become distasteful to you.  You will not delight in My presence being close to those who walk in holiness, and you will depart into the world, lost forever.  Because you cannot make a habit of doing those things that you have been delivered of knowingly without falling under judgment and condemnation.

For surely it is a frightful thing to fall into the hands of One who’s cup is full of rage towards all that is unholy, for surely I AM a consuming fire!

Wake up to the seriousness of the hour.  Repent before it is too late, for the gates to being received into My kingdom are beginning to close.  You have had your opportunity, what are you doing with it?  I gave My Son so that you could have eternal life with Me.  Don’t throw it all away for I love you, but I cannot condone sin.